Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 988 The Queen Arrives (8)

The old lady said: "That's not what happened. That was eight years ago. In a blink of an eye, my wife has not been home for eight years. "

Empress Mo said: "Yes, I remember that when I came back eight years ago, Chaoyang was naughty and accidentally fell into the lotus pond. Ziqi jumped in and fished her out without caring about his own life. It was late autumn at that time, and Ziqi was I also got sick!"

Mo Ziqi said: "Something happened to the princess in Duke Li's Mansion. As a descendant of Duke Li's Mansion, Ziqi should naturally do his best to keep the princess safe!"

"Look, you have grown up and can say these high-sounding words. This is not what you said when you were a child!"

Queen Mo smiled, and her usually cold face became a little softer.

"At that time, you said that Cousin Chaoyang was as beautiful as a fairy girl. It was a pity that she drowned. Later, I asked you what reward you wanted. You said, the reward you want is to be able to do it every day I saw cousin Chaoyang, Ziqi, I wonder if you still remember this?"

Mo Ziqi paused for a moment and said, "Zi Qi will remember what the Queen said."

Queen Mo said: "Okay, since I remember, my aunt has fulfilled your wish. What do you think?"

Before she could finish her words, the old lady Liu, the eldest lady Wu and Mo Ziqi all looked at her in surprise, with doubts on their faces.

Queen Mo took a breath, turned to the old lady, and said slowly: "Mother, I came here just because of Chaoyang's affairs. My daughter thinks it would be best if Chaoyang and Ziqi could get married. It's over."

The old lady was stunned, and the eldest lady Wu also had a chapped face. Chaoyang was willful and unruly, and everyone in the aristocratic circle of the Jin Dynasty knew that no one would marry such an aunt and go home to support her, let alone her. She was also ruined by Saknu, and her reputation has long been bad. Even if she is married to an ordinary family, ordinary people may not be willing to marry her, let alone the prestigious Duke Liguo!

"Empress!" Mo Ziqi cupped his hands and was about to speak. Empress Mo interrupted him gently: "Call me aunt. Among these nephews, aunt loves you the most, because our temperaments are the most similar, but you are the one who is most closely related to aunt."

Mo Ziqi pursed his cold lips slightly, not being moved by Queen Mo's deliberate attempts to win over him. He held his hand again and said: "If I go back to my aunt, I'm afraid that Ziqi will live up to her love. Ziqi has already mentioned it to the second lady of the Mu family. My dear, after exchanging Geng Tie, I will go to the Mu family to recruit her soon. If nothing happens, when King Qin goes to the Mu family's eldest daughter, my nephew will go and marry the second daughter back."

Queen Mo's face turned cold and she said: "Don't mention the Mu family to me again. Speaking of which, I already regretted proposing marriage to the Mu family. I checked last night and the women of the Mu family have never been married." She behaves badly at all times, but she just has a good skin. Such a lowly woman is not worthy of our son at all!"

The old lady smiled reluctantly and said, "Why did the Queen say this? When you wrote to me that day and asked me to go to the Mu family to propose marriage, didn't you say that Miss Caiwei from the Mu family was heroic and generous?"


Empress Mo said angrily: "Mom, please stop talking about this. At that time, my daughter was misled by the traitor, and she did that stupid thing in a moment of confusion. Now she is regretful. The sisters of the Mu family are only suitable for the past." A concubine who is a lewd servant is not suitable to be a real wife at all."

The doctor said weakly: "However, when we proposed the marriage that day, we stated that we would marry someone else's daughter as our main wife. Now we want to make someone else's daughter our concubine. I'm afraid they won't agree."

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