Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1138: I won't do what you want

The coffee was boiling hot, Lou Muxi touched his red and swollen wrist, his teeth clenched.

She was wearing a white shirt and was dipped in a lot of coffee. All in all, she was in a panic...

Lou Muxi ignored Jiaojiao with a pale face and apologized to everyone, "I'm sorry to disturb you in the meeting, you continue, I will clean up now."

Li Yang said lightly, "Secretary Lou, if you can't do such a small thing, how can you be the secretary of the president?"

Tears blurred his eyes, Lou Muxi raised his head and forced the tears back.

Lou Muxi, be strong and don't cry! "Sorry Mr. Li, I will clean up now, sorry!"

Lou Muxi turned and left, Li Yang's beautiful brows wrinkled unconsciously.

In the bathroom, Lou Muxi put his wrist under the cold water, and the moment he lowered his head, tears couldn't help anymore, dropping into the sink drop by drop.

One minute later, she wiped away her tears, returned to the original appearance, and walked into the cleaning room.

Enduring the pain from his wrist, Lou Muxi cleaned the mess at the door of the meeting room.

Go down from the conference floor to the infirmary on the third floor. First, simply deal with the injury on the wrist. The female doctor told her, "Here is only a simple treatment for you. You will still have to go to the hospital later. Do you have a fever? You should go to the hospital."

Lou Muxi nodded slightly, "Thank you, I see."

After coming out of the infirmary, Lou Muxi found the head of the secretarial department to ask for leave.

According to the company's regulations, the secretary of the secretary department asked for leave, but Lou Muxi had to find the supervisor first.

Hearing that she was going to the hospital, and her wrist injury was obvious, the supervisor quickly agreed.

Because the whole person was too uncomfortable, Lou Muxi didn't have time to change his clothes, so he hurried to the hospital with his bag.

In fact, she is not familiar with Country Z at all.

I’ve never been to Country Z before, but I’m here now. From the next day, I have been working in SL Group day and night.

There was no time to go shopping at all, so he stopped a taxi and Lou Muxi told the taxi driver, "Master, go to the nearest hospital."

Sitting in the taxi, Lou Muxi closed his eyes to relieve his pain.

Within two minutes, her cell phone rang, it was Li Yang.

At this moment, Lou Muxi really didn't want to see the words Li Yang, let alone Li Yang!

But when she thought of Yu Wanwan, she sighed secretly and slid down the answer button, "Mr. Li."

"Send the contract prepared in cooperation with the Lien Group."

"I'm not in the company right now, you can ask them to help it. It's in the first drawer of my desk." Lou Muxi's voice was very small because she almost fell asleep.

"Not in the company? Lou Muxi, where did you go to be lazy during working hours?" Li Yang's voice seemed unbelievable.

Lou Muxi rubbed her swollen temples and was about to answer Li Yang. The taxi stopped and the driver reminded her, "Miss, the Third People's Hospital is here!"

Lou Muxi pulled out his wallet and settled the bill to the driver.

After getting out of the car, Lou Muxi put the phone back to his ear and explained helplessly, "Mr. Li, I have already taken a day off from the head of the secretarial department."

However, the man over there ended the call without speaking.

Lou Muxi shook his head, really inhumane!

Go to the hospital, register, and while waiting for the consultation, Lou Muxi checked the balance of his bank card account.

One, ten, one hundred, one thousand... ten thousand two hundred and seventy-six yuan.

The money in it was still saved by her mother before, which was originally 50,000 yuan. Before the accident, she used the money to buy an expensive shirt for Dai Pengzhe, 30,000 yuan.

She herself has not worn such expensive clothes!

However, thinking of the ending of that shirt, Lou Muxi closed his eyes with a wry smile.

Dai Pengzhe cut his shirt with a knife in front of Lian Shizhen, then stepped on the ground, and finally threw it into the trash can...

A teardrop slipped from the corner of his eyes, and Lou Muxi quickly wiped it away.

Perhaps it was the cause of the illness today. It seemed a bit more hypocritical than usual, and it was easy to shed tears.

"Next, Lou Muxi!"

Ten minutes later, Lou Muxi was sitting in the infusion hall, watching one nurse treat himself with a scald, while the other gave himself a needle for infusion.

The two nurses left one after another. Lou Muxi closed his eyes and prepared to take a nap.

However, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her, and she opened her eyes.

It's Li Yang.

"What? Mr. Li came here personally to see if I lied?" Lou Muxi knew she was not a generous person, and she was still angry about what happened in the conference room just now.

Li Yang frowned slightly when she heard her thorny words, turned and left without saying anything.

Lou Muxi looked at his back, breathing tightly, and he came to see if he was lying to him, hehe...

This man is really not ordinary stingy!

A mocking smile flicked across the corner of his lips, and he continued to close his eyes.

five minutes later

A sound of footsteps stopped in front of her, and then her body rose into the air, the defenseless Lou Muxi's eyes widened in fright.

It's Li Yang again! And still holding her.

"what are you doing!"

Her slightly red and swollen eyes stared wide because of the fright, and her round face looked very...cute.

A nurse next to her picked up her infusion bottle and followed Li Yang to leave the infusion room.

Li Yang didn't speak, Lou Muxi continued to sarcastically, "Seeing that I am really in the hospital, now take me back and continue to work?"

"Li Yang, I know what you are thinking, let me tell you, if Mom doesn't speak, I won't do what you want!" He can't wait to divorce her, why is she not?

Tying two people who don't like each other is really an invisible torture.

"Li Yang, you let me down, I can't go back to the company after I lose this bottle of water..." Before he could speak, Lou Muxi's voice stopped abruptly because of the scene in front of him.

In an empty senior ward

Li Yang laid her on the hospital bed, and the nurse next to her hung up the water she was losing...

So, Li Yang left to get her hospitalized?

Lou Muxi was a little embarrassed and blocked her face with the thin cover he had covered. When the nurse left, she said softly, "Thank you, Mr. Li."

"Don't think too much. I'm worried about getting off work at night. You can't go home on time. Mom will ask questions. I am annoying!"

"..." The touch and the strange ripples that had originally flowed in my heart disappeared.

Lou Muxi did not speak any more. Later, she was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes. The ward was quiet, and she quickly fell asleep.

Even breathing sounded from the bed, Li Yang put his hands in his pockets, walked over from the window sill and stood still in front of the hospital bed.

The woman closed her eyes tightly, her round face was slightly pale because of discomfort, her lips slightly opened.

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