Magistrate Shen was very good at assessing the situation. When Nangong Yi went on an expedition and passed through Qingxian County, he was afraid of Concubine Jin and the prince's taboo, so he didn't even show his face. He only sent his wife to bring some food and wine. Now the prince and Concubine Jin could no longer be counted on, and King Qin had won another battle. Naturally, he did not dare to despise her anymore. No, he spent a lot of money to raise hundreds of pigs and sheep, as well as water, wine and vegetables, and came to Nangong Yi to invite her to be pampered. Flattery!

Although Nangong Yi didn't want to see him, he stretched out his hand so as not to hit the smiling man. Besides, he was still here to bring food and wine, so he naturally wouldn't ignore him, so he had to be careful and give him a few perfunctory words.

Caiwei followed Cui and Shen Juhua excitedly to see the newly built nursing home. Chaoyang and Helanna heard that Mu Caiwei had built a nursing home in Qing County. They were very curious and went to have a look. Caiwei knew they had bad intentions, but she still smiled and agreed.

The nursing home is located in Zhuangzi. The people living there are homeless elderly people, young children, women and disabled people in Qingxian County. There are about forty or fifty people. They are reasonably allocated to live in various rooms in Zhuangzi. , beautiful scenery, no worries about food and clothing, and living a very comfortable life.

It can be seen that Mrs. Cui has put a lot of effort into this nursing home, and I'm afraid she also spent a lot of money. Everyone in the nursing home is wearing clean and neat clothes, no one is slovenly, even those who can't Elderly people who take care of themselves are clean and have no odor on their bodies.

Caiwei was also very satisfied and grateful for what Cui had done. She smiled and said to Mrs. Cui, "Auntie has put so much thought into Weier, how should Weier thank Auntie?"

Mrs. Cui said: "We, mother and daughter, can live such a comfortable life today, thanks to the help of you. If it weren't for you, we two would still be struggling for a living under that bitch. I don't know how scared we are." Woolen cloth?"

Mrs. Cui looked fatter than before, her face was radiant and her complexion was very good. Perhaps it was because she was living a comfortable life. The corners of her mouth were always raised, looking like a happy woman.

Juhua was also more talkative than before. She never stopped talking after seeing Caiwei, chirping: "Weier, that Goudan and his grandfather you mentioned are also living here now, as well as Xiniu." She and her mother also live here. Oh, by the way, that Xiniu mother may have done it. She is responsible for the meals for dozens of people here every day and refuses to let others help. She can also teach Xiniu and dogs at night Dan'er can read..."

"Xi Niuniang, can you read?"

"Yes, I heard that Xiniu's father also studied a lot in the past!"

Caiwei thought for a while and said: "From now on, there is no need for Xi Niuniang to cook. Let someone else do the cooking. Let her teach the children in the nursing home to read and read. After she has taught them enough, we can do it again." Invite a learned gentleman to come here and teach."

"Okay, let's do it like this. Teach these children to read well. Maybe there will be a top scholar in our nursing home in the future, hahaha..."

Mrs. Cui agreed immediately and laughed heartily, with a few wrinkles appearing on her round face.

Caiwei glanced at her and said, "I have some beautiful scented tea there. Drinking it often can nourish yin, nourish the skin, and remove wrinkles. It's perfect for my aunt to drink. I'll find it later and give it to my aunt to drink."

Ms. Cui said politely: "I'm already half an old lady, so why should I drink beauty tea? You're young, so you better keep it to yourself!"

"Well, Auntie, you have helped me so much, at least let me express my gratitude!"

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