Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1023: Happy thinking

Shao Jiayi shook her head, "Don't worry about me, you go first!" She will also find a way to escape!

Finally, seeing that Shao Jiayi's neck was bloodied, several bodyguards left the small alley one after another.

Shao Jiayi was taken into a car, sitting beside him was the triumphant Gong Hui.

As soon as they left in front, Stingli rushed over with a dozen cars behind.

Through her mobile phone, she locates Shao Jiayi's location and follows closely all the way.

In the car

Gong Hui casually leaned on the back of the car, playing with a cigarette in his hand, "Shao Jiayi, you also have a day in my hand, so happy to think about it, hahaha."

The man laughed presumptuously, and the laughter lasted for a long time.

"Boss, there is a car following!" The driver saw a dozen cars behind Cang Yue's headquarters from the rearview mirror and hurriedly reported.

Gong Hui didn't care, "Get rid of them!"


Shao Jiayi silently looked at the scenery outside the car, ignoring any words from Gong Hui.

She was wondering who owns the car behind.

"Boss, I can't get rid of it anyway. I did it just now, but I didn't know what was going on, but I followed up again!" The driver was puzzled.

Gong Hui's gaze flicked and grabbed the bag in Shao Jiayi's hand.

Shao Jiayi refused to give him, "What are you doing with my bag! Will you pay for it if it gets dirty?"

This bag was sent by Shi Xiao from the brand store just now by Sting Li!

The important thing is that if she guessed correctly, the car behind is probably Stingli's, and the phone call she had just got through.

Therefore, Gong Hui cannot be allowed to discover the cell phone she is talking on now.

"Smelly girl! Give me the bag!" Gong Hui grabbed the bag with all his strength.

Shao Jiayi grabbed it, and Gong Hui said coolly, "Don't you think about yourself, don't you think about your children?"

The thick threat made Shao Jiayi give up to grab the bag.

Fortunately, when her mobile phone was taken out, the screen was already black.

Gong Hui is not stupid either, opening her call log, the first one is indeed Stingli!

Calculating the time, her last call time was indeed made in the small alley just now.

"Damn it!" Gong Hui opened the car window and threw the phone into the artificial lake on the side.

Stingli from the back followed to the artificial lake and knew that Shao Jiayi's cell phone had been thrown away.

He took out his cell phone, dialed a cell phone number, and coldly ordered, "Check the location of Cangyue's headquarters and Gong Hui's address!"

This Gong Hui is completely a time bomb!

Another car was parked next to him, and Qiao Han in a hospital gown came down from above, "Where is Jiayi?"

From the moment Shao Jiayi's accident happened, there were bodyguards asking for help from the gang, and he rushed to the small alley with people directly.

But as in the case of Sidingli, when he arrived, the small alley people went to the building.

Seeing Qiao Han, Steinli wanted to get up with a fist, but calmed down again.

"Taken by Gong Hui, if you know where Gong Hui will take her, you'd better take us now!" Si Dingli's tone was cold. If Shao Jiayi comes back this time, he will do everything. Not to mention, I took Shao Jiayi directly to exit that Tianyemen and return to Country C.

If Shao Jiayi has anything to do...

With a fist, Si Dingli hammered the hood of the car fiercely. If Shao Jiayi had an accident, he would let the entire Cang Yue force be buried!

Qiao Han dialed a phone and knew where Gong Hui had gone.

"The villa near Wangfeng Cliff!"

Wangfengya is the deepest cliff in country Z. It is surrounded by a few large mountains without grass. Few people go there, and Gong Hui's private villa is there.

When Shao Jiayi passed by Wangfengya, her calm face suddenly changed!

The mountain here seems...really seems...

Gong Hui's car slowly drove into a manor, and Shao Jiayi's beating heart quickly calmed down.

The car stopped at the door of the beige duplex villa, with two rows of bodyguards standing at the door.

Shao Jiayi followed Gong Hui into the villa. From the dress in the living room, it can be seen that Gong Hui's appreciation level is really not very good!

Artistic oil paintings of several foreign beauties hang on the wall of the living room, uniform dark brown furniture, and black staircase steps.

It feels very dull, and I can't breathe for a while.

Gong Hui sat casually on the dark brown leather sofa, looked at her standing in place, pointed to the sofa next to him, "Sit!"

Shao Jiayi didn't go over, looking straight at him, "What did you do to get me here?"

Gong Hui did not answer her, lit a thick cigarette and took a few puffs.

Instructed the assistant next to him, "Contact Qiao Han!"

With Shao Jiayi in his hands, he has the capital to negotiate terms with Tianyemen.

The call was quickly connected, Gong Hui pressed the speakerphone and put the phone on the table.

"Qiao Han, President Qiao." He said strangely.

"Gong Hui, what is the skill to catch a woman!" Qiao said in a cold voice.

Gong Hui wasn't angry, but smiled and said, "Do you want Shao Jiayi's safety or that piece of land?"

Z state-owned land, in the city center, if developed, can create unlimited wealth.

Qiao Han laughed at him this time, "Gong Hui, your news is too unintelligible! Just now, the land has been acquired by SL Group at a price of 30 billion, what use are you looking for?"

Hearing that, Gong Hui's face has become extremely ugly, isn't SL Group just Stingli?

He always wanted to avoid the dispute with Stingli, but he still hadn't avoided it!

As soon as his mind became hot, his mind started to turn horizontally, "Then let Sidingli use that piece of land for Shao Jiayi!"

Qiao Han glanced at the luxury car next to him, and faintly responded, "Then you can contact Stingli directly."

I'm afraid he doesn't have that guts!

Gong Hui's face was extremely dark. If he dared to provoke Sidingli, would he call Qiao Han first?

Press the hang up button and throw the phone on the table.

A gesture was made to the assistant and the bodyguard, and within a minute, they were left in the living room.

Gong Hui gradually approached the woman, squinting his eyes and telling Shao Jiayi, "Call Siding Li and use you for the land. If you don't make sense, I will do you now!"

Shao Jiayi stepped back without a trace, and distanced himself from him, "I don't have a mobile phone, how can I contact?"

Gong Hui took out his mobile phone from his pocket, opened the unlock button and handed it to her, "Call!"

He was not sure what position this woman occupies in Stingli's heart, so he could only let Shao Jiayi test Stingli's tone first.

Shao Jiayi glanced in the living room without a trace, and there were really only two of them left.

After receiving Gong Hui's mobile phone, she pretended to be dialing the phone, and while Gong Hui was not paying attention, she smashed the mobile phone against his bandaged arm.

"Ah!" Gong Hui snorted in pain, and Shao Jiayi took this opportunity to run to the door of the villa.

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