Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 956 The marriage proposal is here (4)

Mu Zhongqing has changed. In the past, he was always in ragged clothes, with a white face, and looked poor and downtrodden. Now, not only has he gained a lot of weight, but he also has a confident aura on his face, like a rich man. She was wearing an elegant silk and satin dress, and hanging from her waist was a piece of exquisitely carved white jade pendant. You could tell it was a very good thing at first sight!

"Second brother, dad has finally found you!"

Mu Liankui looked sad, looking bitter and resentful.

Mu Zhongqing was stunned. He didn't expect to meet his father and eldest brother here. Aren't they supposed to be in the Bafu Restaurant in Qingyun Town? Why did you come to the capital?

However, my father and eldest brother seemed to be living well. They were both wearing robes made of silk material. Although it was not the best satin, it was already very good for them who could not even afford cotton in the past.

"Dad, brother, when did you come to the capital? Why are you here? Where are my mother and sister-in-law?"

"Hey! It's hard to explain. Open your restaurant and let dad go in and talk to you!"

After hearing this, Mu Zhongqing took out the key, opened the door of the restaurant, and let Mu Liankui and Mu Zhongli in...


Caiwei was busy comforting Du's pain of losing her mother. She never left the house since she entered the house. She stayed with her and said some considerate words to warm her up.

Although Mrs. Du felt sad, she had not grown up with Mrs. Mei after all, and she did not have as deep feelings for Mrs. Mei as other mothers and daughters. Furthermore, Mrs. Mei had been buried in glory, and Duke Anguo's mansion had also been destroyed. After her house was ransacked, she felt sad for a while for the sake of the child in her belly. Then she gathered her mood and discussed with Caiwei that she would marry King Qin.

Du was born in Anguo Gongfu, and she knew a little bit about the rules for marrying off daughters from wealthy families. In wealthy families, a daughter's dowry was saved bit by bit from birth, and was not bought at once. For this reason, She had also paid attention to saving some things for her two daughters on weekdays. If Caiwei married a family like Jiujin, the things she had saved could be said to be excellent. Unfortunately, her daughter married the direct prince of the Jin Dynasty. , the things she had saved up were not worthy of being used as dowry for Fei'er and brought to Duke Li's Mansion, let alone Prince Qin's Mansion?

Mrs. Du was a little disappointed, but at the same time she was proud of the good fate of her two daughters, so she gathered her energy to discuss the dowry with her daughters.

Caiwei was very dissatisfied with her dowry. She laughed and said that she didn't bring a penny of dowry. Marrying alone would be cheap enough for Nangong Yi and his wife. If she brought more dowry, her parents would suffer a big loss. .

Mrs. Du was dumbfounded by what she said, but she insisted on preparing a similar dowry for her daughter!

This topic was discussed until the evening. Caiwei asked her mother to forget the sadness of her grandmother's death. She also followed her mother's jokes and chatted, talking about everything from wedding dresses to jewelry, from jewelry to baby gifts, and the conversation was lively. , daddy Mu Zhongqing is back.

Dad didn’t come back alone, he was actually followed by Dafang’s family!

As soon as this family entered the courtyard, their eyes were no longer strong enough. They all looked around with sly eyebrows and a look of surprise in their eyes.

"Tsk, tsk! Second brother, it seems that you are really prosperous. Look at this big yard. When I went to work at Mr. Zhou's house, his yard was not as grand as yours!"

"Oh, look, this huge village is actually yours. Old man, it seems that we were right to tighten our belts and let the second son study. It turns out that scholars are promising, hehe …."

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