Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1042: Does it look like a clown

Before she could finish her words, Mrs. Yi raised the decibels and asked in disbelief, “You said I’m begging for help. They’re a superior multinational president! Now go to Shao Jiayi? The murderer’s daughter. What a joke!"

Yi Chunling glanced at her brother and sister, "It's all this time, is your face important or your two children important?"

Her question left Mrs. Yi speechless, and when she thought of her precious daughter being in prison, she couldn't even see her, she almost felt distressed!

"Then go and meet that little girl!" Madam Yi gritted her teeth and squeezed out a word.

Yi Chunling lowered her head to support her forehead, Xin Yan is Steinli's ex-girlfriend, and Shao Jiayi is the current girlfriend. With this relationship, would she easily let Xinyan go?

When Shao Jiayi woke up, there was darkness everywhere. She was short of breath, but when she thought of Stingli, she gradually calmed down.

Opening the door of the lounge, the light outside made her close her eyes a little uncomfortable.

"Wake up?" The man sitting at the desk put down the files in his hand and walked over.

It was only then that the little woman was wearing makeup today, because she had cried and the mascara on her face made her face black.

He squeezed the tip of her nose pretentiously, "Look at you, do you look like a clown!"

Ok? clown?

The two of them did not mention the night's affairs very tacitly, because he was afraid that she would think of the past again.

She was afraid to bring it up again, annoying Stingli, thinking she would win sympathy...

I don't know when she became a little sensitive. From time to time, I think about whether I have caused trouble to others, or if it is troublesome to others...

He was taken to the bathroom and looked in the mirror to realize how embarrassed he was. All the makeup was spent...

That's it! She put on makeup to come to fascinate him. Now, not only is she not fascinated, but she is also frightened!

Looking pitifully at the man with a smile on his lips, "Am I so ugly?"

The man laughed blankly, "wash his face first."

"Look, you don't want to answer me! It must be ugly!"

The response to her this time was a deep kiss, and the woman was pushed against the sink and swallowed wantonly by the man.

For a long time, he let go of her, rubbed her face with a big palm, and said with a dumb voice, "Wash your face well, and wait to take you out to eat."

Panting, Shao Jiayi nodded quickly. He didn't say, she didn't feel it yet, she was really hungry.

However, when she was washing her face, she discovered that she had makeup on her face. Clear water is definitely not good, and only the cleansing cream on the car.

Seeing her motionless, Stingli walked over again, "What's the matter? I want to go out like this?"

"Siding Li." She suddenly called his name.

Sidingli frowned slightly. Why did he hear her calling him so awkward?

"Remove the last name." His words left her temporarily confused.

"Otherwise, I don't mind calling my husband." His words made Shao Jiayi reflect what he meant.

He cleared his throat, pretending to be gentle, "Brother Dingli, can you do me a favor?"

Need him? "Call my husband." He laughed treacherously, telling her that he wouldn't help if he didn't call her husband.

Shao Jiayi was speechless, blushing and complaining dissatisfied, "I don't have the thick skin of you, I don't call, I won't be happy if you don't go!"

Unhappy? That's incredible! "Speak, I'll go!"

The man hurriedly changed his words, quite coaxing the woman.

Shao Jiayi smiled sweetly, "I have a bottle of makeup remover in the trunk of my car, help me get it!"

"Car keys!" He glanced at her heartily.

"In the bag!" She pointed to the bag on the sofa outside.


Shao Jiayi followed, walked into the lounge, watched him turn out the car key and walked to the entrance of the lounge.

"Thank you...husband." Looking at his tall back, a word suddenly appeared, which made Stingli extremely happy.

The man raised the corners of his lips, turned around, hurriedly approached her, took her into his arms, lowered his head and pressed a kiss on her lips, "You are welcome, wife!"

"Go!" Shao Jiayi blushed and pushed him away.

Stingli went to the parking lot in person, found Shao Jiayi's car, opened the trunk to take things.

When she saw the handbags one after another, they were all cosmetics. What did she want to do?

When I saw a large box of lipsticks, I was slightly surprised for a second, and didn't think much.

Ok? There is also a box of this thing, it must be for him! The man had a smile in his eyes, and then went on looking for her so-called makeup remover!

Five minutes later, the man carried two or three handbags and walked to the company.

Shao Jiayi thanked the flowers waiting in the lounge, and finally heard movement from the door.

Sure enough, it is Sting Li!

However, the man is laughing!

Could it be that he saw the box of Nei Nei bought for him? He got closer, and when he saw the handbag in his hand, Shao Jiayi knew that he had guessed it right!

She spoke a little embarrassedly and explained dryly, "Si Xiaobaofei asked me to buy it... Do you like it or not."

No matter who asked her to buy it, after all she bought it, Stingli was still very happy.

Hold her in his arms, "I like it, I like it very much!"

Although he didn't take it apart, he knew it was from her, he liked it!

When he heard that he liked it, Shao Jiayi sighed in relief, took the tote bag of makeup remover and facial cleanser in his hand, and said casually, "Shopping guide says that a man must have a red inner inner in his life. Seeing you walk through, I thought you wouldn't like it!"


The woman entered the bathroom, completely ignoring the man's dark complexion.

Take out the inner box, the color column reads-big red!


Stingli really wanted to throw it into the trash can, and she believed the lie of shopping guide!

He must ask which shopping guide told her, and then fire that deceptive shopping guide!

When Shao Jiayi came out of the bathroom, Stingli had already packed up the documents outside and locked several important documents into the safe.

The two walked out of the office together.

Everyone in the secretary's room outside is still working, and Steinli said indifferently, "Go home early."

"Okay, President!"

Zheng Shurui stared blankly at the men and women who stood by each other, they really matched well...

Shi Xiao has been staring at Shao Jiayi, and Shao Jiayi's heart is frowned upon by him.

Of course, Si Dingli also noticed Shi Xiao's gaze and warned displeasedly, "Special Assistant Teacher, go back and sleep with his wife early!"

"Yes, President Si!" Shi Xiao quickly retracted his gaze, praying to meet Shao Jiayi alone next time.

No, the doll can't be taken home, lest his wife misunderstand him.

After Shi Xiao got off work, he gave the doll to a colleague in the company casually, and said, "Sir always gave it."

That single colleague hadn’t figured out what the president meant to give him a doll for a month!

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