Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 837 Eating hot pot (4)

Caiwei was very satisfied with Nangong Yi's attitude towards Helanna. Helanna came all the way to find Nangong Yi, and it was obvious that she coveted him. If he pityed or cared for her again, it would probably give her the wrong impression. Thinking that he is interested in her, and then continuing to have hope for him, she becomes entangled.

Therefore, treating her with this almost cruel attitude and secretly taking care of her safety is the most appropriate way to deal with it.

She raised the corners of her mouth, put a steamed Melo snail on his plate, and said softly: "This is delicious when dipped in sauce!"

It was rare for her to be so gentle and considerate. Nangong Yi hurriedly cheered and picked out the conch meat, but heard a 'pop' sound and saw an orange round bead being brought out by the conch meat and fell on the table. superior.

"Ah, what is this?"

Caiwei picked up the round bead in surprise and looked at it carefully. She saw that the bead was the size of a pigeon egg, with a shiny appearance of ceramics, a flame pattern structure, and was orange in color. It was very beautiful.

Nangong Yi took the bead, took a look at it and said, "This is the 'Dragon Bead', also known as the 'Red Flame Bead'. It is very rare. My mother also has one. I spent a thousand taels of silver to buy it for her when I was away." However, hers is not as big as yours, and its quality is far inferior to yours, so keep it away!"

Caiwei was startled: "What? Just such a bead is worth more than a thousand taels of silver?"


There are too many Melo snails in her space. If every Melo snail could produce beads like this, wouldn't she make a fortune? There are other shellfish, if they can produce beads,

Isn't her dream of becoming the richest man in the Jin Dynasty one step closer?

Her heart was beating loudly, and she wished she could get into the space now to have a look. Nangong Yi said: "One thousand taels is the price of the queen mother's pearl. Your master, no matter the color, appearance or size, It's much better than the queen mother's. According to me, there's no problem selling this bead for seven or eight thousand taels!"

Caiwei's heartbeat became even more intense. The delicious hot pot was now tasteless. She ate in a hurry, wishing she could finish it all at once and find a place where no one was around to go into the space and take a look!

However, when she finished eating, she fell into a warm and hard embrace before she could run away.

"Be good, it's hot at noon, go run around somewhere else, let's take a nap!"

The man persuaded with 'kindness', picked up Caiwei without any explanation, and strode towards the bed...


In June in the capital, the weather is already very hot. People are hiding in their houses, under the walls or in the shade of trees, enjoying the shade, drinking tea and chatting. Few people are walking on the streets, and the occasional pedestrians passing by are all. He was walking in a hurry, as if he was afraid of being burned by the sun!

In the backyard of the farmer's farm, Fei'er was sitting in front of the table, lost in thought. These days, being in a daze has become her daily compulsory homework. Huanqiu stood aside silently, with a low sense of presence. She was so different that Fei'er even forgot about her existence and sighed to herself: "Hey, I don't want to think about it anymore..."

After saying that, he suddenly remembered that Huan Qiu was still there, and immediately blushed with guilt, burying his head in embroidering the sachet with evasive eyes.

"Second Miss, Mrs. Huo is here!"

The woman who cooked for Buzhuang came in to report. When Feier heard this, she stood up quickly and said, "Where is she? Please invite her in quickly!"

"Hey, it's really hot today..."

Aunt Bi fanned herself and came in complaining.

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