Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 1140: Form cheerleaders

In the last episode, the number of cheerleaders for each contestant increased from 5 to 10, and the program team contacted Liang Shengnan, the lesson of the national station leader, which was very useful. They also struggled to get ratings. If Xiong Jie and Liang Shengnan appear in the show again, even without Liu Yan, the ratings can be improved a lot.

Liang Shengnan is not as good as Xiong Jie. This show has pitted her and Xiong Jie. She has suffered badly and suffered bad ratings. Want to run over to find them? Can you make a face? A good horse hasn't eaten back grass yet! But she thought from another angle, Liu Yan went to participate in the competition, let the public see the genius of "Chu Ci", the people who scolded Liu Yan online stopped, and more importantly, no one would always chase her and the bear. Jay doesn't want to buy a house. Liang Shengnan is very troubled and her wealth is not exposed. She doesn't want to be targeted by bad guys.

The selection of the cheerleading team members is still in charge of Liang Shengnan. She called the three classmates who did not go last time and called Jiang Chengfeng and Sun Weiwei.

On the day when it fell into the water, Jiang Chengfeng thought he was fine and insisted on leaving the hospital. He and Cao Yuan took the recovered luggage and went directly to his newly rented house. Clean up the dormitory during the day + be brave and continue to tidy up the house at night. Jiang Chengfeng is used to working overtime and overtime. He ca n’t sit back and thinks that his time is precious every minute and every second. He must finish the planned things.

As a result, the next day, he fell ill and had a fever of 38 degrees, which may also be related to the day before he went into the water. Cao Yuan accompanied him to the nearby community hospital to hang the needle. When Capital University announced the good news that he had been researched, he sat in the infusion room. The needle was inserted by the nurse. He was drowsy and could not enjoy the rewarded happiness.

After finishing the injection, Jiang Chengfeng continued to return to work in the company. Cao Yuan could not persuade him to persuade him. He also saw the posture of desperately Sanlang, which was completely different from his previous state of being a happy fat mansion in the dorm.

Jiang Chengfeng is still not allowed Cao Yuan to tell others about his illness, especially Li Xiaoru, she must prepare for the piano competition! Cao Yuan couldn't help crying, "I don't have your girlfriend's contact information!"

One day later, Jiang Chengfeng felt better, so he asked the personnel department to go through the relevant procedures for Cao Yuan's onboarding. The technical department had a lattice room belonging to Cao Yuan. Jiang Chengfeng introduced Cao Yuan to everyone and told them that he is his classmate, which is nothing to say. Many startups are classmates and friends. They do n’t understand Cao Yuan and his ability. Before, they must have been very warm and polite to him, except for one person. Chen Bin was sitting at his work station and seemed to be working seriously, not greeting him.

Cao Yuan gave him a special look, Jiang Chengfeng said, "He is our senior, senior class XX brother, people are a little proud."

Speaking of which, Jiang Chengfeng coughed.

"Otherwise, you should go to the hospital and check again," Cao Yuan frowned and said anxiously.

Jiang Chengfeng waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, it's the sequelae of a cold and fever, and it will be completely cured in two days."

In fact, he has been uncomfortable for the past few days. Instead, Sun Weiwei recovered and discharged under the careful care of his parents. The keys, mobile phones and wallets of the two were salvaged from the back. The mobile phone was soaked in water for too long and was completely scrapped. The XX mobile phone company gave away two of their mobile phones. Sun Weiwei did not want it. Jiang Chengfeng told her about the cooperation between the two companies before she accepted it. XX's official blog also took the opportunity to copy a wave of heat.

The two received Liang Shengnan's phone call with their new mobile phones, and they both readily agreed to be cheerleaders for Liu Yan. There were three places. Liang Shengnan asked Sun Weiwei if she could help, and Liu Shengnan did not know so many friends.

Sun Weiwei is also a leading girl and promised, "Leave it to me."

She called Tao Zhiyao again and asked her and Shen Mozhen if they were free, "Xiaomao is participating in the show, we have to be free when we are free, three places, right? We happened to call Lina, cheerleader, we are imposing I'm going to overpower my opponent! "

After moving to the villa of "Miss Sisters", Lina didn't play around anymore. She had to prepare for her ballet competition in September. Ballet had strict requirements on the floor. Ordinary wooden floor was not good for training. Fortunately, Xinchen Records has two dance studios. When the company built the recording studio, it was built by the way. The singers of the company need to be able to sing and dance, especially the singers who sing fast songs. The dance training intensity is not less than that of professional dancers.

Shen Mozhen applied to the company for whether Lina could rent a dance studio. Xue Yunfei was in charge of the company ’s administrative affairs. He agreed, but requested that Lina only come after 3 pm every day. Other singers must use it before 3 pm. The daily rent is also Not low. For Lina, money is not a problem, and she does not mind practicing dancing at night. She prefers to sleep late during the day.

When she practiced dancing, she often heard the sound of pleasant music from the room upstairs. Because the night is quiet ~ ~ This sound is particularly obvious. The tunes are different every day, as if the player is constantly changing the music. Every time, it sounds better than time, which directly leads Lina to jump and jump, strung to the rhythm, and jumped up with the music rhythm of others.

Then I found out, eh, that's a good choice.

Her accompaniment music has been selected for a long time. It is a classic repertoire of the Russian Tsar period. After all, it is the Moscow Ballet Competition. The audience of the judges is mainly Russians. She wants to do what she wants.

This music is the melody of the ancient Chinese style. Lina accompanies Jason and has some understanding of the Chinese style. Although the instrument playing music is an electronic keyboard, Lina can still hear it. It is the Chinese style-the tune of the Chinese style. Rhythm is very different from other types of music. After Jason's "ThatPrinHan" burst into flames, some American music critics said that they can consider Chinese-style tunes as a new international music genre. The pros and cons are divided, and it is estimated that it is difficult to achieve in a short time.

Lina likes Chinese music very much. She likes Liu Gu's Guqin and Shen Mozhen's Guzheng. She likes to dance with their performances. The feeling of being out of the air and distracting is beyond the reach of Western classical music.

Tonight, she heard the music next door again. Compared with yesterday's tune, the player made some minor adjustments. Lina stopped the dance and listened carefully. She would like to know who is playing and who is changing the score. She wants to tell the other party that today's melody is perfect.

The door of her dance room followed the sound of music and went upstairs to a door. She waited until the music was over before she knocked on the door.

Huo Ming heard the knock on the door strangely. At this late hour, did anyone leave work?

He stood up to open the door and saw a foreign girl with blond hair and blue eyes.

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