Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1125: We are in love!

Not only need to figure it out, but also let him tell her in detail what happened during this period!

Forward the report of the reporter just now, with text, "Infatuation? Acting? Neither, I can tell you for sure, we are in love!"

Turn off the software, Shao Jiayi only asks for what Steping Li will do next, don't slap her in the face!

When I got home and opened the software again, Shao Jiayi's Weibo was flooded with comments.

The top Weibo is, Ant Dudu: Mrs. Si, since you have not married President Si, I have been following you. The first time you were on camera was more than four years ago. At that time, your eyes showed confusion and fear. You today are generous and powerful! I think you will not lie, bless you and Mr. Si 9999! "

The second one is called Qingyou: Mrs. Si is domineering! mighty! Believe in your love with Mr. Si!

Single Wang: Just look at the wedding ceremony of Mr. Si for Shao Jiayi, how much Mrs. Si always has, and which turn is there for some unqualified paparazzi to force him here?


The most popular comments that followed basically supported Shao Jiayi.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some people are swearing, for example, "Sdingli scumbag, his wife is pregnant, and he hasn't been in the house for a long time, and he's still spending time outside!"

The male **** was scolded and did not need to be defended by Shao Jiayi. The huge harem regiment immediately greeted the 18th generation of the ancestors who made the comment!

Later, Si Xixi also followed to join in the fun: How can some outsiders comment on the unswerving love between my brother and my sister-in-law? When will they meet, and when will they kiss me and me, have to be exposed to everyone's sight? Some reporters don't go too far!

Si Xixi is Stingli’s own sister. Although she came out to comment a while late, she was still ranked in the top five by the majority of netizens!

The comment was replied by tens of thousands of people, Xiao Baozi: Support Sister Si! The reporter has this gossip time, it is better to report more people in need!

The handsome shocked the party: The beautiful wedding of Mrs. Sz and Mrs. S. is broadcast live all over the world. We have all witnessed their love. Where can the drama reporters add to themselves here?

Good voice in bed: Although I believe Mrs. Si, please pay more attention to Si outside in the future, and don't be photographed again!


Shao Jiayi read the comments and private messages for an afternoon. The number of unread private messages is still 99 plus...

She really admires the power of the Internet!

Si Nuannuan called, "Mianmian, what's your situation now, how is it?"

"Very good, sister Nuannuan, don't worry about me!" When watching Weibo just now, Li Qianluo came in to comfort her for a while.

Snuan Nuan said nice things for Sing Ding Li, "Mian Mian, Ding Li is not that kind of person, do you believe him to know? Besides, you are pregnant now, don't want to get angry with yourself, it's not good for your baby!"

"Well, sister Nuan Nuan, I know, when is your due date?" Si Xixi said that she had thought about it, so she had to wait until Steping Li came back to explain to her herself!

Si Nuannuan touched her belly and smiled slightly, "One more week!"

"Well, we all take good care of our bodies!" Shao Jiayi will keep a good mood for the baby.

"it is good!"

As soon as he hung up the phone number of Si Nuan Nuan, Shao Jiayi received a call from Yi Wanwan, telling her that Han Tao called and said: Where Si Dingli is now, the signal is blocked and is monitored 24 hours a day. , Cannot contact her.

Only then did Shao Jiayi know that Han Tao and Stingli were together.

Knowing that she was pregnant, Stingli felt guilty that he had not been able to accompany her by her side. As for the rest, he would wait until he came back to explain to her!

However, didn't Steinli go to work? Why is it still being monitored?

She was a little worried, thinking about it, she called Si Jin Heng, "Dad, what is Dingli doing in America?"

Si Jin Heng was silent for a while, "Mianmian, Ding Li didn't tell him the reason, don't think about it."

"I didn't think about it, he told me that he was on a business trip, why would he be with Han Tao? Is there someone monitoring him?" Han Yue decided to go into business, Han Tao didn't have this plan!

"I don't know the specifics, it may be because the partner is afraid that he will reveal any commercial secrets!" Without much to say, Si Jinheng couldn't bear to lie to her.

"Oh! That's it! Well, I know, thank you Dad!" This explanation was quite reasonable, and Shao Jiayi believed it.

"Just tell the chef what you want to eat at night, don't think about the rest, leave it to Dingli to solve it, believe he knows?"

"Okay, Dad, goodbye!"


After hanging up the phone, Shao Jiayi felt a little sleepy after looking at his mobile phone all afternoon, so he decided to sleep first.

I slept until the night, but Li Qianluo knocked on the door and told her to go downstairs to eat.

Country Z

A secret base

Si Dingli sat down on a chair, Han Tao took a glass of boiled water and handed it to him, "I was found."

"Well, **** reporter!" Steinli raked his hair irritably and drank the water in the glass.

For many times, I have endured not contacting Mianmian, for fear that his heart would be shaken by hearing her voice.

When I saw her directly on the silver screen this time, Steinli's heart began to agitate in an instant, and he wished to return to Country C now!

Han Tao patted him on the shoulder, "Gong Chuanhua is a real old fox, don't worry."

Don't worry? Can he not worry? Mianmian is pregnant now, but he is not by her side!

At this moment, Stingli is irritable and wants to kill!

"I'll go back to Country C!" Steinli got up from his chair and walked out.

Han Tao immediately stopped him, "Sidingli, if you go back at this time, if Gong Chuanhua knows, he will take the opportunity to fight back!"

Knowing that Stingli is leading people in Country Z, Gong Chuanhua will not sit and wait.

And Stingli's departure is country Z, which is his best chance to fight back!

Now that the grass has been stunned, the reporter has pushed Stingli to the spotlight.

The man clenched his fist tightly, the blue veins on his arm showed up, Gong Chuanhua! I will make you pay!

When he returned to sit on the sofa, Steinli had completely calmed down.

A young man with yellow hair came next to him, who was also one of the main forces of this action-Lor.

"Perhaps, we can go to Tianyemen and find the old man Qiao Mubin."

He held a document in his hand, which was the cause of the grievance between Qiao Mubin. After reading it, Si Dingli understood why Gong Chuanhua let Shao Jiayi kill the Qiao father and son.

Because Gong Chuanhua also had his surname Qiao, he and Qiao Mubin were cousins, but later because of a woman, Gong Chuanhua was expelled from Qiao's house and lost the qualification to inherit Tianyemen.

Coupled with a series of reasons later, the two have long turned against each other. Gong Chuanhua worked hard for a long time to kill Qiao Mubin and regain his position in Tianyemen.

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