Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1019: Can't distinguish between reality and nightmare

Without waiting for Fan Xinyan to speak, Shao Jiayi leaned close to Stingli and said softly, "Dingli, you are awake."

"I only want to do one thing now!" The man said lightly.

Shao Jiayi exaggerated, then hugged his waist, "Ding Li, don't do this! I'm tired too!"


Stingli laughed blankly.

Fan Xinyan over there heard the ambiguous voice, her angry face turned black.

Si Dingli picked up the woman in his arms and threw her onto the big bed. Shao Jiayi screamed, "It hurts me!"

It really hurts, PP has been hurt by falling!

The man pressed up and his eyes were heavy, "Shao Jiayi, am I impotent?"

Shao Jiayi hurriedly shook his head, covered his mobile phone and talked to the microphone, and said with a smile, "Brother Dingli, how could it be incompetent! So amazing!"

It's miserable, he really heard it! Shao Jiayi's face was slightly pale.

The lady's nightgown was ripped apart rudely, and Stingli’s phone was thrown aside, and Shao Jiayi began to scream for mercy, "I was wrong, I really knew it was wrong."

Then there was a soft groan from the other side of the phone, and Fan Xinyan angrily appeared in front of Venus, but did not hang up.

She looked at the time to see if what Shao Jiayi said was true or false.


Half an hour passed, and an hour passed, Shao Jiayi begged for mercy for a long time, but Stingli had not let her go.

Fan Xinyan's phone hit the wall fiercely! The phone cracked.

Shao Jiayi, a bitch, dare to lie to her! Stingli is so amazing...

The night is getting deeper and deeper, the infusion room of a hospital

Zheng Shurui looked at one-third of the liquid in the bottle with a gray face. It was already more than one o'clock in the morning, and Steingli would definitely not come.

In fact, she was only slightly uncomfortable and unwell. In order to see Stingli, she had to behave very seriously.

In the past, when Shao Jiayi was away, she had been to the hospital several times, and Stingli would even take a look at her, even if he only stayed for a few minutes, he would be considered as coming.

However, now, with Shao Jiayi, Steinli does not even appear...

There are too many people protecting her from Shao Jiayi, and she has no chance to hurt her at all.

However, she will not give up! Isn't Shao Jiayi a man on the road now? She will definitely find a chance to let Shao Jiayi fall into the enemy's hands.


At dawn, Stingli let go of the fainted woman under him, and a wicked smile crossed his eyes.

Shao Jiayi, who slept until the afternoon, woke up, the first thing to do was to get his mobile phone.

Then I opened a certain online shopping software, and swiped the screen back and forth with my still trembling hand.

Finally, I bought something, filled in the address of SL Group, and left Stingli’s phone number... No, I can’t let others know his private number.

Leave Shi Xiao's phone number, and then attach it.

Everything is done without knowing it. With that thing, Stingli will not pester her so abnormally!

No, she wants to sleep for a while.

However, this time, she seemed to have fallen into an abyss, and the surrounding scenery was very familiar.

Infinite fear gradually enveloped her, her head was held by a black gun.

"Shao Jiayi, kill Qiao Mubin and Qiao Han..."

Shao Jiayi wanted to escape and scream, but the other party refused to give her a chance at all.

"Look at what this is?" The man pointed at a pile of amputees not far away, smiling terribly.

The still bleeding body caused Shao Jiayi to completely collapse, "I don't want it! Don't look! I don't want to kill..."

Stingli used to work on the sofa. Hearing the movement of the big bed, he felt something was wrong.

When I put down my computer and came over, I saw the woman on the bed shrunk into a ball, with sweat on her forehead and shaking all over...

Kick off the shoes, go to bed and hug the woman, "Mianmian, Mianmian..."

"I don't want it! I don't want it! Ah..." She collapsed and screamed in her sleep, and Steinli's heart sank quickly.

Hugging the trembling woman tightly, softly comforting, "Mianmian, don't be afraid, I am here."

Shao Jiayi called countless times in her dream not to kill, and the man's laughter became more and more distant, and then disappeared.

A halo suddenly appeared next to her, she turned her head, as if seeing Stingli, smiling at her, and then hugging her.

Feeling the embrace of Stingli, Shao Jiayi burst into tears, "Stingli, you save me, save me, I don’t want to be here..."

"Okay, I will save you, be good, don't cry..."

The warm comfort of the man gradually calmed down Shao Jiayi.

"Sidingli...I'm so scared!" The pale woman with her eyes closed, unable to distinguish reality from nightmares, slammed into that warm embrace.

Just knowing that you are constantly close to Stingli's embrace, you will not be afraid.

"Don't be afraid, be good, I'm here and I won't leave you." He looked at the woman in tears in his arms with pity, is it a nightmare? It still happened...

The room was quiet, only the sound of a woman sobbing softly.

After a long while, Stingli's name will be called, his voice is like a good medicine, a little comfort, she will calm down.

His kiss fell on the woman's red lips, and the familiar taste and feeling made Shao Jiayi involuntarily climb up to his neck, and responded enthusiastically to him.

After a long while, Sidingli said with a dumb voice, "Mianmian, open your eyes and see who I am?"

Shao Jiayi was afraid and didn't dare to open his eyes, but her consciousness told her that the man on her was Steinli, "Don't go... Steinli, don't go."

His kiss fell in her ear, "Hey, it's okay, I'm here, open your eyes and look at me..."

The woman squeezed his arm tightly and tried to open her eyes. She was so scared that after waking up, she would still be the cave that brought her infinite fear...

"I don't want..." Her tears slipped again.

Stingli kissed her tears in distress. What has Shao Jiayi experienced?

"Mianmian, good, I'm here..." His constant comfort and persuasive temptation made Shao Jiayi calm down again.

Finally, I slowly opened my eyes, and what really caught my eyes was the familiar face, with anxiety and distress...

She hugged his neck fiercely, "Stingli, I miss you, miss you so much!"

After losing her memory, when she was there for a while, when she was terrified to the extreme, she always thought of someone in her heart, and now she knew that that person was...Siding Li.

Her strange reaction made the man feel even more distressed.

"Mianmian, I miss you too, don't leave, don't leave me again!" He also hugged her tightly and responded to her.

In the three years that Shao Jiayi left, always in the dead of night, thinking about her...the whole body hurts.

"Don't go, I will never go again..." she muttered to herself, she never left him, nor her relatives and friends.

"Well, goodbye, don't cry."

She still felt a little unreal when she met his worried eyes, and kissed him eagerly, trying to verify if he was right in front of her.

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