Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 979 Recruitment (7)

Therefore, for many years, Concubine Jin has been firmly ranked as the most beloved concubine in the harem. No one has ever been able to squeeze her out. Even the queen sometimes avoids her. The concubines of the queen's faction are even cruelly suppressed by Concubine Jin. , miserable; now, Jin Guifei has passed away, and her son was hastily buried because of rebellion, without even a title. Therefore, the concubines of the queen's faction are proud, and the resentment that has been accumulated in their hearts for many years can finally be released, although Jin Guifei Although she is dead, the concubines she supported are still there, and they can be used to vent their anger on everyone!

Shortly after the concubines sat down, Concubine Yao De first talked about King Qin's appointment today. She first said how much King Qin valued this appointment, and then said that after King Qin gets married, Queen Mo can have a grandson, which is auspicious. Happy words.

Queen Mo was not very happy after hearing this. To be honest, she was not satisfied with Mu Caiwei as her daughter-in-law. Mu Caiwei not only came from a lowly background and was wild and untamed, but she also lacked the gentleness and submissiveness that a woman should have. However, Yi'er was devotedly in love with her, and there was no doubt that she would not marry her. Besides, she had saved her son's life anyway, so in order not to hurt the mother-son bond between her son, she had no choice but to turn a blind eye. One eye is closed.

After Concubine Yao De talked about King Qin's engagement, she looked at Concubine Huo Xian with a smile and said, "I heard that Concubine Xian's brother is the same as the King of Qin. Do you want to deny the engagement?"

Concubine Huo Xian's heart skipped a beat, and she immediately thought of what she was going to say next.

It was no secret in the palace that his younger brother Huo Yuan was attracted to Mu Caiwei. On the day of the Shangsi Festival, Mu Caiwei had a dispute with Princess Chaoyang. Huo Yuan once stood in front of Mu Caiwei regardless of his life or death. It has always been talked about by the concubines in the palace. At that time, everyone spread this matter with a tone of envy and jealousy, but now, this matter can be used as a weapon to bring down Concubine Huo Xian and the Huo family!

Concubine Huo Xian said with a smile: "Sister Concubine De also knows that my younger sister was punished and grounded for disobeying the imperial concubine. Thanks to the grace of the empress, she was released today. How could she know about the affairs at home?"

When Concubine Xian said these words, she told everyone that she had broken up with Concubine Jin and was grounded by Concubine Jin. She was no longer Concubine Jin's person!

However, these concubines who have been oppressed by Concubine Jin for a long time are not so easy to deal with. Concubine Huo Xian has been following Concubine Jin for a long time. It is not that simple to get rid of Concubine Jin easily. Of course, some of them are jealous of Concubine Huo Xian's humble merchant background. , but she is in the concubine position and is favored and has children.

Concubine Li Shu smiled and said: "I heard that Concubine Xian's brother is interested in our future Princess Qin. It is said that when the Queen held a Shangsi Festival banquet, our Princess Qin once had a misunderstanding with Princess Chaoyang, and the Imperial Guard at that time wanted to let Princess Qin go." Arrow, Mr. Huo once stood in front of Princess Qin regardless of his own life or death. This sentiment and intention are really touching!"

Concubine Li Shu was the sister of General Protector Li Kaifeng. Because her niece Li Ruizhu was not able to become the Princess of Qin as she wished, she was deeply unhappy, so she spoke unscrupulously to slander Mu Caiwei for being unruly, and to defend her niece. If you want to vent your anger, you can give Concubine Huo Xian a blow. If she is a businesswoman, she dares to occupy the concubine position like her, and she has to pamper her and have children. Is she worthy?

As soon as Concubine Li Shu finished her words, Ji Zhaoyi smiled and said: "But, I went home to visit my relatives a while ago, and I heard from my cousin that the jewelry, clothes and shoes that Princess Qin wore to attend the Shangsi Festival that day were all from Master Huo. For the additions, even the restaurant opened by Princess Qin’s family was given by Mr. Huo!"

Ji Zhaoyi is the grand-niece of Empress Dowager Ji, who entered the palace in the same year as Concubine Huo Xian. When Concubine Huo Xian first entered the palace, she was only granted a lowly status due to her humble background. However, as soon as Ji Zhaoyi entered the palace, she was promoted to a high-ranking official because of the care of Empress Dowager Ji. After marrying Empress Zhaoyi, several years have passed, and Huo Meiren has become a virtuous concubine with a son by her side, and she is constantly favored. However, even though she is promoted in every possible way by the Queen Mother, she is still Ji Zhaoyi, and has not even been promoted to the first level. In the past, Concubine Huo Xian saluted when she saw her, but now it was her who saluted Concubine Huo Xian. This gap made her heart feel as if she had been swallowed by a poisonous snake. Therefore, she deeply hated Concubine Huo Xian. Before, she did not dare to do anything because she was afraid that she was Concubine Jin. But now that Concubine Jin is dead, the resentment she had held in her heart for many years can finally be vented!

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