Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 889 Entering the Prince of Qin’s Mansion (4)

After cutting off Caiwei's weapon, the killer immediately picked up his sword and chopped off Caiwei's head.

Nangong Yi was shocked, and with a roar, he flew out the sword in his hand with the force of collapse of mountains and seas. Under the influence of his inner strength, the sword suddenly flashed with light and shot directly into the back of the heart of the killer who was about to hack Cai Wei to death.

The killer was pierced by the sword and fell slumped at Caiwei's feet.

Caiwei was shocked, Nangong Yi, throw the sword out, what will you use to kill the enemy? Don't you want your life?

Nangong Yi really couldn't care about anything. The moment he saw the killer slashing at Caiwei with his sword, he almost went crazy. He instinctively shot out the sword in his hand. The weapon in his hand was gone. He didn't care, as long as she Just be fine.

The killer in front of Caiwei fell down, and she took out two more guns from the space, and continued to aim and attack with "bang bang bang bang bang". The guns were accurate and the bullets were flawless, knocking down several killers who were attacking her. After that, he also eliminated several killers trapped around Nangong Yi.

Nangong Yi broke out of the encirclement and walked quickly towards Caiwei.


Caiwei pulled out Nangong Yi's sword from the killer who fell on the ground and threw it. The sword drew a silver arc in the air and accurately fell into Nangong Yi's hand. Nangong Yi strode over and threw Caiwei He stood behind him, with a hint of anger in his tone.

"Didn't I tell you to wait in the backyard? Why did you come here?"

Caiwei took out her sword from the space and stood back to back with Nangong Yi: "I'm afraid you are in danger!"

Nangong Yi smiled lightly: "Silly girl, I know you care about me, but if your man couldn't deal with a few killers, he would have been killed by Concubine Jin many years ago. Don't worry, although these people are a little bit They're capable, but they can't kill me yet, so stay back and they'll come looking for you after I take care of them."

The man said, raised his sword to block a charging killer, looked back and shouted: "Back off!"

Just as she finished speaking, the sword in her hand penetrated the killer's heart with a 'puff' sound, and the steaming blood splashed out, almost splashing on Cai Wei's body. Only then did she understand the man's purpose in telling her to step back.

The killers' hearts were probably broken at this moment. A large number of people came out to kill two people. Instead of killing them, they became a prop for them to show their affection. This is too shocking!

Two hundred killers were all knocked to the ground in less than an hour. Some were bitten by tigers; some were stabbed by Nangong Yi's sword; some were injured by Wei's gun; the worst was the one whose balls were popped by the monkey with long eyebrows. The humiliation was simply more painful than having an arm ripped off by a giant white-haired tiger. It made the crushed killers so humiliated that they wanted to bite their tongues and commit suicide!

Caiwei stood next to Nangong Yi and said in a cold voice: "Although you are here to take our lives, you have the virtue of a good life in God. This time we will let you go for the time being, keep your lives, and go back and tell Jin Noble concubine, if you do unjust things, you will be punished by yourself. She has done too many evil things. It is time for her to receive retribution. Let her clean up and wait!"

The killers staggered up and walked outside Zhuangzi, while some chose to commit suicide immediately. Because as killer hidden guards, if they have not completed their mission, there is no reason to live. Even if those hidden guards who are afraid of death return alive, what awaits them will definitely not be a good end!

The killers left, and Caiwei said angrily to the man: "You shouldn't have thrown the sword to help me just now. There were so many people surrounding you trying to kill you. How dangerous is it if you don't have a weapon in your hand? Don't do it again in the future." Such a stupid thing!"

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