Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 947 Meeting the Father-in-law and Mother-in-law (2)

The parrot on the tree heard this and shouted angrily: "Ah, master, your man is discriminating against birds!"

Caiwei had already heard about the whole story of the palace incident and learned that the man was safe, so she felt relieved and coaxed the parrot: "Hey, you are just reaching out, why bother with an ordinary person? I will do a few things for you later." How about using your favorite food to make up for the trauma in your soul?"

As soon as the parrot heard that there was something delicious, he immediately forgot Nangong Yi's teasing and happily agreed...

Concubine Jin and the Crown Prince were both solved, and several mythical beasts were indispensable. Caiwei wanted to reward them, so after entering the space, she got busy and prepared to cook a table of delicious food to thank them.

After entering the space, Caiwei came to the warehouse where she kept the ingredients. Caiwei stored a lot of things here, including various foods she bought in the capital before, as well as beef bought in Lingbei, etc.

However, when she walked into the warehouse where the ingredients were stored, she was shocked to find that a lot of food was missing. There were no bacon, roast chicken, goose, roast duck, soy pork knuckles, or braised ham tendons. Get some raw pork and beef!

Caiwei held her forehead. No one could enter the space except for her and the four divine beasts. Therefore, she could guess with her toes who the thief was who stole the food!

Hey, I originally planned to make fried snow peas with bacon, but it seems I have to make fried snow peas with pork tenderloin.

Originally, she wanted to make a roast chicken as a cold dish, and then use the sauce-based pork elbow and braised tendons to make a platter. It seems that these two dishes can be saved.

She cut a piece of beef and a piece of pork tenderloin, and walked out to her small kitchen.

Make the beef sauce, wash the pork tenderloin, chop it into fillings, add salt noodles, minced green onions, minced ginger, cooking wine and a beaten egg, stir evenly, and fry into a plate of golden meatballs. .

Just two dishes were naturally not enough for the two foodies, Yingge and Changmei. Caiwei went to Lingxi and caught a salmon and a few prawns, planning to make steamed salmon and braised prawns. .

As soon as they were fished out, Yingge and Changmei came back. Seeing Caiwei making food for them, the two guys were so happy that they couldn't close their mouths.

"Changmei, go and return all the medicine from Turtle Immortal. Yingge, go to the fields and help me pick some cucumbers, spinach and cat ears."

"Yes, Master!"

With the delicious food as motivation, the two guys were particularly obedient and completed the tasks assigned to them by Caiwei in minutes. After that, they gathered around Caiwei, sniffing and smelling the aroma in the pot.

"Master, let me help you taste whether the meatballs are cooked..."


"Master, let me taste the saltiness of the soy beef!"


Caiwei is a very far-sighted person and has long expected that this will be the case, so she makes a lot of everything. Although the two guys keep trying, by the time the meal starts, there is still a full plate of each food. Big plate.

In order to celebrate the man's victory, Caiwei opened a jar of flower wine and ate and drank with everyone.

Yingge and Changmei love food, but they have been with Master Cihai since they were young. Master Cihai doesn't drink, so they naturally don't know what wine tastes like. After drinking today, the two guys suddenly felt that they had lived in vain for a hundred years. Despite Caiwei's dissuasion, he ate and drank until Lingding was drunk, and then he stopped!

The old turtle has always been restrained. He only eats light vegetables. After he is seven to eight times full, he slowly carries the long-browed parrot on his back to rest.

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