Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1112: Stingli is still a great dramatist

Li Qianluo smiled, "Smelly boy, how did you talk to your mother?"

"I'll correct you. Every time there is Mianmian or something related to Mianmian, you don't think of me as your son. You only see her as a daughter! Now telling you it's my mother, are you embarrassed? Ms. Li, Mrs. Si !" These words were calm and gentle. Although he didn't smile, he could tell that he was only teasing Li Qianluo.

Shao Jiayi twisted the man's thigh under the desk, "How did you talk to mom!"

Stingli suddenly realized, "Oh, my wife taught me, Mom, sorry!"

Shao Jiayi, "..."

Li Qianluo, "..."

They never knew that Steinli was still a genius!

Li Qaluo came to show Stingli to look at the dressing up of the wedding venue, but she won't talk about it because it's here.

My son gave a thousand explanations, don't tell where Mianmian is.

Shao Jiayi sometimes can't stand the mystery of Stingli, because she is also a curious cat.

Since it was not formal, Li Qianluo randomly found an excuse and left the company.

As soon as Li Qianluo left forefoot, Stingli put Shao Jiayi in his arms and kissed deeply.

"Let's continue what we just did."

"..." This big pervert! "No, I have something to do, go out!"

Stingli looked at the woman suspiciously, "What's in the shop?"

"No! Alas! It is sad to say, I am afraid I am the first bride in history without a wedding dress, so I am going to buy it! Marriage! Yarn!"

Shao Jiayi came to talk about this, and was interrupted by the incident just now and almost forgot.

Seeing her aggrieved expression, Steinli smiled, "How can my husband let you wear out clothes? It's already ordered!"

Hand embroidery is a bit slow and not finished yet.

Shao Jiayi was relieved when he heard these words, she just said it! How could there be no wedding dress!

However, she rolled her eyes, "It's okay, if you really don't want to make me a wedding dress, I will have to marry you even wrapped in a bed sheet!"

The man laughed, "You just can't wait to marry me?"

Who was the angry man who entered the office just now?

"Of course! You are so rich, I have to marry—" She gave a meal and added, "Marry your money!"

The woman thought she could be so mad at Stingli, she smiled triumphantly and narrowed her eyes.

However, the man's response made her a little disappointed.

Stingli played with her long hair and said softly, "Okay, all my money belongs to you!"

"..." Shao Jiayi is speechless, rich means willful!

After coming out of Stingli Company, Shao Jiayi put away the sweetness, and when he got into the car, he just saw Zheng Shurui walking out of the company holding his own things.

The colleagues around me all pointed at her, and their expressions were disgusting.

Luman started the car, and Shao Jiayi stopped Luman, "Wait a minute!"

She got out of the car and walked in front of Zheng Shurui, blocking her way.

"I heard that your parents are here?" She still heard a few secretaries discuss this matter.

Zheng Shurui looked at the woman in front of him blankly, Shao Jiayi became more and more beautiful and more temperamental...

"Get in the car, I'll take you back!" Shao Jiayi said lightly, making Zheng Shurui very confused.

Will Shao Jiayi send her back?

"No." She refused mechanically.

Shao Jiayi just wants to see her embarrassed, right? Now everyone in the company knows that she was kicked out of the company by Stingli!

Shao Jiayi winked at Ruman, "Take her to the car!"

Then, despite Zheng Shurui's resistance, Luman took Zheng Shurui into the car with half a push and a half mention.

On the way, neither of them spoke. Zheng Shurui is desperate now, and Shao Jiayi is too lazy to talk to her.

When passing by a supermarket, Shao Jiayi asked Luman to stop. She went in to buy a few items and put them in the trunk.

A white Mercedes-Benz stopped in front of an apartment, and Zheng Shurui got out of the car without saying anything.

Shao Jiayi got out of the car and ordered Luman to pick up the contents of the trunk. She followed Zheng Shurui into the apartment.

Before the elevator

Zheng Shurui looked at Shao Jiayi suspiciously, "What do you want to do?"

"Nothing, I just want to go up and talk to you."

"No need, my parents are here with me, you go back!" Since she tore her face, she didn't have to, and hypocritically flattered Shao Jiayi.

Shao Jiayi smiled lightly, "What floor?"

Zheng Shurui did not speak.

Luman came in carrying things, and Zheng Shurui suddenly had a bad feeling looking at those things.

She didn't say which floor she was on, and Shao Jiayi didn't force her to take out her mobile phone and dial Shi Xiao's number, "Special assistant, what floor does Zheng Shurui live on?... Well, good, thank you!"

After hanging up the phone, despite Zheng Shurui's resentful look, she walked into the elevator and pressed the elevator button on the 13th floor. Zheng Shurui had to follow up.

"Shao Jiayi, what do you want to do!"

She has been expelled from Stingli, what is she still pestering herself for?

Ignoring her, Shao Jiayi stood in front, waiting for the elevator door to open.

At the door, Shao Jiayi didn't look back, "Is it knocking on the door, or did you open it yourself?"

Zheng Shurui bit her lower lip, "Shao Jiayi, I don't welcome you here, please leave!"

Shao Jiayi sneered and turned back to remind Zheng Shurui, "Are you here? Don't forget the house you live in, but my husband rented it for you! And everything about my husband is mine!"

After speaking, I ignored Zheng Shurui and rang the doorbell directly.

It was Father Zheng who opened the door, and Zheng Chang looked at the somewhat familiar woman in confusion, "Who are you looking for?"

I haven't seen it for more than three years, and it's normal if I don't know it.

Shao Jiayi smiled, "Uncle Zheng, hello, don't remember me, I am Shao Jiayi!"

"Oh! Jiayi girl, eh, Shurui, Jiayi girl is here, why don't you say it, come in!" Shao Jiayi is their family's lifesaver, Zheng Chang very enthusiastically invited Shao Jiayi into the apartment .

Shao Jiayi put the supplements he bought on the table, and Zheng Mu Yanfen walked out of the bedroom, "Who's here?"

"Her mother, Jiayi girl is here! Come here!" Zheng Chang hurriedly called to Mu Yanfen.

Mu Yanfen heard that it was Shao Jiayi and immediately ran over excitedly, "Jiayi? Is it really Jiayi?"

"It's me, auntie!" Shao Jiayi responded with a smile.

Behind Zheng Shurui watched this scene with a heartache, and she knew that her parents treated Shao Jiayi as a lifesaver. The main reason why her parents came to her was to see Shao Jiayi, but she refused them twice.

"Come on, kid, sit down!" Mu Yanfen took Shao Jiayi to let her sit down on the sofa. Seeing Lu Man, he asked her in confusion, "This is this?"

"Oh, this is my friend, her name is Luman!" Shao Jiayi took the initiative to introduce.

Luman was also invited to sit on the sofa by the Zheng couple.

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