Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 926 A sudden change of circumstances (1)

Due to the unexpected arrival of her aunt, Caiwei suddenly became much more honest. For two days in a row, she stayed quietly in Prince Qin's Mansion without leaving the house, not even paying attention to the Zhenbao Pavilion she just bought.

She is a smart woman, and she can clearly distinguish the importance of money and life. The current situation is so delicate, so naturally she will not risk her life for money.

Wen'er and Wu'er had a very happy time these two days, because the eldest sister stayed with them for two consecutive days and couldn't help but tell them many interesting stories and give them many colorful pictures. Those words were extremely beautiful. There are Pleasant Goats, Minions, and Totoro that my sister talked about. In their eyes, these lovely pictures are thousands of times more beautiful than those painted by the best painters.

Mrs. Du also liked Caiwei's paintings very much. After Caiwei told Wen'er and Wu'er a story, she put away the paintings Caiwei had drawn and kept them as patterns for several children to embroider on their clothes. . She embroidered the things Caiwei drew a few days ago into little bellybands. They were really cute, much prettier than those patterns of carps playing with lotus and abundance every year.

Mu Zhongqing once asked Caiwei, why can she tell these wonderful stories? How did she know those stories? Caiwei said vaguely that these stories were all made up by herself. After hearing this, Mu Zhongqing praised: "Weier is really smart. If she were a man, she could give it to the theater troupe or The blind storyteller made up a storybook."

Caiwei felt ashamed. The animated story she gave to Wen'er and Wuerjiang was a nationally and even world-famous animation work of her time. It was the result of many outstanding animation masters' hard work and hard work for many years. It was her shameless He plagiarized other people's work. If Miyazaki Hayao and other animation masters knew what Caiwei had done, they might travel through time and space to settle accounts with her!

Such a carefree day lasted until the third day. Caiwei's aunt was about to leave. She planned that by the morning tomorrow morning, her aunt would be gone completely. She would go to Shenxing and Zhenbao Pavilion first. Check the account, and then continue to find a shop suitable for opening a glass shop. Go to the old house at night, knock out the big house and his family, and then let the white-haired tiger send them to a country outside the Jin Dynasty. They fend for themselves...

In the evening, Caiwei went to bed early. Her life had been very regular in the past two days, going to bed early and getting up early, in sync with her family. After moving from home to the capital, her days like this were few and far between, making the two little ones feel particularly precious.

When I was about to fall asleep, there were suddenly several rapid knocks on the window.

Caiwei was always alert. After waking up, she picked up the sword on her pillow, tiptoed to the window, and whispered, "Who?"

"Princess, it's me. Something happened. Princess, please change clothes quickly. We need to get out!"

"Runbo Ba?"

Caiwei opened the window in surprise, and saw Zhui Feng standing there anxiously under the moonlight.

"Ben Bo Ba, what's wrong? Is it King Qin? Did something happen to him? What happened?"

Zhuifeng said in a deep voice: "It's not King Qin, it's the palace. Just now, Guoshi Li seems to have sent news that the emperor is dying. It's the prince who did it. I'm afraid the next step is to deal with King Qin, so we have to leave as soon as possible."

Caiwei asked, "Where are we going?" How to go? By the way, did someone tell Nangong Yi that the emperor was dying? "

"Princess, time is running out. Your questions will be answered by your subordinates on the way. Now please quickly change your clothes and leave with your subordinates."

"Oh, wait a minute, I'll call my parents!"

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