Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 944 The Prince’s Defeat (4)

The exact same voice and face as Emperor Jin Ming, coupled with Zhu Zhong's explanation, made the officials no longer doubt that he was not the real Emperor Ming of Jin.

Everyone knelt down and nodded to the ground. "The ministers and others bow to the emperor, and the emperor is in peace. This is a blessing to the ministers and the world!"

"Zhongqing's body is flat!"

The remaining poison in Emperor Jin Ming's body has not disappeared, his body is still very weak, and his voice is still weak.

Prime Minister Ning burst into tears and kowtowed: "Your Majesty, I hope you are safe. Please issue an order to arrest the ambitious father-killing thief as soon as possible to rectify the situation!"

"No, it's impossible. He is fake. He is not my father. He was hired by King Qin to act. My lords, please don't believe him..."

Nangong Shi pointed at Emperor Jin Ming on the throne, kept denying it, and tried to persuade others to believe him. "How can a dead person be resurrected? I saw my father dying with my own eyes. This person must be a fake..."

Nangong Yi sneered and said: "Prince, do you think you are the only one with eyes? Can't even the ministers in the hall tell whether the emperor is real or fake? At this point, you don't want to repent to your father, why don't you? It’s really hopeless to try to confuse the public!”

After hearing this, the prince laughed loudly: "Third brother, do you think I am a fool? Even if I am willing to admit my mistakes and apologize to my father now? Can he forgive me? Rather than doing this, it is better to be a rebellious traitor. "

After that, he shouted: "Where are the Imperial Guards?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the guards guarding the outside ran in neatly. The commander-in-chief of the guards held his fists and knelt down in front of Nangong Shi: "Your Highness, what are your orders?"

Nangong Shi pointed at Emperor Jin Ming who was sitting at the top and said loudly: "This man colluded with the King of Qin and pretended to be the Holy Emperor. You can kill these two people on the spot. If there is anyone who can help, you will be treated as an accomplice and killed together." Die as a warning to others!"

The prince rebelled, blatantly rebelled!

The ministers were stunned and watched helplessly as the imperial guards raised their swords and stabbed at the emperor, King Qin.

King Qin was not in a hurry, and with one arrow step, he stood in front of the emperor's dragon case, whipped out his soft sword from his waist, and started fighting with the imperial guards.

Under the court, some loyal generals were not to be outdone and fought with the guards with their bare hands.

Nangong Shi looked coldly at the imperial guards pouring into the inner hall and smiled sinisterly, so what if King Qin won the battle? So what if the emperor escaped the last disaster? Doesn’t everyone still have to die? Who let them block his way so stubbornly?

He has bribed the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Guard and the palace is under his control. Therefore, even if his crime of usurping the throne and killing his father is exposed in public, he is not afraid. Since ancient times, the winner is the king and the loser is the thief. The big deal , after he ascended the throne, he used his brain and asked the historians to tamper with history for him!


Emperor Jin Ming leaned on the large dragon chair and looked at his two sons sadly.

Of these two sons, one was brought up by him as a treasure in his hands. He gave him the best and even thought about how to make him the moment before he poisoned him. He continues to be the prince, but this son is pressing hard and determined to take his life; the other one grew up in his neglect and was indifferent. He really didn't give him anything, and even knew that Concubine Jin He and the prince assassinated him several times, but he chose to turn a blind eye, but now this son stood in front of him and defended him to the death!

Zhu Zhong stood beside Emperor Jin Ming, waving the fly whisk in his hand, and fought with several imperial guards who came up. Li Guoshi also held a black iron ruler and beat the imperial guards approaching the emperor one by one. beat back.

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