Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 886 Entering the Prince of Qin’s Mansion (1)

In the capital city in June, the sun was as scorching as fire. The sun at noon was like a burning fireball, hanging brightly red in the sky, drying the earth. People cleverly hid in the house, and even the guard dog hid under the shade of the tree, sticking out his tongue and panting, letting out the heat from his body.

In Zhuangzi on the outskirts of Beijing, Mu Zhongqing's family gathered in the house, listening to Caiwei's story in stunned silence. Mu Zhongqing had already heard these words, so he didn't have too many expressions on his face, but Du and Wen Erwu'er, however, stared at Caiwei and Nangong Yi in shock, completely stunned.

Oh my god, Fei'er is actually hiding in Nangong Yi's ancestral home; Nangong Yi is actually the emperor's legitimate son; Concubine Jin wants to kill their whole family because she assassinated Nangong Yi because of Caiwei...

These lies that can only be heard in storytellers actually happened in their home. Are these...all true?

Du Shi sat on the couch blankly, still stroking her belly, and the expression on her face was fixed in a stunned state. Both Wen'er and Wu'er stared at their big eyes like black grapes, and moved their mouths. He looked at Nangong Yi with a shocked expression on his face.

Nangong Yi said: "They don't dare to break into my Prince Qin's residence. It's better for my uncle and his family to hide in my residence for the time being. We'll talk about it later when this matter is over."

Mu Zhongqing said: "That's very good. We can go with you today. But, Fei'er's place..."

"Don't worry, Fei'er. I will send a message to Duke Li's Mansion and let my grandfather and his family take good care of Fei'er." Nangong Yi solemnly promised.

With Nangong Yi's guarantee, Mu Zhongqing felt much more relieved. He gently pushed his wife, who was still in a daze, and said, "Meiniang, don't be in a daze. Go and clean up. Let's go to King Qin's house right away." Avoid trouble in the house."

Mrs. Du woke up from the shock after being pushed by her husband. She said "Oh", looked at her daughter with a complicated expression, and went down to pack her things.

Caiwei's face was stern. She knew that her mother was blaming her, blaming her for deceiving her parents, blaming her for having a private life with a man without authorization, blaming her for bringing disaster to the family. However, her mother didn't say anything and just lowered her head. He held his head, held his belly and went to the inner room to tidy up.

Nangong Yi looked at Mrs. Du's back and said, "Auntie, you don't need to prepare a lot. The house has everything. Even if you don't bring anything, you won't be lacking anything."

Du agreed and went.

Wen'er looked at Nangong Yi timidly and whispered: "You are the King of Qin, can you still be my master in the future?"

Nangong Yi said gently: "If you sincerely want to learn martial arts, I can arrange the best master for you. However, practicing martial arts requires a lot of hardship. You have to think about it. If you really want to learn martial arts, tell your sister , let me help you arrange it."

"Well, I want to learn. I'm not afraid of hardship. I want to become the most powerful person in the world in martial arts and protect my parents and sister." Wen'er replied firmly.

This time something happened to Fei'er's sister, which deeply touched Wen'er. Her sister was kidnapped, and her parents were worried to death, but he couldn't do anything to help him. He hated the bad guys who kidnapped his sister. , and hated himself for being incompetent, so the moment he saw Nangong Yi again, he immediately had the idea of ​​​​learning from the master.

Nangong Yi smiled slightly and said: "It's rare for you to have such thoughts. When we go back to Zhaoqing Temple, I will arrange for someone to teach... No, it's murderous!"

The man's face changed suddenly!

He stood up suddenly and glanced at Caiwei. Caiwei understood and hid in the inner room to protect her family, while Nangong Yi flew towards the door!

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