Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1025: Don't let go of it!

This little fairy with a peach blossom, Han Tao walked away, and Qiao Han came again!

Also, he must restore Shao Jiayi to the wayward and proud her!

Uh... Shao Jiayi smiled awkwardly at Qiao Han, and then turned back and told Steinli in a low voice, "Just leave it alone, I'll solve it!"

Upon hearing this, Steinli's face was extremely ugly.

Qiao Han gave her a smile, "Jiayi, if you really want to think about it, give the token to Grandpa!"

"Brother Han, do you agree?" She looked at Qiao Han cautiously, for fear of him getting angry.

"Well, Jiayi, waiting for me when I return to country C!" Sidingli can open a branch in country Z for Shao Jiayi. Why can't he open a branch in country C?

His words made Siding frowned without a trace.

Qiao Han looked at Stingli, "Sir, didn’t you mean to repay me in other ways? Then I'm going to the C State Development Branch, you support me?"

The support he said is certainly not financial support. If a company does not have a strong partner or background, it will be difficult to gain a firm foothold in the business circle.

The cunning in his eyes made Stingli want to say, is he sick? Support the rival chasing his wife?

Shao Jiayi got excited first, "Brother Han is going to C State Development Company? This is good!"

As soon as she finished speaking, her wrist was pulled, and she turned her head back to Shang Dingli's displeased face, "What a good thing!"

"Of course it's good! Not to go back to country Z and country C!" Shao Jiayi is still thinking about repaying Qiao Han.

Then, instead of waiting for Stingli to speak, she took his arm and said, "Stingli, you have a firm foothold in Country C, so you can help Brother Han, and you won’t suffer! Didn’t you say to help me last night? Did you thank Brother Han?"

repay! repay! When Sidingli heard the word repay, he wanted to pinch them to death.

However, he is still not afraid of a Qiao Han. If he really wants to compete with her for a woman, he can let him come at any time, he is not afraid of it!

"Okay, good deed, my husband promises you!" Steinli spoke dozingly, and pecked her red lips.

Shao Jiayi almost choked on her own saliva. Why did she suddenly become her husband?

She blushed and refused him quietly, "What are you screaming at!"

Shao Jiayi's shy look hurt Qiao Han's eyes deeply.

In front of him, Shao Jiayi never showed this expression, even when he forced her to kiss her that time, there was only disbelief and resistance in her eyes.

"Should I ask Uncle Lu and the others for you?" Qiao Han's faint voice interrupted the other two people's spreading dog food.

Shao Jiayi withdrew his hand, thought a little, and shook his head, "Just wait for me to pass by myself."

For some things, she should go there alone and say it in person.

The next three people thought about each other. When they left the ward, Qiao Han called Shao Jiayi, "Jiayi, on the table in my study room, there is a gift for the child, you help me give it to..." Two children!

Before the next four words were spoken, Shao Jiayi interrupted Qiao Han anxiously, "Brother Han, I know, I will go now!"

Here, Sidingli was pushed out vigorously. Sidingli looked at the wrong little woman and began to think about what was wrong with Qiao Han's words.

Shao Jiayi threw a sentence to Sidingli, "You wait for me here!"

He returned to the ward and ran in front of Qiao Han, "Brother Han, Stingli still doesn't know that Zinc Zinc is a twin, don't you miss your mouth!"

Qiao Han was a little surprised. Shao Jiayi didn't tell Stingli that Zinc Zinc is a twin?

What does this mean?

"You... why didn't you tell him?" Seeing how the two people looked just now, aren't they reconciled?

Shao Jiayi scratched the back of her head, and when she thought of her child, her head was messed up, "I haven't found the right opportunity to tell him, and... our relationship is still unstable now, just reconciled, and I will tell him later!" "

Zheng Shurui and Fan Xinyan haven't resolved it yet. In case something happens between the two in the future, she will leave a way for herself.

And the way she left for herself was to leave at least one for her two children.

Feelings are still unstable, these words are nothing more than a tranquilizer for Qiao Han, he rarely smiled, "Go back!"

Is there anything more comforting than these words?

When Shao Jiayi came out of the ward, she saw Stingli leaning against the wall lazily, looking at her with a grimace.

"Shao Jiayi, you actually left me here by myself and look for another man!"

When she heard the words, she laughed, and took the initiative to put Stadli's arms, "I just asked a few questions about Brother Han's gang, don't be angry!"

Listening to what she said, Steinli's face looked a little better, and he pulled his arms out of the woman's hands and put them around her shoulders.

After that, Shao Jiayi sent Stingli away, and dozens of bodyguards and several cars drove to the Qiao family home.

Looking at several cars behind, Shao Jiayi sighed secretly. On the surface, it was very beautiful. In fact, who knows the risk she is taking...

Stingli here watched Shao Jiayi leave, and the car slowly drove out of the hospital.

Immediately he dialed Shi Xiao's phone, "Find a female bodyguard, with the best requirements in all aspects, please come here at all costs."

If he could, he really wanted to tie her to himself every day.

Shao Jiayi, I will take care of you from now on, and I will never let you live the life of fighting and killing.

In the evening, Shao Jiayi walked out of the Qiao family compound, followed by Lu Zheng, Qiao Dulan and Song Yufan, all of whom were not very pretty.

After Qiao Dulan meditated, she spoke again, "Jiayi, I hope you think about it again, Tian Ye's order will not be passed on casually. Once you leave like this, there will be no chance to regret it again."

Although Shao Jiayi is a woman, in their eyes, she is still a child.

In fact, Tianyemen has their four main halls, and it doesn't matter who sits in the position of the head of Tianyemen.

Shao Jiayi's ability and character are worthy of trust, she is quite suitable to sit in this position...

Shao Jiayi slid and looked at the two elders with a smile, "Uncle Qiao, Uncle Lu, thank you for your respect for Jiayi, but I have my own family, relatives and children. Country Z is not the last place I left. I hope you can understand. Besides, Brother Han is the only blood of the Qiao family. He is more suitable than me to take over the Tianye Gate. You must know this in your heart."

She has said so, and everyone is not good to say anything, "The old man is right, Jiayi, you just have to think about it." Lu Zheng's eyes fell on an unknown place. If he was thinking, he hoped that Shao Jiayi could get away smoothly. Gangs in the country...

"Thank you, Uncle Lu and Uncle Qiao. In the future, Jiayi will definitely bring her children to visit you during the holidays!" In the past few years at Tianyemen, everyone has taken care of her and her children very carefully. She remembers this kindness mind.

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