Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 923 Embarrassment (3)

After signing the contract, Caiwei handed the 70,000 taels of silver notes to Butler Dong, and both parties went to the government to file the documents. Because of the laws of the Jin Dynasty: any private currency transaction amount of 20,000 taels must be filed with the government. Tax.

Caiwei and Butler Dong each paid half of the tax and kept it in file. The settlement was considered complete!

Caiwei became the well-deserved owner of Zhenbao Pavilion and returned to Zhenbao Pavilion. When the new owner took office, she naturally had to say a few words to the shopkeepers of Zhenbao Pavilion. She had not forgotten that when Li Shanggong framed her for theft, shopkeeper Feng And the role played by a certain guy in it.

"Everyone, from today on, I am the owner of this Zhenbao Pavilion. As the new owner of Zhenbao Pavilion, I have to say a few words."

"Of course you are working here to make money to support your family. I bought Zhenbao Pavilion to earn more money. Everyone is working hard to make money, but although money is good, please remember that a gentleman loves money. , take it in the right way. You need to know that ill-gotten wealth cannot be taken away. It belongs to us, and we cannot lose a penny. If it is not ours, we cannot be greedy even for gold and silver mountains. I don’t care what everyone did in Zhenbao Pavilion in the past, but since From now on, if you violate your conscience and want to take advantage of opportunities to make ill-gotten gains, I will not only fire you, but also send you to the government to punish you for fraud or theft."

As he spoke, his eyes seemed to drift towards Shopkeeper Feng and a fair boy. Both of them were shrewd and transparent people. How could they not understand what Caiwei was talking about? They both lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Caiwei. His eyes and face are burning!

After beating everyone, Caiwei naturally had to say a few words of comfort. She changed the topic and her tone became very soft: "Of course, I hope there will never be such a day between us. Since everyone is following me, I hope everyone will be well." Yes, come to work happily every day and go home safely. When I go home today, I give each person five feet of cotton cloth and five pounds of high-quality cotton. This is my boss saying hello to your families! "

"Hey, thank you, boss!"

"Haha, I have been working at Zhenbao Pavilion for more than ten years, and I have never encountered the boss distributing things to us..."

"My boss is kind to us. We must work hard for our boss from now on..."

Everyone was very moved, and while talking about it, they dispersed to work...

Huo Yuan had been busy with Caiwei all morning. Caiwei naturally wanted to treat him to lunch, and she also had something to ask of him. Huo Yuan said: "Why don't you go to my Jufu restaurant to eat? They recently launched a new dish of pork belly chicken. It's delicious. You must like it."

Caiwei waved her hands repeatedly: "Forget it, I went to your Juford twice in a row, and something happened twice in a row. I think it's better not to go if I have a conflict with that person."

How could Huo Yuan allow himself to conflict with her? He immediately said, "If something happens this time, I will resign the shopkeeper to vent your anger. How about that?"

The shopkeeper of Jufudou is Mo Liancheng's father. He became the shopkeeper of Jufudou and gained some respect. He abandoned his wife and lost his conscience. It would be a good thing if he could be fired. .

Thinking of this, Caiwei agreed, followed Huo Yuan into the car, and went straight to Jufu.

Shopkeeper Mo from Jufudou saw the big boss coming and ran out from behind the counter with a humble smile on his face and said hello to Huo Yuan again and again.

Huo Yuan only nodded briefly to say hello to him, and then took Caiwei straight to his private room.

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