Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1038: Taking sister-in-law to go shopping

President Si...No! What does Shao Jiayi mean?

Here, Shao Jiayi made an appointment with Si Xiaobao, who is currently the most idle, and the two went to the mall together.

"Sister Mianmian, why did you buy so many cosmetics?" Si Xiaobao looked at the woman next to the checkout in confusion. The skin on her face is so good. What do you do with these?

"Use it!" Shao Jiayi said indifferently.

Before, she never had makeup awareness, she has it from now on!

"Okay! But that beauty puts you on makeup, it looks pretty!" Si Xiaobao squinted with a smile.

In order to get Shao Jiayi to buy their things, the shopping guide used the best cosmetics to give her a light makeup.

As a result, Shao Jiayi really bought all the cosmetics they promoted.

"What you want is this effect!" She took the big pocket and the small pocket from the shopping guide and took Si Xiaobao to the next battlefield!

If makeup is not good, why bother to buy these things.

Originally wanted to clean up some bags, clothes and shoes, but Stingli had already prepared a lot for her, and she didn't have to bother about this anymore.

When the two passed by a lipstick store, Shao Jiayi was immediately attracted to his eyes, "Xiaobao, which lipstick do you look good?"

Although I have bought two tubes of lipstick just now, Shao Jiayi still has no resistance to the beautiful things.

She now spends the card that her father gave her, but this card is still used by her parents, but Shao Mian didn't use the money on it. Instead, she saved a lot of money for her daughter and let her use it.

Si Xiaobao carefully selected Shao Jiayi's lipstick color. At this time, a male voice interjected, "Jiayi, do you like it?"

Shao Jiayi nodded reflexively. The lipstick is very attractive, and she really likes it.

"Hello, pack a copy of these, and I'll check out with you!"

Only then did Shao Jiayi react, turning around, "Brother Tao!"

Han Tao, who was still wearing camouflage uniforms, handed the card to the extremely surprised shopping guide and looked at Shao Jiayi with a smile.

Behind him was a woman, whom Shao Jiayi knew, Yi Wanwan!

"It's been a long time since I saw you, what have I been up to?" Han Tao was surprised to see Shao Jiayi here.

Shao Jiayi greeted Yi Wanwan first, and Yi Wanwan responded with a stiff smile.

My husband, in front of his own face, gave other women lipstick generously. No one is happy to change it!

"I just came back from Country Z. How about you, taking my sister-in-law to go shopping?" The fact that Han Tao and Yi Wanwan received the certification has spread in the upper class.

"Well, why do you think of makeup?" Han Tao stared at Shao Jiayi's delicate face carefully. He remembered Shao Jiayi before. If there is no need, he never wears makeup.

Speaking of makeup, Shao Jiayi remembered that Han Tao seemed to ask the shopping guide to pack all the lipsticks for her.

Hurried to the checkout counter, called the shopping guide, "wait a minute!"

But she was still a step late. Han Tao's card had no password, and the shopping guide had already checked out!

"Jiayi, you don't have to be polite, just take it... because of Han Yue's affairs, I thank you!" Han Tao took the card handed over by the shopping guide and put it in his wallet.

"Brother Tao, really don't need it. How can I use up so much?" The shopping guide has already packaged the lipstick for her, in 36 colors, and the price is six figures.

Han Tao smiled and pointed to Si Xiaobao who was choosing lipstick not far away, "The lipstick is already yours. Isn't that your friend? You can give it to her!"

Alas, Shao Jiayi was a little anxious, and pulled over Yi Wanwan who was stunned not far away, "Sister-in-law, come, you pick a few first."

She wanted to explain to Yi Wanwan, but it was a bit redundant to think of the explanation. Seeing that it was the lipstick that Han Tao bought for her, it would be counterproductive. Shao Jiayi glared at Han Tao, who didn't care.

Yi Wanwan rarely sees Han Tao like this, smiling like a spring breeze, and her eyes are always tenderly falling on a person.

With him, except in bed, most of the time, he is serious. Like a recruit in the army, there is not much expression.

Another special one is their son.

She also knew that the person Shao Jiayi liked was Stingli, but Han Tao liked Shao Jiayi...

I couldn't help but sour.

"No, Jiayi, you take it with you. We just came and we have to go shopping." Han Tao put the lipstick Shao Jiayi took out from his handbag back.

He knew what he was doing.

Can't like Shao Jiayi, buy her something, is it okay?

Shao Jiayi was even more anxious and pulled Han Tao's sleeve, "Brother Tao, if you are like this, my sister-in-law will..." She couldn't say the three words unhappy, as if showing off again.


However, fortunately, Yi Wanwan finally spoke, because she could see it, Shao Jiayi kept thinking about her feelings, "Miss Shao, I'm fine, you just accept it!"

Han Tao seemed to know what Shao Jiayi meant. He glanced at his wife who was indeed a bit ugly, and felt unbearable.

Today is Yi Wanwan’s birthday, and Han Tao rarely asks for leave to take her around.

"The last time, it won't happen in the future, Jiayi, you don't have to be polite to me!" This sentence was for Shao Jiayi, but it seemed to tell Yi Wanwan again.

Thinking of Yi Wanwan's time spent with him as a guest, he couldn't help but consider Yi Wanwan's feelings. He was indeed too impulsive just now.

Hearing Han Tao's words, Shao Jiayi didn't shirk anymore, "Miss Yi, I'm with Stingli now, we two... are getting married soon, you can play with me when you have time!"

When she said this, of course she was not showing off her relationship with Stingli, but she knew Han Tao's mind, in order to reassure Yi Wanwan.

Hearing that she was about to get married, the smile on Han Tao's face disappeared for a short time.

Yi Wanwan could understand Shao Jiayi's meaning, and responded warmly to her, "Well, I wish you happiness, if it is convenient then, would you like us to have a wedding wine?"

Han Tao is a soldier. His handsome behavior and super-many spirit are what made Yi Wanwan infatuated at the beginning.

"Definitely, can I call you Wanwan?" Shao Jiayi took the initiative to take Yi Wanwan's hand. Since knowing that nothing happened between her and Stingli, she was framed by her own father again. There is no dissatisfaction with Yi Wanwan.

Yi Wanwan smiled and nodded, "Yes, then I will call you Jiayi too!"

The two women quickly became friends, and Shao Jiayi called Si Xiaobao over and let Yi Wanwan get to know him.

The three women left the cosmetics store talking and laughing. Han Tao looked at the three women holding hands in front, feeling that the women's friendship came so quickly!

it's wired!

Ten minutes later, Shao Jiayi picked out a handbag and handed it to Yi Wanwan, "I don't know that today is your birthday, give this to you! Happy birthday!"

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