Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 937 King Qin returns to Beijing (4)


Nangong Yi agreed immediately, "I'll give it to you together with what you got last time. "


Caiwei laughed shamelessly: "Forget it, I ask you for money, what will you give me? Don't think I don't know, you are just a fake rich man, a fake rich man, and you don't have the money of a prince. It's not enough to use it to feed the dead, smooth relations between the government and the government, and win people's hearts. Where can we find these millions of silver?"

"Madam, are you saying that your man is a fake rich man who is strong on the outside but is a rich man on the inside? Are you laughing at your man who is poor?"

Nangong Yi narrowed his charming eyes and raised his thin lips, smiling but not smiling, as if he was sharpening his sword.

No, it’s dangerous!

When she saw the man showing such an expression, Caiwei immediately shuddered, waved her hands and said, "How dare you, I just think the atmosphere is too dull, it's just a joke, how dare I laugh at you? Oh, by the way. , Dare I ask King Qin, how much money do you plan to pay me?"

Seeing her flattering look, Nangong Yi felt much more comfortable. He slapped the table with great pride and anger!

"Three shops on Mao'er Street, plus one for King Qin, are they enough?"

"Ahem, hahaha----"

Caiwei laughed again. This guy even used it to pay off his debts. He was getting more and more shameless, and there was no lower limit!

Nangong Yi looked at Caiwei's trembling smile and laughed mischievously: "Madam, how about this deal?"

Caiwei had laughed enough, picked up the cup in front of her and took a sip of soy milk. She still said with a smile: "Forget about three shops, you are a small family, and you point to these shops to pay some interest to buy rice." As for the pot, I don’t want the money for food and grass, just think of it as the cost of raising the pretty boy.  "

Being compared to a pretty boy, Nangong Yi grinded his teeth a little. He smiled sinisterly: "This is a good idea. I will definitely abide by my self-reproach and do what a pretty boy should do!"

Caiwei choked, and an ominous premonition suddenly arose. She stood up quickly and said, "I'm full. You eat slowly. I'll go to the grain store to take a look. I'll replace the grain if it's convenient." …."

After saying that, a cigarette went out!

Looking at that pretty back, Nangong Yi smiled lightly, holding the bowl and eating the noodles that his wife had rolled out for him. His wife was so good at cooking that she could surprise him with every meal. He eats well and is full, and as long as she is around, life is infinitely beautiful!


Fei'er was sent back to Zhuangzi by Mo Ziqi, where the Mu family lived. When they arrived, it was just midnight and the Mu family was still sleeping. Mo Ziqi didn't want to disturb him, so he sent Fei'er into the courtyard and handed her over to Zhui Feng. In his hand, he said goodbye to Feier softly, and quietly went back along the way he came.

Mayfair kept looking at him until his figure disappeared, then opened the door and entered the house.

At this moment, Mrs. Du happened to be up at night. When she heard the sound of the door opening, she immediately alertly pushed her husband to wake up beside her: "Ms. sir, listen, it seems that someone has entered the house!"

Mu Zhongqing also heard the sound of the door opening and footsteps in his sleep. He sat up suddenly and asked alertly: "Who?"

When Feier heard her father's voice, she hurriedly said, "It's me, Dad, I'm back!"

Before he finished speaking, Du and Mu Zhongqing had already landed on the ground and ran out in a hurry.

"Fei'er, are you back?"

"Are you a bully? Are you hurt or something?"

"Come here quickly, let me see..."

Fei'er followed her parents into the house and talked slowly, recounting her experiences during this period from beginning to end. Of course, she also did not forget to tell her about her private life-long decision with Mo Ziqi. .

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