Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1080: The biggest wife

Shao Jiayi unconvincedly took out a tissue and wiped his mouth vigorously.

The man touched her long hair and said softly, "Little Flower Cat, I told you to settle the account, but I didn't really want to embarrass you, so you got hairy? You gotta change your temper, eh?"

"No change! No change!"

Shao Jiayi hasn't calmed down yet, who made him so stingy first!

"Okay, then don't change it!" He just said casually, and didn't really want her to change her temper.

... Shao Jiayi looked at the man speechlessly, what did he mean, let it be changed for a while, but not for a while.

"It is said that women are fickle, I think you are more fickle than women!"

Put her head on his shoulder.

No one knows his anxiety on the plane. He grows up so big that he will encounter lingering things and will not calm down.

After getting off the plane, I heard Shaozhe and Jiakang say that they went in time and didn't let Gong Hui succeed. His mood at that moment really wanted to hold Shao Jiayi tightly in his arms and hurt.

At the same time, he wanted to chop Gong Hui directly and threw it into the mountains.

He also wanted to comfort Shao Jiayi, but when he saw Qiao Han kissing his beloved woman, all his sanity was wiped out.

There is only one thought to teach Qiao Han a good lesson.

Ignore Shao Jiayi to let her know his anger.

He played with her little hand and said for a while, "Shao Mianmian, I will take you wherever I decide to go!"

"No, no, this time I really learned a lesson. From now on I will never trust anyone easily. You don't need to tie me to your waist!"

"It must be tied to my body so I can rest assured."

Shao Jiayi helped her forehead, "Stingli, do you know how Fan Xinyan stunned Lucia and me?"

She thought about this question for a long time, but didn't understand it.

Fan Xinyan obviously didn't do anything. Could it be that there is a problem with the coffee?

But it is not.

Stingli twisted his eyebrows and explained, "I have already asked people to investigate. On the two chairs you are sitting on, there is a thin nail pierced from below, just showing a little bit on the surface of the stool. There is medicine on that nail, so let it in. If you get a little bit inside, you will faint."

"Lucia's thigh was pierced. You may not have rubbed the nail. It's okay. But they also got something similar to a pushpin on the back of the door. Did you touch the pushpin behind the door? "

Shao Jiayi thought for a while and nodded. Before finally fainting, there seemed to be a slight pain in his back. However, she didn't care, thinking that she was touched by Fan Xinyan's rude behavior.

I have to say that Fan Xinyan's mind is so meticulous.

"Where is Fan Xinyan now? How could she be with Gong Hui?" In Gong Hui's room yesterday, she seemed to hear Gong Hui and Fan Xinyan hugging each other, and she didn't hear what they said specifically. Anyway, the manner is very intimate.

"Fan Xinyan ran away and is investigating why she is with Gong Hui."

However, one thing is certain, Fan Xinyan hooked up with Gong Hui, and there was a record of two people opening a room in the hotel.

As for how Fan Xinyan knew about Gong Hui and colluded with Gong Hui to deal with Shao Jiayi, he is still investigating this reason.

The two chatted in the study for a while, and Shao Jiayi took him downstairs.

The next three children are having fun while Si Shaozhe is looking at the expressionless Si Nuannuan with a smile.

Occasionally, he would say two ambiguous words in Snuan Nuan's ear.

Si Nuannuan was blushing at best, without saying a word from beginning to end.

Si Shaozhe saw the two people coming downstairs, as if he saw the straw, "Mianmian, come and explain to your sister-in-law!"

Shao Jiayi and Sinuannuan's eyes met in the air, and they both held back a smile.

"Sister, don't forgive him!" Stingli continued to add fuel because the fire was not burning.

Shao Jiayi tugged at the corner of the clothes, "Shaozhe, don't you need to go to the hospital today?"

"I was going to go, my wife is angry, I will coax my wife to go." The sky is big and the wife is the biggest.

Li Xiaoluo glanced at her elder daughter, "I said, Snuan Nuan, can you not be so stubborn, Shao Zhe has said so many good things, can you just feel relieved?"

Without waiting for Si Shaozhe to agree, Si Jin Heng next to him took the tablet away and said, "No! Who makes this stinky boy annoy my daughter, Nuannuan, and ignore him if he is angry!"


Li Qianluo was speechless, "Is there anyone who educates your daughter like this?"

"Dad, I'm really just joking with Nuan Nuan. This is still a great gift, Stingli, if you don't say a few good things for me, I will be Mianmian's family from now on!" Dingli draws a line!

Although things have developed to this point, the atmosphere in the living room is still very good, because no one is really angry.

"Shaozhe, you should state your position now, and I will say something nice to Sister Nuannuan for you!" Shao Jiayi sat next to Da Zin Zin and pulled her pigtail.

Next to him, Stingli had picked up Xiao Zinc and sat on his lap.

Stingli glanced at Si Shaozhe, "Shaozhe, you have to think about it!"


Si Shaozhe knew that Stingli was embarrassing him deliberately, so he thought about it, and finally decided to solve it by himself.

He put his arms around Si Nuannuan, and didn't know what was said in her ear. Si Nuannuan blushed and looked at Si Shaozhe in confusion, "How can you threaten me!"

Si Shaozhe spread his hands desperately, "You forced me."

The couple whispered quietly next to them for a long time, and finally they were really reconciled.

When Steinli was with his daughter, his cell phone rang several times, and every time he avoided the calls from everyone.

Just as Shao Jiayi was thinking about it, Si Shaozhe stood up from the sofa, "Parents, I have to go to the hospital, and some medical colleagues from abroad come to communicate."

"Well, you go busy, Nuan Nuan and Kai Kai, just be here."

Li Xiaoluo was wiping Xiao Zinc's mouth. The mouth that had just eaten a strawberry was red.

"Mianmian, go, follow me to the hospital." Si Shaozhe didn't forget about Shao Jiayi.

Shao Jiayi followed and stood up, "Okay, sister Nuannuan, I will go get something with Shaozhe, do you want to go?"

Sinuan Nuan shook his head, "I won't go, I have to go to the company later."

Now Sinonuan, as the head of the accounting department of SL Group, often works from home.

"Dingli, let's go first!" Si Dingli was still answering the phone in front of the window sill, and when Si Shaozhe greeted him, he stopped the phone and walked over to ask about the situation.

Shao Jiayi kissed three small carrot heads, greeted Si Jin Heng and Li Qianluo, and walked in front of Si Dingli.

"I have to wait for a visit to the company, Mianmian, I have arranged for a new female bodyguard to come over, in the car outside, you go to the company directly to find me after you go to the hospital!" If it wasn't for the company, Steinli still had important things to do. Will definitely accompany Shao Jiayi to the hospital.

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