Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1084: I won't hurt you

"Hey, you know all this!" After the game, Si Shaozhe put away his phone.

Shao Jiakang is also ready to quickly end the conversation with Si Xixi, "I'll go back later. You play less on mobile phones, be good."

Hearing her brother's gentle tone, Shao Jiayi put a smile on her face, "Brother, you should accompany Xixi more, she wants to run away from home so bored!"

Shao Jiakang put away the phone, the tenderness in his eyes was too late to disappear, "She dare not!"

Last time I ran, and after finding it, Si Xixi vowed to him that he would never run away.

After chatting casually, Shao Jiayi turned his attention to Gong Hui.

Before that, Gong Hui had been looking at Shao Jiayi, and the ducks that reached their mouths flew twice! Damn it!

"Mianmian, quickly use good things for him!" Si Shaozhe reminded Shao Jiayi in a daze.

This is not a good place. When Mianmian is ready, they will take her away first!

Shao Jiakang nodded, took out the small bottle Si Shaozhe gave her from the bag, and then asked him, "How to eat?"

Si Shaozhe asked someone to bring a piece of water and then opened the two capsules. The powder inside quickly melted in the water.

People controlled Gong Hui, pinched his face, and poured it down.

Gong Hui pressed against his darkened eye circles and asked Shao Jiayi, "What are you giving me?"

"Of course it's delicious, Gong Hui, you treat me like that once or twice, and I will let you taste the taste of fear."

Shao Jiayi's voice was cold and merciless.

For people like Gong Hui, she doesn't need a trace of emotion.

Then he looked at Shao Jiakang next to him, "Brother, how about people?"

Shao Jiakang winked at one of the bodyguards. The bodyguard opened a room on the first floor and several gorgeous women came out from it.

Wearing colorful clothes and heavy makeup on their faces, the key is that heavy makeup can't hide the wrinkles on their faces.

Shao Jiayi took a step forward, approached Gong Hui, and lowered her voice, "They say that women at thirty are like wolves and forty are like tigers. Gong Hui, all these forty-year-old women from the red light district will be given to you."

The reason she lowered her voice was because the first sentence was a little embarrassing to say it in front of so many people.

Even so, several people around her heard what she was saying.

Si Shaozhe laughed unceremoniously, while Shao Jiakang was thoughtful, and Stingli looked at his little woman deeply.

When did he understand so much?

Thirty is like a tiger, forty is like a wolf... He really wants to speed up time, and forty-year-old Shao Jiayi!

"Shao Jiayi! Can you use some other tricks?" Gong Hui's forehead was already sweating, and his tied body began to twist.

Shao Jiayi raised his arrogant chin, looked down at Gong Hui on the ground like a queen, and answered him word by word, "You-not-worthy!"

Want her to take him to court, and then sentence him to a few years?

Gong Hui thinks too much, she will definitely let him taste the taste of being strong, and then it will not be too late to throw him into prison!

"Bitch woman!" Gong Hui is also a hard-bone, now, and still gritted his teeth and cursed Shao Jiayi.

These three words made everyone cold. Shao Jiayi smiled without anger and looked at Gong Hui, "What about a mean woman? You can't even get a mean woman, Gong Hui, you are really not an ordinary wimp!"

Shao Jiayi didn't mind if the three words for mean woman came out of Gong Hui. People she didn't care about could not hurt her in words.

Steingli listened to Shao Jiayi's words and tapped his fingers on the armrest of the sofa.

He felt Shao Jiayi's changes again and was scolded like this, and she could calmly respond to Gong Hui.

If it were before, I'm afraid Shao Jiayi would have kicked Gong Hui long ago!

Si Dingli stood up from the sofa and approached Shao Jiayi and Gong Hui.

"Worry?...Bitch...Don't fall into my hands...Ah!" Gong Hui didn't finish his words. He only heard a scream, and he flew out and hit the wall behind him heavily, Fell down.

Shao Jiayi looked at the man next to him in surprise. She saw with her own eyes that it was Steph Dingli who kicked Gong Hui onto the wall...

How hard did he use to kick a big man up? Still that far?

However, Si Dingli held Shao Jiayi in his arms like a okay person, copied his left hand pocket, and ordered the scared woman next to her covering her mouth, "You guys take him to the room upstairs and take care of Boss Gong. "



The four women rushed to leave the first floor and ran to the second floor, using the fastest speed to stay away from Stingli.

Gong Hui on the ground was carried by two bodyguards to the second floor.

Five minutes later, a bodyguard ran down and nodded to Stingli, indicating that the inside had begun.

Stingli looked at Shao Jiakang and Si Shaozhe, "You leave here with Mian Mian first."

"Yeah!" Si Shaozhe stood up from the sofa.

The same was true for Shao Jiakang. At this moment, "Bang!" A loud noise came from outside the door.

Si Dingli's eyes sank, and he pulled Shao Jiayi into Shao Jiakang, "Get out of the back door!"

However, a loud noise followed from the back door, followed by a scream.

The bodyguard in the lobby on the first floor immediately took out his weapon vigilantly.

Shao Jiayi saw the fire, and the fire after the special firecrackers blazed at the front and back doors of the Xiaoyang Building.

Then there was the sound of one after another of weapons being fired.

"Shao Zhe took the Mian Mian out!" Shao Jiakang stuffed his younger sister to Si Shaozhe.

He took out a weapon from his waist and prepared to fight alongside Stingli.

Of course Si Shaozhe knew what Shao Jiakang was thinking, "Shao Jiakang, you are Mianmian's brother, you take her away!"


Shao Jiayi felt distressed. At this moment, she witnessed the friendship of the three men with her own eyes.

"Why are you taking me away! I won't hurt you!" Shao Jiayi has also been trained, at this time, maybe it can be used.

Si Dingli looked at her with a gloomy face, pulled her wrist, and stuffed it into Shao Jiakang’s arms, “My sister just gave birth to a child, if you are injured, no one will take care of you! Take my wife from that window Get out!"

Not far away, a window was ajar, and people outside had already broken in. Shao Jiakang took Shao Jiayi to the window sill.

On the way, Shao Jiayi released his brother's hand, threw a large vase to the ground, and picked up a fragment.

She can't escape!

A small particle shot at the door, and Shao Jiayi hurriedly hid.

Then, more than a dozen people who came in from outside all came in Shao Jiayi's direction, and another group of people ran upstairs.

Stingli guessed their intentions, and immediately winked with Si Shaozhe, and the two separated in a tacit understanding.

Siding Li quickly stood in front of Shao Jiayi, flipped the switch on the weapon, and hit the person running in the front.

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