Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 892 The fall of Concubine Jin (1)

Mu Zhongqing's family was placed in a courtyard called "Zhong Cui Yuan". This "Zhong Cui Yuan" is the largest courtyard in the palace. In the courtyard of the courtyard, there are scattered exotic flowers and plants, and there are also There are rockeries made of Taihu stones, crystal clear streams, and vermilion-tiled pavilions with flying eaves.

The main house is a spacious house with five blue bricks and glazed tiles, with side rooms for servants on both sides. The Zhu Taiyao Pavilion and carved beams and painted buildings in the house are extremely beautiful, and all the necessary supplies are available. Just like Nangong Yi said, everything is there!

After Nangong Yi settled them down, he left in a hurry.

As soon as Nangong Yi left, Mrs. Du couldn't wait to grab Caiwei and asked: "Wei'er, please explain clearly to mother, what is going on? Isn't Mr. Nangong the master you recognized in the back mountain? Why? What if he became His Highness the King of Qin? Also, what's the point of following him with no name or status like this? Do you still want your reputation as a best friend? Was your sister kidnapped to Liguo because of him? From the Duke's Mansion? When will we finish hiding in Prince Qin's Mansion? When will we have to wait until we can get out?"

Caiwei was given a headache by her mother's aggressive questioning. Just when she didn't know where to start, there was a sudden burst of footsteps in the yard. It sounded like a lot of people had come in.

The mother and daughter looked out through the open window, and saw a young and beautiful woman walking in with a group of maids and women, and stopped at the door. The leading young woman lowered her body in front of the door curtain. , said: "The eldest maid, Xiaozhi, pays homage to the Princess of Qin, and pays homage to the Master and Madam. According to the King of Qin's order, twelve maids, twelve daughters-in-law, and twelve young men in the mansion are at the service of Zhong Cuiyuan. Please invite the Princess Check with the master and madam, if there is any dissatisfaction, I will exchange it."

Mu Zhongqing and Mrs. Du were very surprised when they heard that the servants of the Qin Prince's Palace called their daughter the Princess of Qin. They were of low status, so they had no intention of being attached to the dragon and the phoenix. They were afraid that their daughter would be looked down upon by her husband's family after she got married, especially after they learned that their daughter had a good relationship with the Prince of Qin. After getting married, the two of them were even more worried, thinking that their daughter would at least be a concubine in the future. Although they were not far away from having their daughter as a concubine, they could not change anything until now. Unexpectedly, King Qin actually agreed to this. Their daughter's position as the concubine was really beyond their expectations. In addition to the surprise, the couple were very grateful. It seemed that King Qin was serious about Wei'er, and it was not just a lust for the princes and grandsons!

The couple glanced at their daughter with satisfaction and walked out of the house to greet the visitor. Caiwei led Wen'er and Wuer behind her parents.

In the courtyard, there was a crowd of people standing there, all with their heads lowered and looking submissive. Du and Mu Zhongqing said hello to Xiao Zhi and then looked at Caiwei. They knew that these people were given by King Qin to Caiwei's envoys. They couldn't make decisions on their own, so they let Caiwei make the decision. .

Caiwei had already planned in her mind, so she said to the maid named Xiaozhi: "We are used to using our own maids. You should take these people back. I will tell the King of Qin later when I see him."

Xiao Zhi said with a smile: "In that case, the princess might as well bring her own servants into the house to be the maids, and then choose some rough servants among these people, so as not to have insufficient manpower. Besides, there are too few people to serve. It’s unbecoming of a princess!"

Caiwei said: "No need, just take them out!"

She doesn't think that being served by someone who is called a slave or a maidservant can represent one's status. If there are too many people to serve, there will be more things to do. What if someone is Concubine Jin's spy who stayed in Prince Qin's Mansion, or is later taken care of? Concubine Jin’s bribery would cause trouble. So, it’s better to put an end to this kind of thing at all. Simply don’t use the slaves in the mansion. I’ll discuss with Nangong Yi in the evening and close all the shops in the house, and then let Chunliu go. He Chaoyun came into the house to serve him, which made him feel more at ease.

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