Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1147: You want to use me

An hour later, Lou Muxi walked out of the bathroom with a pale face wrapped in a bath towel.

Seeing Li Yang sitting outside, there was a touch of hatred in his eyes and no longer looked at him.

As for Li Yang, watching the woman who came out of the bathroom only wrapped in towels, his breathing unconsciously increased slightly.

When she dried her long hair, Li Yang got up from the sofa and walked behind her.

"Lou Muxi, tell me what happened?"

Lou Muxi did not answer him, but stood up from the dressing table for a long time, and tore off the bath towel.

Li Yang only felt a warm thing flowing from his nose and wiped it with his hands, only to realize that it was...nosebleed.

Feeling a little embarrassed to touch the tissues on the table, and then ran into the bathroom to rinse off the nosebleeds.

After coming out, Lou Muxi sat on the bed like this, motionless.

"Lou Muxi, what do you mean!" Li Yang was a little irritated because he was too embarrassed just now, God! He must have had no private life for a long time, and he would react to a woman who has the means...

Lou Muxi got off the bed again, this time Li Yang finally did not make himself ashamed, and calmly looked at the woman in front of him.

"Are I broken shoes? You'll know if you try!"

She is not torn shoes, she should not be looked down upon by Li Yang, and then force her to see Dai Pengzhe.

Regarding her Chi Guoguo invitation, Li Yang's eyes were deep, "No, that has nothing to do with me!"

"I want to be your woman, with the help of your power." She took the initiative to climb Li Yang's neck and looked straight at the man in front of her.

She didn't know Li Yang, and didn't know whether Li Yang had power, but no matter Li Yang had no power, she was stronger than her.

Regarding the woman's initiative, Li Yang couldn't hold back and stretched out his right arm around her waist.

"Do you want to use me to avenge them?"

"Yes!" Then she finished taking revenge on Dai Pengzhe and Lian Kezhen, and the last one was Li Yang!

The man who pushed her under Dai Pengzhe, and the man who did everything possible to divorce her!

"After taking revenge on them, are taking revenge on me?" She couldn't hear his voice.

All I know is that after she said ‘yes’, Li Yang’s fingers pressed against her bruises and Lou Muxi snorted in pain.

With this painful soft moan, Li Yang hugged her in his arms and lowered his head to seal her red lips.

There were countless noises in Li Yang's mind, letting go of her, letting go of her... However, he couldn't help pressing Lou Muxi on the bed.

"Damn woman, dare to seduce me! How lonely are you?" Li Yang tried hard to get his sanity back, and looked at the blushing woman under him angrily, full of allure!

Lou Muxi smiled, drew circles on his chest, and said without pain, "Li Yang, from then on, there is another enemy in my life, and that is you."

Her words were so light that Li Yang was stunned for a moment.

Yes, without his insistence, she would not be here tonight and these things would happen.

Suddenly grabbing her dishonest little hand, Li Yang warned her with an ugly face, "I won't allow you to make any mistakes in the past few days my mom is here! Whether it's your body or your performance. Put on your clothes and go to the hospital! "

Then she jumped out of bed, took the clothes that Secretary Tao bought, and threw them to her.

Lou Muxi looked at the ceiling with hollow eyes, and his heart gradually died.

"Lou Muxi, your ultimate goal is not me, don't make a mistake on this road!" The man reminded him to refocus Lou Muxi's hollow eyes.

She sat up from the bed and quietly put on the clothes Li Yang threw over.

Then he walked to the table without saying a word, took his bag, and walked out.

Li Yang looked at her back and quickly followed.

It was too late to return home after taking medicine from the hospital, and Yu Wanwan was already asleep.

Lou Muxi hugged her quilt and returned to the room she had lived in before, and fell asleep quietly.

The next morning, before Yu Wanwan got up, she had already gone to the company.

When I arrived at the company, I sent a WeChat message to Yu Wanwan, "Mom, I have a lot of work today, and now I am at the company, don't worry."

At eight in the morning, the morning meeting officially began.

Lou Muxi put the meeting materials in front of Li Yang, and then sat down quietly.

At the end of the meeting, Li Yang took the lead to leave the meeting room. Lou Muxi packed up his things and immediately followed.

"Mr. Li, the new-generation company manager came over to discuss the contract at nine o'clock, and I had an appointment with Mr. Liu at the coffee shop at 10:30. At noon, I had an appointment with Manager Qiao for lunch at the Mantons Hotel..." Mu Xi in the elevator inner floor reported him Today's itinerary, all the way to his office.

Finally, Li Yang sat down at the desk, Lou Muxi finished the last sentence, "...At nine o'clock, I had an appointment with Ms. Ella in the Red Mansion. The rest is gone."

"Lou Muxi, did Dai Pengzhe force you last night, or you took the initiative!"

His words were straightforward, and Lou Muxi could bear his direct questioning without any psychological preparation.

"This matter is a private matter between me and him. President Li should stop asking. If you still want to cooperate with the Lian Group, please! Nothing else, I will go out first!" Lou Muxi closed the schedule. Turn around and leave.

"Stop!" Li Yang stood up from the chair and approached the stopped woman.

Lou Muxi turned around blankly, "President Li, please speak."

"Tomorrow, a personal consultant of mine will come from country A. It's my good brother. You take him out to have fun."

Lou Muxi, "..."

His good brother asked her to take her out to play, it seems that Li Yang wanted to push her mind away, and it has not changed.

He said bitterly, "Okay, President Li, are there any other orders?"

"No, just remember to dress beautifully!"

At this moment, all of Lou Muxi's goodwill towards Li Yang was wiped out, "Li Yang, if possible, I would like to divorce you too! I really want to!"

Leaving a word, Lou Muxi left the office without looking back.

Meeting Li Yang seemed to be her disaster.

Maybe she, Lou Muxi, is destined to not be happy in this life...

Holding his aching heart, he returned to the secretary's room, Lou Muxi put all his thoughts into work.

In the afternoon, Lou Muxi received a call from Yu Wanwan, "Mu Xi, mom is going back to country A first. If Li Yang is not good to you or bullies you, you can call me anytime!"

"Mom, don't worry, Li Yang is very good to me! I won't bully me!" Lou Muxi hid in the corner of the company and continued the call. When he said Li Yang's name, he deliberately lowered his voice.

"Well, good, Mu Xi, take good care of yourself!"

"I know mom, so do you and dad, don't worry too much, pay attention to your body."

"Well, Mu Xi, goodbye!"


After hanging up the phone, Lou Muxi finally relaxed a lot. Yu Wanwan left, she was free.

The whole person is free.

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