Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 839 Escape from the wolf den (1)

Dark clouds swallowed up the bright moon in the sky. In the dark night, it was quiet and eerie. On the remote road leading to the outskirts of Beijing, a carriage with a carriage was driving "gurgling". Occasionally, one or two crows could be heard from the trees beside the road. The cry was particularly eerie in this silent night. Fei'er felt a little frightened, and couldn't help but tightly clutched her father's sleeves, her little face tensed up. Mu Zhongqing looked calm and patted her. He patted the back of his daughter's hand and comforted her and said: "It's okay, we'll be home soon." But he had long regretted it in his heart. If he had known that the suburbs at night were so eerie and scary, their father and daughter might as well have stayed in the cloth village or Staying in a restaurant for one night, or even finding an inn would be a good idea. It would save me the panic I feel now. I’m so not afraid of people!

The father and daughter were thinking fearfully when they suddenly heard a muffled sound outside, followed by a 'pop', and the carriage suddenly stopped.

Mu Zhongqing was shocked and said, "Uncle Zhang, what's going on?"

Outside, there was silence.

You know without asking that something is wrong!

The father and daughter looked at each other, both showing frightened expressions. Feier pulled off the golden hairpin from her head and held it in her hand. Mu Zhongqing also pulled out the knife he carried with him to defend himself.

After a while, the car curtains rose up without any wind. In the night, there were seven or eight masked men in black standing in shadows, and Uncle Zhang had long since disappeared.

The father and daughter in the car immediately felt cold. Mu Zhongqing stood up instinctively and protected his daughter behind him. Unfortunately, with the strength of a scholar, how could he resist eight well-trained killers, some of whom even Not bothering to fight with him, he only flew out a hidden weapon, and then let him lie silently in the car, and passed out...


These days, Queen Mo's life in the palace was very difficult. She was confined in the Jade Kun Palace, and all her close associates were killed in battle, and those who followed were all Jin Guifei's people.

Concubine Jin and she had been fighting overtly and covertly for more than twenty years. The two had long been sworn enemies. Once they fell into her hands, how could she miss this good opportunity to attack her enemy?

Although she did not dare to blatantly harm Queen Mo, her insidious methods of teasing people were used to the extreme.

Although the emperor ordered Empress Mo to be banned, her status has not changed, and her expenses have not been reduced. Therefore, according to the practice of the Jin Dynasty, the empress should have eighteen dishes, four soups, and six desserts for each meal. In addition, there are eight kinds of fruits and dried fruits. But now, in order to save the palace expenses, Concubine Jin has reduced her meals to only four dishes, one soup, one snack, one fruit and one dried fruit, and that food is not It was sour and smelly, it was uncooked, or it was overcooked, so it was inedible. As for snacks and fruits, they were not much better. There was basically nothing edible in every meal.

Not only that, Sun Maotai, the chief eunuch sent by Concubine Jin to Yukun Palace, told Queen Mo in detail every day the progress of the emperor's pursuit of Chaoyang. The difficulties that King Qin encountered in Lingbei had already caused the emperor's dissatisfaction with the Liguo Palace.

Today, he pinched his orchid fingers again and told Queen Mo in a sharp voice about the assassination of the prince. However, he did not say that the prince was disabled. He only said that the prince's palace survived the catastrophe. After Yingtian Mansion's unremitting investigation, It was finally confirmed that this matter was done by Duke Li's Mansion. The Emperor has ordered the confinement of Duke Li's Mansion today, and they will be convicted soon. They will definitely be sentenced to the crime of annihilating the Nine Clans...

Since being imprisoned, Queen Mo has lost a lot of energy, and her originally arrogant and cool face has become colder and deeper. Every day, she carefully takes care of her flowers and plants, reciting Buddhist scriptures devoutly, and treats the maids of Concubine Jin. Despite the slights and insults from the eunuchs, she was neither sad nor angry, nor resentful nor resentful. She was as calm as a person without emotions. However, the bubbles that kept popping up on her lips proved that her heart was not as calm as she appeared. , at least, when she heard that Li Guogong was listed as the number one suspect for the murder of the prince, her face turned pale. Although she quickly returned to normal, it was obvious that this incident had already stirred up her heart. There was an uproar and she could no longer remain calm!

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