Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 898 He Lanxue’s Resentment (2)

"Haha, that's because the emperor has regarded you, Yi'er, as the candidate for the future crown prince, so he can't let you have any stain on your body. Now that you have returned victorious, you only need to find out the person behind the frame-up of Duke Li Guo's mansion. Whoever it is can immediately clear you of the crime of mutilating your siblings, and then the emperor will naturally make you the prince and restore the rights of your mother and queen!"

Nangong Yi lowered his head and said, "My grandson understands and he will do it well!"

The old man added: "You have to be careful. Concubine Jin and the prince have been planning for many years, and they are not easily defeated. It is often a careless move, and everything is lost. Don't be careless and underestimate the enemy."

"My grandson knows, I will go and do it now. You will not be disappointed!"

Nangong Yi stood up, bowed to his grandfather, and said respectfully: "It's already very late. Grandpa, please rest. My grandson has gone back first. Just wait and hear the good news!"

After coming out of Enxi Hall, Nangong Yi went straight to the west corner gate of Duke Li Guo's Mansion. When he got there, Xiao Nizi hadn't come back yet. Nangong Yi waited at the west corner for nearly an hour, but didn't see Xiao Nizi. When I came back, I suddenly saw thick smoke billowing from the Guangling Prince's Mansion next door. It was obvious that something had gone wrong!

It was summer at this time, the weather was dry and hot, and the fire spread quickly. In less than a quarter of an hour, the Guangling Palace had turned into a sea of ​​flames, and it looked like there was no way to save it!

Nangong Yi was shaking his head and sighing when Caiwei rushed back panting. She ran very fast. Under the moonlight, you could see the fine beads of sweat on her forehead.

"Why did it take so long?" The man took the handkerchief and gently wiped her sweat.

Caiwei chuckled: "It's nothing. It's easy to see my sister. I said a few more words, haha..."

"Is your sister okay? Didn't she suffer any loss in Duke Li Guo's Mansion?"

When asked this question, Nangong Yi's face was a little uneasy. If Xiao Nizi's sister suffered a loss from her grandfather's family, it would be strange if Xiao Nizi didn't tear her up.

Fortunately, Xiao Nizi's answer was: "No!"

Although her tone was not very good when she said these two words, the word 'no' was enough to reassure him.

"Let's go back. It won't be easy to leave when it gets daylight!"

Caiwei said, softly calling out the white-haired tiger.

Nangong Yi was already used to the sudden appearance of the giant tiger. He took Caiwei's hand and jumped up. The two rode the tiger and quickly left Duke Li Guo's Mansion under the cover of night. In the blink of an eye, Returned to Prince Qin's Mansion.

When she arrived at the door of Zhong Cuiyuan, Caiwei said softly: "You should go back and rest early. You have something to do tomorrow!"

Nangong Yi nodded: "Well, let's go to bed early." With that, he walked towards the inner room of Zhong Cuiyuan.

Caiwei stopped him with a quick step and said in surprise: "What do you mean?"

"Sleep, didn't you tell me to go to bed early?" The man answered matter-of-factly.

"Nangong Yi!" Caiwei gritted her teeth, "Don't go too far. My parents are still here, but you dare to run into my room. Are you sincerely trying to embarrass me?"

"They won't find out, I promise!"

Nangong Yi spoke softly, coquettishly and promised Xiao Nizi that he hadn't been intimate with Xiao Nizi for two days. He was holding it in so much that his whole body ached. He would not leave tonight no matter what!

Caiwei refused to agree, "No, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. If my parents find out that we sleep together, they will be disappointed in me. You'd better leave."

She pushed the man out without any explanation, closed the door, and went back to her room.

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