Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1070: We are not suitable to be friends

Shao Jiayi remembered Stingli's advice that he really accompanied the child in the villa two days ago to take care of Xixi and her son.

In the evening, talking on the phone with Stingli and so on, it was very peaceful.

Fourth day

Suddenly, Shao Jiayi received a call from Fan Xinyan. Fan Xinyan didn't know if she was stimulated or something. She asked Shao Jiayi out to meet for coffee and wanted to apologize to her.

"No, Miss Fan, I am not familiar with you." Shao Jiayi refused directly.

Fan Xinyan was silent for half a minute, and said softly, "Miss Shao, don't get me wrong, my mother said that you called Dingli to let us out, so I really want to thank you."

"Miss Fan, there is really no need..."

"I beg you, Shao Jiayi, I have already promised my mother that I plan to give up Sting Li. My mother asked me to thank you very much. If I can't do it, my mother will definitely not want me!" Fan Xinyan He started sobbing as he spoke, which sounded very pathetic.

Shao Jiayi was a little irritable, "Say, where to go?"

"How about our appointment in the old tree coffee shop in the city center? I like his coffee, but...if you have a better place, you can say it." Fan Xinyan's tone changed immediately, not at all. Sadness.

Even with happiness, is it because Shao Jiayi promised to be happy at the appointment, or because...other happiness?

No matter why he is happy, Shao Jiayi decides that it is necessary to guard against Fan Xinyan.

"Anything, now past?" Shao Jiayi walked into the room from the balcony, Si Xixi and Shao Jingyan were taking a lunch break.

Here, Bo Yiyue and Li Qianluo are coaxing the twins to take a nap, each coaxing the other.

"Mom, godmother, let me go out." Shao Jiayi hung up and walked to the cloakroom.

"What happened, suddenly going out?" Bo Yiyue looked at her daughter suspiciously.

Shao Jiayi thought for a while and told them, "I'll go to see Fan Xinyan."

Little Zinc Zinc was already drowsy, Li Qianluo sat up from the bed cautiously and walked to her, "Mianmian, Dingli is not there, you'd better not go to see Fan Xinyan."

Having experienced Mo Yawei, Li Lianluo would not trust anyone easily. Not to mention the hostile relationship between Fan Xinyan and Mianmian.

Shao Jiayi hesitated, thinking of Fan Xinyan's mother, she really couldn't dislike it.

"It's okay, godmother, I have the bodyguard sent to me by Sidingli, and she can follow me every step of the way."

Li Qianluo felt relieved when he thought of the bodyguard, but, "You still have to say to Dingli."

Shao Jiayi felt that Li Qianluo was a little too sensitive. As far as she knew, Fan Xinyan's parents divorced and her uncle was locked in again. There was no backing at all, so she couldn't get up.

However, since the godmother, it doesn't matter if she calls Sidingli, "Good godmother, I know."

Shao Jiayi changed into clothes and left the villa with the female bodyguard.

Before driving, she called Stingli, but no one answered.

No one answered two or three times, maybe he is busy!

After thinking for a while, Shao Jiayi sent a WeChat message to Sidingli, "I'm going to see your ex-girlfriend now!"

When arriving at Laoshu Coffee, the female bodyguard and Shao Jiayi entered the coffee shop together.

The waiter led the two to the door of one of the private rooms. Shao Jiayi glanced around with alert, Fan Xinyan did not say that they were in the private room.

The door of the private room was opened from the inside, and Fan Xinyan really caught the eye.

Shao Jiayi stood still at the door, Fan Xinyan smiled and gave a place, "Miss Shao, please come in."

There is only a slightly larger round table in the private room, and a few chairs are simply placed. The rest is normal private room decoration, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Shao Jiayi lifted his foot and walked into the private room with the female bodyguard one after another.

In the private room, Fan Xinyan invited two people to their seats. She and Shao Jiayi sat face to face, and the female bodyguard sat next to Shao Jiayi.

When the waiter brought two cups of coffee, Fan Xinyan looked at the woman in the red coat opposite, with mixed emotions in her eyes.

After adjusting her emotions, she said, "Miss Shao, thank you very much for letting me and Yixue out of it."

Shao Jiayi raised his eyelids and glanced at her. There was nothing wrong with her expression, and she was very sincere.

She responded faintly, "No, Miss Fan is too polite."

"Can I call you Jiayi?" Fan Xinyan asked cautiously.

I don't know why, although Fan Xinyan lowered her attitude at the moment, but she always didn't like her.

Is it because she is Stingli's ex-girlfriend?

"No! My name can only be called by a friend!" Shao Jiayi respected and consciously, since she doesn't like her, then don't have anything to do with her.

Fan Xinyan was changed decisively by her rejection.

"I know that I was wrong before, Jiayi, I now know that I was wrong, and I plan to give up Sting Li, why can't you forgive me?" Fan Xinyan also really dislikes Shao Jiayi, she really doesn't know that she is proud What the hell!

"We are not suitable for being friends. If Ms. Fan has nothing to do, I will leave first!" Shao Jiayi stood up from the chair, as did the female bodyguard next to her.

However, just as the female bodyguard stood up, her legs suddenly softened, she knelt on the ground, and then passed out into a coma.

Shao Jiayi looked at this scene in disbelief, and hurriedly went over to call her, "Lucia, Lucia, wake up..."

The woman on the ground didn't react at all. Fan Xinyan, who was next to her, said gleefully, "You don't need to call, she won't wake up in one day."

Shao Jiayi glared at Fan Xinyan triumphantly. After all, she trusted this woman too much!

There were no windows in the private room, only an exhaust fan. Shao Jiayi took out his mobile phone, but Fan Xinyan came over and prepared to take it away.

Shao Jiayi kicked it over and hit Fan Xinyan's belly. Fan Xinyan was holding her belly against the wall in pain.

"Damn woman!"

Just when the call was about to get through, Fan Xinyan suddenly rushed over, took Shao Jiayi's wrist, and walked to the door.

Shao Jiayi was a little confused by her actions.

Sidingli’s call on the mobile phone has been connected, "Mianmian."

Just before Shao Jiayi could speak, Fan Xinyan squeezed Shao Jiayi against the back of the door.

Then Shao Jiayi only felt a pain in his back, and didn't know anything.

After solving the two people, Fan Xinyan rubbed her aching belly and picked up the phone on the ground that Shao Jiayi was still connected to. She could still hear Sidingli's anxious call, "Speak continuously! Talk!"

Envy came like a tide, Fan Xinyan ended the call directly and turned off Shao Jiayi's mobile phone.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Gong Hui's number, "It's done, how can I get her out of this coffee shop now?"

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