Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1127: Grandma is a blessed person

When arriving at the old house, Shao Jiayi was helped by Luman to get out of the car. There were several cars parked at the door of the old house. After seeing Si Shaozhe's car accidentally, Shao Jiayi walked into the door of the old house in confusion.

Is there a party today? Si Shaozhe is here!

Shao Jiakang is smoking at the door, smoking? Shao Jiayi looked at Xixi next to him in surprise. It was rare for his brother to smoke.

Unless it is particularly annoying or when things are difficult, one or two will be drawn.

It seems that the elder brother and Hee Hee really quarreled, so that elder brother was so upset!

Si Xixi's eyes were flush with Shao Jiakang's eyes, Shao Jiakang pinched out the cigarette butt, walked over, put his wife around, and took his sister into the living room.

There is no one in the living room, "Where is Dad?"

Shao Jiakang glanced at his sister, "Upstairs, Mianmian..."

He stopped talking, and Shao Jiayi looked at his brother curiously, "Brother, what happened to you and Xixi? Both made Xixi cry and didn't even apologize!"

Shao Jiakang didn't need to think too much, and knew what Shao Jiayi meant. It was nothing more than misunderstanding that he was quarreling with Xixi, and Xixi was made to cry by him.

Shao Jiakang silently led the two of them upstairs. As soon as he reached the second floor, he clearly felt an extremely depressed atmosphere.

From time to time there are... crying sounds?

Shao Jiayi's anxiety gradually increased. Who is crying?

Because I was so upset and scared, I even forgot to ask Shao Jiakang who was crying.

Getting closer to Han Min's room, Shao Jiayi's hands began to tremble, because the crying sound seemed to be... mother crying again.

Three people appeared at Han Min's door, and there were many people in the room.

Mr. and Mrs. Shao Mian, Mr. and Mrs. Wenchuan, Si Shaozhe, and a plainly dressed middle-aged man that Shao Jiayi had never seen before.

Han Min lay on the bed with his eyes closed.

Except for Yang Ziqin and Bo Yiyue who were crying in the room, everyone else had a solemn expression on their faces. Shao Jiayi tried his best to suppress the tremor in her heart, gradually approached the big bed, and asked softly, "Grandpa and grandma, mom and dad, Shaozhe... is grandma sick?"

On the bed, Han Min closed his eyes kindly, as if he was asleep, with a kind smile on the corner of his mouth.

Before everyone spoke, Shao Jiayi wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, because grandma didn't seem to be wrong.

However, Shao Mian said cruelly, "Mianmian, your grandma... is gone."

Go, go, go?

Shao Jiayi laughed suddenly, in a very soft voice, "Dad, what are you talking about? Isn't grandma here? Where are you going?"

It has been more than 20 years since Shao Jiayi was born, and I have never experienced the feeling of a loved one leaving. At this moment, her first thought was to resist thinking deeply about Shao Mian's leaving, what did she mean!

Bo Yiyue held her daughter and held back her tears, "Mianmian...Your grandma will never be with you anymore!"

Regardless of whether Shao Jiayi is willing to ponder or leave, she can't escape the facts at this moment.

As soon as his legs became soft, he sat on the edge of the bed like this, holding Han Min's hand in a panic with both hands.

It was only then that Han Min's hand... was terribly cold!

"'s me, Mianmian...Look at me to see you!" Dou Da's tears poured down, and she behaved naively to wake her grandma who she thought was asleep.

"Grandma, if you... don't open your eyes... Mian Mian will be angry! Grandma..." Shao Jiayi collapsed completely, because no matter what she called, grandma didn't respond.

Si Shaozhe came over and rubbed Shao Jiayi's long hair, "Mianmian, grandma walked in her sleep without any pain. We shouldn't be sad."

"Yes! Mianmian, you still have children in your stomach, so you can't be too emotional!" Bo Yiyue persuaded her daughter.

Shao Jiayi slapped Si Shaozhe's hand and asked him collapsed, "Should not be sad, are you making me laugh? My grandma! That's my grandma, she... no more, no more! I can't see am I not sad...I..."

Because of his emotions, Shao Jiayi didn't come up in one breath and almost fainted.

A group of people hurriedly came to comfort her, "Mianmian, don't be uncomfortable, you still have a child in your stomach, you are very bad for your child!"

"Shao Zhe is right. There was no sign before your grandma left. Others have suffered a lot of illness. Your grandma has not. Everyone has this day. We should not be so uncomfortable!" Shao Wenchuan said earnestly and comforted his granddaughter.

Si Shaozhe could understand her feelings at the moment, and put her right hand on her trembling shoulder, "Mianmian, I have seen many old people in the hospital who can't fight the disease and left. Each of them was as thin as wood before leaving. ...Or else it is a sudden illness, uncomfortable to death, grandma left in her sleep, grandma is a blessed person!"

Shao Jiayi didn't know what to say, only that he felt uncomfortable in his heart, wanted to suffocate, and couldn't say a word.

Her grandmother, who was the most kind and kind to her, actually left like this...

She knew that there is always this day. She thought that grandma would live for more than ten years. She didn't expect this day to come so quickly and so suddenly...

"I don't want Grandma to go! I don't want to see Grandma..." She cried into Bo Yiyue's arms. Apart from crying, she didn't know what she should do at this moment to make Grandma come back. .

In the room, the cry continued for a long time...

On the second day of the sixth day of the lunar calendar, the old wife of the Shao family, Han Min, passed away in her sleep at the age of 108.

The funeral was organized by Shao Wenchuan as his son, with Shao Mian and Shao Jiakang assisting.

Shao Jiayi, who is not in her home, is accompanied by Si Xixi, Bo Yiyue takes care of Shao Jingyan, and the twins and Li Qianluo are in the manor in the new district.

After the first seven days, the funeral was held in the old house. Many people came that day...

After careful consideration, Shao Mian accepted the media's online proposal, and Han Min's affairs quickly fermented online.

As long as they have some status in country C, they will all come, and there will also be those from abroad.

It is not ruled out that there are still some people who want to build relationships, come to walk through the process and affection.

There is also Han Min's student.

Han Min has been a teacher for a lifetime and has taught many students.

Many students come to send their mentor for the last time...

Shao Jiayi quietly knelt on a cushion that Bo Yiyue prepared for her, turning a deaf ear to the people who came back and forth to mourn, just burning paper money.

Some noble ladies would take the initiative to comfort her, Shao Jiayi either shook his head or nodded.

After the funeral, heated discussions came quietly, because everyone showed up at the funeral, but Stingli, the great-grandson-in-law, did not appear.

Although Li Qianluo and Si Jin Heng spent a day at the funeral, helping the Shao family pick up and drop off guests, they did not stop some people from talking.

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