Caiwei realized the danger she was in, excitedly pushed his hand away, and asked eagerly: "Didn't you say you had something good to tell me? What is it?"

The man was pushed away, but he still said unwillingly: "Be good, let me touch you for a while, okay?"

Caiwei sneered: "Can I sleep with my mother tomorrow?"

The man was defeated, so he had no choice but to suppress his newly raised anger, lay close to her small earlobe, and whispered softly: "The day for our marriage has been decided!"

"What? It's settled? So soon? When?"

Caiwei was stunned for a while. When Mrs. Li Guogong came to propose marriage, she had always felt that they were still far away from getting married. But when she heard that the date had been set, she suddenly felt unspeakable nervousness, probably because of fear. A sign of marriage!

Nangong Yi pinched her fair cheeks dissatisfied: "What's your attitude? Are you unhappy?"

In order to get married as soon as possible, he fought against famine with Li Guoshi. Under his persuasion, he forced Li Guo to advance the auspicious date to the Mid-Autumn Festival on August 15th. In other words, there are still two days before now. Many months. "

Caiwei rubbed her face and said, "I'm not unhappy, I'm just shocked and surprised."

Only then was the man satisfied. He stretched out his hand to rub her tender face and said with a smile, "August 15th!"

"Huh? So fast?"

She exclaimed, August 15th was still two months away from her birthday, which meant that she was about to get married before she was fourteen years old. This was ridiculous!

The man pinched her chin and said seductively: "Don't you want us to sleep together openly? Do you like us to be sneaky like this all the time?"

Caiwei shook her head. Of course she didn't like having an affair with a man. Every time he came, her heart was in her throat. She didn't dare to say anything when they were excited together, for fear of being cheated on by her parents. If the secret between them is discovered, her parents will definitely be disappointed in her and will regard her as a promiscuous and shameless woman. She doesn't want her parents to see her like that!

"Since we don't want to, let's get married as soon as possible. From now on, we can sleep together openly and no one can control us!" The man was no longer satisfied with rubbing her little face. He reached over and bit her cheek with his mouth.

Caiwei's cheek hurt, and she hissed. Remembering how embarrassed she was when Mrs. Li Guo came to propose marriage that day, she immediately got angry and slapped him aside, saying, "No." , I haven’t even got haircut yet? How can I get married so soon?"

Nangong Yi's arms pulled her out of the tub and carried her to the couch, letting her stand first while he went to the shelf, took a cotton towel, and carefully wiped off the mess on her body. The water was rolling, and he said: "It's okay if you don't have a hairpin. I've asked the imperial doctor, and it's okay for a girl to be in love with a girl. As long as she doesn't get pregnant, it won't be harmful to the body."

"Did you ask the imperial doctor about this matter?"

Caiwei really wanted to cover her face. This man looked gentle, elegant, and looked like an elegant scholar, but he was so shameless. He even went out to ask people about such a thing. If this had been the case in her time , he will definitely be regarded as a pervert!

"It's about the wife's body, so a husband can't be careless!"

Nangong Yi finished wiping her, took a thin quilt, wrapped her in it, and laid her down on the couch. He wiped his body with the water she had bathed in, and lay back on the couch. "For the sake of safety, I have asked more than one imperial doctor, and they all said it's fine. Madam, just relax!" Nangong Yi added.

Caiwei covered her face and said sadly: "Your Highness, King Qin, you can leave. Never say that you know me in the future!"

Nangong Yi laughed heartily and said, "It's late. Early tomorrow morning, my husband will come to your house to hire someone. Madam, don't forget to tell your father-in-law that you won't go out tomorrow and wait at home to drink the tea served by your son-in-law." Got it!"

"Are you going to resign tomorrow?" Caiwei was shocked again!


Nangong Yi nodded and said, "In order to avoid long nights and many dreams, we have to settle the matter as soon as possible. When we get married, we won't be afraid of what others will do!"

Caiwei didn't understand: "What the hell? Nangong Yi, what do you mean?"

Nangong Yi paused for a while, sighed and said, "It's not you who got into trouble with that Saknu for nothing. That guy recently proclaimed himself emperor in Liaodan and took control of the entire Liaodan Empire. I heard that he recently sent many The spy came to our Dajin to inquire about your news!"

Caiwei's body stiffened for a moment. She had almost forgotten about that half-human, half-animal monster. Why was he still haunting her and looking for trouble again? To be honest, there are not many people she is afraid of in this world, and that Saknu can probably be counted as one.

Feeling Caiwei's stiffness, Nangong Yi patted her back and said, "Don't be afraid, leave it to me. You are my Nangong Yi's wife, and I will never let anyone hurt you!"

Caiwei lay in the man's arms and nodded silently. In fact, she didn't think Nangong Yi had the strength to defeat Saknu, but she was still very touched that he could say that!

The two of them just cuddled each other and gradually fell asleep...

At the fourth watch, the man got up. In the past, when he got up, he would do it quietly, fearing to disturb her sleep, but today he gently pinched her nose to wake her up.

"Madam, get up. My husband will be here to hire you soon. It won't be good if you get up late and get caught off guard."

Caiwei stood up excitedly and said, "Are you serious?"

While Nangong Yi was getting dressed, he smiled and said, "Of course I'm serious. Just stay at home and wait for me."

After saying that, he had put on his robe, leaned down and kissed Caiwei's dull face, smiled, and disappeared from the window in a flash...

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