Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1131: Don't ask men this question!

"I brought you here today because you are covering my side. I didn't expect you to push my wife with thoughts you shouldn't have! Kong Sisi, you are tired of living!" Sidingli spit out coldly In one passage, all those who tried to hurt Shao Jiayi were his stout enemies!

Kong Sisi was in pain all over, and shook his head vigorously to defend himself, "General Manager Si, I don't have Mrs. Pushes! She framed me!"

Stingli sneered, "Without the thoughts that shouldn't be said, I dare to provoke my wife! If I were her, I would not be as simple as framing you, I would throw you into the sea outside with a wheelchair. go with!"

I didn't bother to pay attention to this woman anymore, put Shao Jiayi on the bed carefully, and called the bodyguard outside, "Give her a sum of money, and roll as far as possible! Never let me see her again!"

"Okay, President Si!" Despite Kong Sisi's resistance, the two bodyguards put her back in the wheelchair.

When Si Dingli saw his son who had turned over unintentionally, another cold look came to Kong Sisi, "Let her shut up!"

Another bodyguard immediately went to cover Kong Sisi's mouth, and the two quickly led her away from the castle.

The room returned to quiet, and Steinli looked at the little woman helplessly, "Just tell me next time, why should I fall?"

When she said that, she went to pick up her clothes and double-check whether she hurt herself.

Shao Jiayi smiled awkwardly, "Did you find it?"

Ugh! Her white lotus, played in vain!

Confirming that she was not injured, Steinli put her in his arms and pinched the tip of her nose, "Naughty!"

"Huh, who asked you to recruit bees and butterflies!" Shao Jiayi looked at him dissatisfied.

The man smiled and promised her, "I will remember this lesson, and next time I won't give anyone a chance to save me, let alone let any woman approach me! How?"

Shao Jiayi's breathing tightened and her chest hurts. How could this man be so good? It was her who was wrong this time, okay?

Hugging him tightly, "Stingli, you will spoil me."

How can she let her be so unreasonable? Spoil her even more than Shao Mian!

"If it is broken, it will be broken. Remember not to harm other people if it is broken, it is enough to harm me!"

"I will depend on you in this life!"

Men are rarely naive, "It's the puppy who regrets it!"

Shao Jiayi couldn't help but kissed him on the cheek, "Okay!"

"Tell you one thing." Siding Li suddenly remembered one thing and felt it necessary to let Shao Jiayi know.


"Did Qiao Han talk to you when I was away?" I knew about this, or when I went to visit Mr. Qiao.

Shao Jiayi answered truthfully, "I only called a few times and never met."

Qiao Han also asked her to go out for dinner, but she remembered Shao Jiakang's teachings and did not agree to it two or three times, and Qiao Han never contacted her again.

Stingli nodded in satisfaction, "He probably is now a father too."

"Qiao Han is married?"


Shao Jiayi was shocked, what happened to Qiao Han?

"There was a woman who was pregnant with her child quietly. After Qiao Han found out, she refused to ask for that child. That woman made trouble with the old man at Tianyemen, and I happened to visit him the same day."

Shao Jiayi wondered, "Brother Han, why don't you want that child? Isn't it his?"

Sidingli shook his head, "It's his child, because that woman is a woman who works in a nightclub!"

what? Shao Jiayi opened his mouth in surprise.

How could Brother Han have such a woman?

"Did you see who Qiao Han is? I'm more scumbag than me, I'm so thankful for you that you didn't choose him at the beginning." Sidingli threw a word to her coolly.

Shao Jiayi, "..."

Suddenly, "Wow wow wow wow!" There was a loud cry next to him, and Si Dingli held down Shao Jiayi who was about to get up.

He didn't call Yuesao either, he approached the baby crib himself.

However, there is a strange smell...

Stingli gently pulled away the little guy's diapers, causing the man to change his face immediately.

"What's the matter? Did you pull Baba?" Shao Jiayi smirked at Stingli's face.

Si Dingli originally wanted to call Yuesao up, but Shao Jiayi sat up from the bed and said, "Stop calling, let me come!"

Just change a diaper for my son.

Stingli waved her hand, motioning him not to come over.

He lifted his son up and walked to the bathroom.

"Husband, can you do it?" Shao Jiayi was worried, would you like to follow up.

"Shao Mianmian, don't ask the man this question!" The man's serious voice came from the bathroom.


Five minutes passed, ten minutes passed, the moment Shao Jiayi sat up from the bed, the bathroom door was opened.

Sidingli's shirt was covered with water stains, but the son in his arms was clean, and his **** was covered with clean diapers.

However, still crying.

Stingli asked Shao Jiayi irritably, "I cleaned him up, why is he crying!"

Why is my son so annoying? No wonder Dad didn't like him at the beginning, and he especially liked Xixi and Nuan Nuan.

Now it seems that he is too, especially like twins, not like this stinky son!

"Hungry, of course I cried!"

Shao Jiayi walked over and took the son in his arms, "You go change your clothes and I will breastfeed."

Stingli was going to change clothes, but after hearing the second half of her sentence, he couldn't help but follow her.

Shao Jiayi put his son on the bed, lying next to him, and inadvertently glanced at the shadow behind him.

"Huh? Why don't you change your clothes?"

"Don't worry!" The brat, dare to grab something from him!

Shao Jiayi knew what he meant and rolled his eyes in the air, but the baby cried louder and louder, and Shao Jiayi couldn't take care of the man next to him, and started feeding his son.

The cry stopped abruptly, and Steinli approached Shao Jiayi, watching his son squirming in contentment, and his heart was angry.

Shao Jiayi pushed the man, "What are you doing? Go and change clothes! Don't catch a cold!"

Instead, Stingli sat down next to her, took the little guy's other dishonest hand with her big palm, and replaced it with his own.

"Mianmian, I've been thinking about it for a long time, when will it be possible?" Sidingli leaned into Shao Jiayi's ear dishonestly, and blew gently.

Shao Jiayi quickly opened his hand, "If you didn't close the door, you were too bold!"

With a sigh, the man closed the door and locked it.

Shao Jiayi, "..."

However, it just so happened that before the bed on S Dingli's side was next to each other, Li Qianluo started knocking on the door outside, "Mianmian, Dingli, can I go in?"



Li Qianluo, "..."

The door was opened in the end, and the first thing that caught the eye was Steinli's ugly face.

Li Qaluo was stared inexplicably, and she clearly said that she could come in.

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