Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1108: Mom is killing us

"I heard I said before that there is a master craftsman who makes bedding in Jiangnan. She even won prizes for embroidery. I figured out a way to bring someone to you." Shao Mian planned everything. Mianmian is his treasure. Daughter, baby daughter married, everything can't be simplified.

"Okay, I will think about other things."

"Well, go to sleep first, wife."


Shao Mian turned off the bedside lamp and held his wife in his arms.

Compared with the tranquility of Villa No. 8, Villa No. 9 is still jumping around. The twins were extremely excited tonight, it was past ten o'clock, and they were still having fun on the second floor with Stingli.

Shao Jiayi came out of the shower and repeated what he had said countless times just now, "Da Zinceng took his sister to sleep! Hurry up!"

Da Zinc Zinc made a face to Shao Jiayi with wet hair, "Mommy, I want to play for a while, just a while, Dad, OK?"

Stingli originally wanted to put the child to sleep, but seeing her daughter's desperate look, she swallowed her refusal, "Okay."

"Yeah! Dad is so nice! Dad kissed!"

"Dad, I want to kiss one too!" Si Yizin crawled out of the toy pile unconvinced, then climbed onto the bed with his calf, and hugged Stingli.

Stingli kissed the two daughters on their cheeks.

Shao Jiayi was speechless, "Sdingli, they won't be able to get up tomorrow morning!"

"If I can't get up, I'll fall asleep." Steinli said indifferently, and continued to play with his daughter.

The twins bounced and jumped and screamed on the bed, Stingli smiled all the way without being impatient...

At half past eleven, the two little girls finally fell asleep on the bed.

Shao Jiayi was also drowsy. Next to him was the little daughter, while Steinli held the eldest daughter and looked at the mother and daughter with a smile.

On the day Shao Jiayi and Stingli went to the bridal shop, they took the twins.

The appointment was originally scheduled at eight o'clock in the morning, because there were twins, there were various ink stains at home, and it was already ten o'clock in the store.

When Shao Jiayi tried on the wedding dress, the two little princesses shuttled in all kinds of excitement in the bridal shop.

There were several shopping guides who were worried about it, for fear that the two little princesses would bump into each other and they would suffer.

Finally, when Shao Jiayi tried on the third wedding dress, she found her two daughters and scolded them sternly, "This is not home, you two sit down on the sofa to be honest!"

Si Jingxin made a face to his mother and said playfully, "Mommy, you should learn from your dad, and dad lets us play whatever you want."


Shao Jiayi squeezed her daughter's face gently, "Little guy, are you still suffocating? Come, let my mother tell you, you see, you two are too noisy, this is wrong."

"But there are no other guests here." Si Yizin wore a pink headgear and looked at her mother seriously.

Of course there is no one else, because today only the Stingli family are accepted here.

Stingli stood up from the sofa, copied his pockets with both hands, and walked over, "Go and change a wedding dress."

Shao Jiayi, "..."

Stand up, and warn the twins with their skirts pretending to be fierce, "You two don't run around! Go sit there with your father, and let me hear you yelling, I will take care of you!"


"Dad, mom is fierce to us! She's so long-winded!" The twins were tacitly holding a Stingli thigh.

Stingli rubbed the top of his daughter's head dozingly, and really wanted to tell them that not only did your mother dare to attack you, but also dare to attack me! "Look, mom is angry, go, dad will show you stories."

He picked up the two daughters, walked to the VIP lounge, let the two children sit down, took the tablet next to them, and showed them the story.

Shao Jiayi looked at the small turnip heads that were leaning together to look at the tablet, and shook his head helplessly. Raising children will know their parents' favor!

I don't know what she was like when she was a child!

The next new set of wedding dresses is pink and white. Shao Jiayi is inexplicably resistant to pink now, but Stingli insisted on letting her try on this one, so she had to try it on.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Shao Jiayi had to say that this one is very beautiful.

The wedding dress of white and pink as the main color lined her cheek with white and red, pink and tender, and she was several years younger in an instant.

Stingli didn't know when to walk behind her, and gently embraced her waist from behind, "Everything you try to wear looks great, otherwise you wear all the wedding dresses and take pictures!"

Shao Jiayi was speechless, "Sir, please let me go!" Such a big bridal shop, on the upper and lower floors, tried them all, she would be exhausted! Let alone put on a photo!

His kiss fell on the long hair she rolled up, and Shao Jiayi pushed the man away with blushing face, and protested in a low voice, "What are you doing, there are people beside you!"

She looked in the mirror, and the two managers and three shopping guides behind her were all smiling secretly.

"Ignore them!" Stolen another kiss on her red lips.

"..." Shao Jiayi turned around and faced him, "Hurry up and look at your baby girl, or you'll start fighting later!"

The twins have a bad problem, they will fight when they look at the tablet or mobile phone.

Because every time the two share a tablet or a mobile phone, they feel that they can’t see it, and the older sister or younger sister takes all the space.

At the beginning, the two would quarrel very low-key. After a long time, if they are too lazy to quarrel, they can start the fight directly.

Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, Shao Jiayi went to buy two tablets, no matter where they are, one for each person.

"Why?" The words from Stingli's side, as soon as they fell, the two shopping guides over there began to exclaim.

Shao Jiayi looked around, really! The two little girls had already waved their small fists and started to fight.

The shopping guide next to him wanted to persuade him, but he didn't know where to start, so he hugged the two people away.

"Si Jingzin, you are my sister, why don't you let me and grab something for me!" Si Yizin looked at her angrily, what he had said many times.

If Shao Jiayi didn't guess wrong, Si Jingzin would definitely say, "Watching cartoons does not distinguish between sisters and sisters. Besides, I was only born a few minutes earlier than you. We are the same age!"

Then Si Yizin would say, "Then you call my sister from now on!"

"Don't call, don't call! Slightly..."

...The next thing, what the twins said, was all guessed by Shao Jiayi.

Si Dingli smiled deeply and hugged his two daughters, and put Little Zinc in the position, "Come on, you two separate."

Then he took the phone out of his pocket and placed it in front of the eldest daughter, "You use the phone to watch!"

But the eldest daughter was uneasy, pushed away Stingli's cell phone, and pouted dissatisfiedly, "Dad, you're favoring sister! Uuuuu..."

Stingli hurriedly wiped his daughter's tears, and asked distressedly, "Why did my dad turn aside, not cry or cry."

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