At this moment, the coercion that pressed on Luo Xueyi and the dozen or so people on

the merchant ship all disappeared! When they looked up, they saw the white light around the merchant ship, all of which were coming towards Lin Yue's body!

"Big brother, you are very dangerous like this. Shan'er was startled

! Lin Yue smiled faintly, "Stand back, I'm going to exert myself."

Shan'er stepped back obediently, Luo Xueyi and the others' eyes widened, these white lights, only a little bit, were enough to make them embarrassed at the moment.

But now that it has converged on Lin Yue, it is like a stone sinking into the sea.

On the other hand, Lin Yue not only did not have any pain from being stressed, but was still calm.

Lin Yue shrugged, "I also want to try how much potential I can have after I come out." He

remembered that in 100,000 years, he had come a few times curiously.

The first time he came, Lin Yue's potential was only 5,000 feet.

It was the fifth year of being trapped.

The second time he came, his potential light had reached 10,000 feet.

It was the tenth year of being trapped.

"Just be a little more public, so that the people who can call the shots in Night King City will notice me. After Lin Yue finished speaking, the white light on his body skyrocketed again!

Three zhang in front of him, Lei Zong only felt that the pressure of the white light around him had skyrocketed, "How is it possible, four thousand feet is my limit."

His eyes widened, and he was shocked to see that the Feiyun merchant ship had absorbed all the white light from his side.

At this moment, Lei Zong spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person fell to the ground

! "Damn! whose potential light!"

He finally knew that now the white light was no longer his master.

Because someone's potential surpassed him

! Outside, just as the Thunder Cloud Sect, Ling Feng and the others were waiting for the white light to disappear, the corpses of the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce appeared

, but they all raised their heads! The loud noise was monstrous, and they saw that the two stone pillars of the Great City Gate were constantly vibrating, and the potential light pillars on them were all visibly skyrocketing

! It was not so much skyrocketing, but rather soaring into the sky!

"What the hell, I'm not dazzled, right? It was only 4,000 feet just now, why is this

pillar of light 8,000 feet now!" "What's more, it's still rising, crazy, does Lei Shao really want to break the record of the supreme king?"

Ye Mingyue's indifferent face was also stunned, his pupils dilated, and he watched the pillar of light directly break through 10,000 feet!"It's broken, it's


Ye Mingyue muttered.

Ling Feng was also so frightened that it took a long time to come back to his senses, "Lei Zong, that bastard, when did you become so powerful?"

They couldn't see the white light, Lei Zong was already oozing blood all over his body in the white light, and his breath was languishing to the extreme.

"Childe, childe, no, Lei Shaozong is dying. "

This son, stop, if you offend the Thundercloud Sect, we'll be finished." When

the Feiyun merchant ship saw Lei Zong falling to the ground, he was so frightened that he immediately wanted to stop Lin Yue.

But hearing Lin Yue smile faintly, "What does it matter to me if he dies or not?"

After that, everyone in the outside world saw that the pillar of light had skyrocketed to 20,000 feet again!

In the Night King City, in a golden attic, an old man in white suddenly opened his eyes.

In front of the main hall where he was, a man rushed in, "Elder Xinghe, someone has broken the city lord's record. The

old man looked like a fairy wind and bones, stood up, stepped into the air, shrunk into inches, appeared outside the main hall, and looked at the city gate in the distance!

" Twenty thousand feet of potential, it is not the descendants of those hidden great sects who have descended!"

"He is the elder who controls the daily operation of the Night King City under the supreme seat of the Night King City, "The city lord can only get out of the customs tomorrow, go with this seat to see who it is." The

man immediately bowed his fist and said, "Yes."

Xinghe stopped him, "Wait, inform our people, don't offend the people in the white light at will, and kill those who violate the order."

"Yes, Elder. The

galaxy rose into the sky, and everyone in the Night King City was attracted by the dazzling pillar of potential light that rose to the sky.

didn't know that inside the pillar of light, Lei Zong was roaring and begging for mercy, "Let me go, no matter who you are, let me go, I can promise you anything." "

Except for Luo Xueyi and Shan'er, everyone in the Feiyun Merchant Ship knelt down to Lin Yue and begged Lin Yue to let go of Lei Zong.

It's not that they don't hate Lei Zong, but they don't dare to resist.

Lin Yue smiled faintly and let go of his hand.

Everyone also breathed a sigh of relief, Lei Zong stood up, looked up and saw Lin Yue's gaze, but saw him smile coldly, and pressed down with one hand again

! Boom!

The coercion came overwhelmingly, directly suppressed on Lei Zong's body, the earth shattered, Lei Zong's whole person was like a devastation, his bones were crushed, and finally he was planted under the warship motionlessly.

Lin Yue shrugged his shoulders, "It turns out that this test light can still kill people, why didn't I think it was too unsuccessful." The

white light dissipated.

The Thundercloud Sect warship was already ready to fight the thunder column, but what they didn't expect was the Feiyun merchant ship that came out.

They were startled, and looked down to see the thunder column on the ground with wide eyes and the appearance of a dead man, and everyone's bodies trembled, and they took a few steps back like their souls were scattered!

"Lei Shao, how did Lei Shao die!" "

It's over, the sect master blames it, and we all have to die." "

On the Thundercloud Sect warship, especially the two old men who took the lead, they suddenly exuded terrifying aura fluctuations

on their bodies! The two of them stepped into the air, and a Yang Star Phantom floated above their heads, and they were two transcendent realm masters!

"Who is it, kill the young sect master, come out and die!" The

two locked on the Feiyun merchant ship at the same time, cultivating to a slightly lower person, and at the moment when this sentence fell, a mouthful of blood had already spurted out.

This group of people immediately pointed at Lin Yue, "My lord, he did it, the young sect master was killed by him, it has nothing to do with us

!" "The lord spared his life, the coercion was getting stronger and stronger, and we didn't know what happened, the young sect master died!"

Lin Yue shrugged his shoulders, if he hadn't taken someone else's warship, he would have killed this group of people by the way.

"Shut up, if it weren't for Childe, you would have just died. Luo Xueyi couldn't help but say angrily.

"Big brother. Shan'er pulled Lin Yue's sleeve and suddenly stood in front of Lin Yue, "Big brother, don't be afraid, I'll protect you."

Lin Yue smiled and touched her head, "Don't worry, it's a small thing."

Luo Xueyi stood in front of Lin Yue, gritted her teeth to bear the pressure of the two transcendental realms, and said softly: "Gongzi goes first, we will drag them down."

Lin Yue looked at Luo Xueyi with interest, and didn't expect that this woman was quite righteous.

"It's a pity that you stay on this ship, are you willing to go with me?"

Luo Xueyi was stunned, "Childe saved Feiyun Merchant Ship, but we treated you like this, Luo Xueyi is sorry for Childe."

Lin Yue saw that she looked guilty, and it was not appropriate to say more now.

He looked up, "I killed it." The

two lowered their heads, looked down at Lin Yue, and looked at Lin Yue, only then did they realize that Feiyun Merchant Ship, when did they have such a master!

"Big brother, this person is not simple!"

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