Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1029: Smiling face thinking of spring

Bosno wailed, "Mom! Is your daughter that ugly?"

Everyone laughed. In fact, Bo Sinuo was not ugly at all. On the contrary, he inherited Bo Yiyang's fine genes and was very beautiful.

It's just still small, no longer open.

Shao Mianmian chose a few more dresses for Bosino, and went over and started putting on makeup.

Before putting on makeup, Shao Jiayi took his mobile phone, and the WeChat message on it kept ringing. She opened WeChat and found that all the messages in the group of a dozen of them had added 99.

When I turned to the top, I realized that Bosino had posted her picture to the group.

Shao Jiayi's face is reddened, especially when he sees Dingli's reply: My big beauty.

All of the following are booing, and I will change my name to Mianmian in the future, some are called her sister-in-law, some are called her siblings...

Turning the phone closed with a hot face, ready to put it on the table, the phone rang.

It's Sting Li.

She cleared her throat and connected to the phone, "Hello, President Si."

"I'm not here, what are you doing in such a beautiful dress?" the man over there asked dissatisfiedly.

So, is he complimenting her?

"Who sent you on a business trip, don't blame me!" She muttered quietly.

Stingli got out of the car and smiled slightly, "What kind of banquet are you going to attend?"

"Godmother took me to the birthday party of some lady!" As for the lady's last name, she forgot.

When Sidingli heard her words, he was silent for a moment, probably guessing where she was going.

"If there is nothing wrong with going, come back soon." He used to come back, not to go back. But Shao Jiayi didn't pay attention and was still asking why.

Steingli looked at Villa No. 9 and said lightly, "It's not as if Gong Hui will reach Country C."

Gong Hui was released on bail after staying in prison for a few days last time, and there has been no movement since then.

Intuition told him that it wasn't that the other party was unable to resist or settled things down, it was probably to find a more suitable time to retaliate against them.

"Oh, good... when will you be back?" she asked softly.

She seems to... miss him.

"What? Miss me?" Steinli leaned on the car, his tone relaxed.

Shao Jiayi's face reddened again, and then pretending to be fierce, asked him, "Did you miss me?"

"Shao Mianmian, every time I ask you if you love me, or if you want me, can you ask me back? Huh?" He said softly, without a hint of blaming her.

Shao Jiayi also heard it, but still pretended to be dissatisfied, "Aren't you not answering me?"

She wants to give Stingli a few words! "Men-sao-male!"

The makeup artist applied foundation on her face, and Shao Jiayi moved the phone aside, but couldn't hear what was said over there.

When she asked him again, Stingley paused, "I didn't say anything."

"You said, I was putting on makeup just now. I moved my phone a little bit. I really didn't hear it. Say it soon!" She obviously heard a word, and before she knew it, Shao Jiayi's tone was very anxious.

With a secret sigh, Sidingli said softly, "Shao Mianmian, I miss you."

If he didn't think of her, would he deal with things abroad day and night, trying to get back early?

When he heard these words, Shao Jiayi's heart was filled with happiness, and his smile became a little sweet.

I accidentally saw myself in the mirror, his cheeks flushed before blushing, and his eyes smiled with affection...

He cleared his throat immediately and returned to his serious expression, "Well, I see!"

The man was dissatisfied, "Shao Mianmian, shouldn't you respond a little bit?"

Shao Jiayi smiled, "I don't want it!"

"You take advantage of me!"

The accusation of the man over there made Shao Jiayi almost choked on his saliva. He was far away, so why did she take advantage of him?

"Well, if you want to respond, you have to wait until you come back!" She deliberately, knowing that he is not in country C, finally added a prank, "The validity period is three hours, and it will not expire!"

It will take several hours for the plane from the Green Cold Country to arrive in Country C, and Steinli will definitely not be able to make it back, hahaha...

When Shao Jiayi was secretly proud of his cleverness, Sidingli smiled treacherously, complaining with dissatisfaction, "Mianmian, you treat me like this!"

"Yeah, don't blame me if you can't enjoy the response!" She winked winkly.

At this time, Si Xiaobao suddenly emerged from behind her and asked loudly, "Sister Mianmian, with a smile on her face thinking of spring, did Brother Dingli call you!"

The sudden sound made Shao Jiayi almost throw away the phone!

Thinking that Stingli could hear her, she hurriedly clutched her phone, "Si Xiaobao, what nonsense! Hurry up and put on makeup!"

Si Xiaobao and Xixi looked at her mobile phone, and it was really Stingli's name on it. Knowing her intentions, Shao Jiayi wanted to hide Steinli's name, but it was too late!

Forget it, everyone knows what happened to her and Stingli anyway, what can be covered!

When Si Xiaobao was sitting next to him, Shao Jiayi put the phone back to his ear again, and said a little embarrassingly, " go ahead!"

Blame this smelly Xiaobao, dare to say she thinks of spring!

Si Dingli's deep laughter came over there, as if he didn't know her embarrassment, "Sichun, Mianmian really wants to see how you Sichun looks!"

"Stingli!" She raised the decibel slightly, and called out Stingli's name blushingly.

Si Xiaobao with the tip of his ears leaned in immediately and said with a smile, "It really is Brother Dingli!"

"I won't tell you, I'm going to put on makeup, goodbye!" Shao Jiayi quickly ended the call, and then rolled Si Xiaobao's eyes.

Seeing her hanging up the phone, Si Xiaobao immediately returned to her position and sat upright, pretending to say, "Make-up, make-up, hurry!"


After the three women's dresses were dressed, they got in the car to the hotel.

Three chirping girls squeezed into one car, and the three mothers were helpless and sat in another car.

In fact, Yi Chunling also invited Bo Yiyue's mother and daughter to this birthday party, but when Fan Xinyan saw it, she crossed out their names.

Because Yi Chunling is not only the wife of the business tycoon Fan Zhicheng, but also the sister of the director of the Public Security Department Yi Zhen, so many people came to the banquet.

Fan Xinyan wore a black evening dress today and followed her mother to greet the guests.

In fact, today she even sent an invitation to Stingli, but the secretary responded that Stingli was not in the country. Fan Xinyan was disappointed, but she was looking forward to a miracle.

But I did not expect that Stingli did not expect to come, but expected the person she most hated!

And as soon as it appeared, it became the focus of the audience.

Three women, Si Xiaobao, Shao Jiayi, and Bosino appeared at the door of the hotel arm in arm, followed by three elegant ladies, which caused quite a stir.

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