Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 904 Dafang enters Beijing (1)

In the past two days, Nangong Yi had been going out early and coming back late. He was very busy. As for what he did when he went out, Caiwei never asked, because she knew that what he did must be related to the complete overthrow of Jin's mother and son, and it must also be related to Emperor Yi. storage related.Things in the court were treacherous and she didn't understand them very well, so she didn't interfere. She just solemnly told the man that if there was anything she needed help with, just ask.

The men all replied, "My wife only needs to help me on the bed every night. I don't need to worry about the rest. My husband will arrange everything."

In this regard, Caiwei could only grit her teeth. These days, the man would sneak back into her house every night. No matter how late or how tired he was, he would always have fun with it. When the two of them reached the place where they were excited, You have to hold back and keep silent so as not to be heard by your parents.

This feeling of sneaking around was quite exciting. Both of them had the feeling that their affair was successful. Once, Caiwei even laughed and called the man a 'wild man'. The man was so angry that he pinned her down on the couch and gave her a lesson. ….

Two days later, a big thing happened in the palace. Empress Jin, the concubine of Sijin Palace, suddenly fell ill. She was very ill and unconscious. The chief guard guarding Sijin Palace did not dare to slack off and hurriedly reported it to Emperor Jin Ming. .

Although Emperor Jin Ming was angry with Jin Concubine, she was the woman he had loved all his life after all. Hearing that she was so ill, he couldn't help but soften his heart and ordered Yao Yuanjian of Tai Hospital to go to Sijin Palace for treatment in person. .

At this time, Sijin Palace was deserted and miserable. Concubine Jin was lying on the couch dying, her face was bloodless and pale as paper. I heard the daughter of Sijin Palace say that a man suddenly flew into the empress's bedroom last night. The parrot frightened the empress, and then she fell ill. She became seriously ill. In just one day, she fell into a coma and lost her consciousness.

Yao Yuanjian was the most famous doctor in the Jin Dynasty, and his medical skills went without saying. He came to Sijin Palace and examined Concubine Jin, and he immediately broke into a cold sweat.

It turns out that Jin Concubine was not ill but caused by poisoning. The poison she was poisoned with was a rare and strange poison, which was colorless and odorless. The poisoner showed no symptoms. Looking at the imperial doctors at the Imperial Hospital, he was probably the only one from Yao Hospital. The judge could diagnose that she was poisoned, but the rest could not detect what was going on.

Although the cause of the disease was found, he never dared to speak out. Not only did he not dare to speak out, he also tried his best to cover it up.

Because, after Concubine Jin was banned, the emperor ordered Concubine Yao Def to temporarily assist the Sixth Palace. If the emperor knew that Concubine Jin was poisoned, he would definitely think that Concubine Jin was poisoned because of Concubine Yao De's revenge. At that time, not only Concubine Yao De's life was in danger, but also that of the Yao family. If the whole family is full, they will definitely suffer disaster!

After a thrilling psychological struggle, the Yao Hospital finally diagnosed that Jin Bin’s illness was caused by depression and excessive worry!

In the imperial study room, Emperor Jin Ming was very unbearable when he learned this conclusion.

I think back then, before he ascended to Dabao and the overall situation of the world was uncertain, he was assassinated by an assassin sent by the emperor's brother. It was Concubine Jin who desperately blocked the sword for him, allowing him to escape by chance, but she was injured as a result. , almost died. Although she was later revived, she could no longer have children. Although she had already given birth to a suitable son at that time, what woman doesn't want to have more children? If she could have had a few more children, she wouldn't be so hostile to the concubines in the palace who were pregnant and had children, nor would she be so paranoid about Shi'er being deposed. After all, it was him who caused this. He made her what she is today, it was him who harmed her!

"Come here, show off like a royal palace----"

Concubine Jin had just been confined for three days, and the emperor went to see her with great fanfare!

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