Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1154: Really can't suffer

"I'm in a hurry, you..."

"Say one more word, you don't even want to go back tonight!"

Lou Muxi, "..."

Obediently followed Li Yang into the villa.

Dinner in the villa was ready, Lou Muxi was forced to wash his hands and sit down to have dinner with Li Yang.

At the end of the dinner, Lou Muxi found the man who finished the dinner first in the living room. When she was about to talk, Li Yang gave her his mobile phone.

It turned out that Yu Wanwan was showing Li Yang a video...

"Mom." She sat down and talked to Yu Wanwan.

Yu Wanwan made a surprise check, and saw that the young couple were really together, still in Li Yang's villa, which made him happy.

All previous worries and doubts were dispelled, "Mu Xi, your grandfather will have a birthday next month, and come back with Li Yang at that time!"

Lou Muxi glanced at the man opposite, and Li Yang nodded.

"Okay, I got it mom."

Then Lou Muxi and Yu Wanwan talked for a long time before ending the video call.

Li Yang took his mobile phone and stood up from the sofa, "Lou Muxi, I have a job for you!"

"What job?" Lou Muxi was puzzled.

"You won't know when you come up!"

Lou Muxi followed up to the study on the second floor, and Li Yang sat down in a chair, "Shoulder sore, come and pinch it for me!"

Woman is full of question marks.

"What about the ink? Hurry up!" Li Yang looked impatient.

"Mr. Li, tomorrow, I'm in a hurry today!" I still missed the subway, and I can only look forward to the last bus.

Li Yang stood up, walked to the door, locked the study door, "If you are not obedient today, don't want to go anywhere!"

Lou Muxi, "..."

Angrily squeezed his shoulder, the man was not satisfied, "Too light!"

She gritted her teeth hard.

"It's too heavy, I want to hurt me!"

"..." Li Yang was still humming when Lou Mu Xi's arms were weak and he couldn't use his strength at all. "It's too light, isn't it for you to eat?"

"Slap!" Lou Muxi slapped Li Yang on the shoulder with a slap.

Li Yang turned his chair back and looked at the angry woman in disbelief.

"You hit me again!"

"That's right, what's the matter?" Lou Muxi saw that Li Yang was owed, and every day he said that she had broken shoes, and still beckoned like this...No, tortured him.

Li Yang stood up from the chair suddenly, pulled Lou Muxi into his arms, and bit her ear hard.


Lou Muxi grunted in pain, "I'm sick!"

"Do you have medicine?"

"How can I have the medicine you need to take?"

Her chin was lifted by the man, and Lou Muxi met the man's gaze, "An Muxi, I found your mouth quite slippery!"

"Of course! Are you going to suffer a loss in the battle of words?" Without a clever mind, one cannot practice eloquence without losing it!

"You really can't suffer!" Li Yang said, lowering his head and putting on the woman's red lips.

Lou Muxi's round face was flushed.

Hey, eh, why does this man kiss when he doesn't agree?

Although I don't hate his kiss, I can't always be taken advantage of like this!

Anyway, he couldn't push him away, so Lou Muxi simply didn't do it and pushed him directly!

A forceful, Li Yang couldn't help, squatting on the chair behind him, looking at the woman who pushed him down in shock.

Lou Muxi gritted his teeth and crawled on top of the man's stunned eyes.

Leaning forward slightly, he clung to his neck and put on his red lips.

She is different from Li Yang's deep kiss, just a kiss.

The ambiguous atmosphere instantly surrounded the two people, and Li Yang reacted, turning his passive into an active palm clasping the back of her head.

When the man made further movements, Lou Muxi awake, bit on Li Yang's lips, and jumped off his leg.

Get away!

When he ran to the living room downstairs, he saw the man following him from the corner of his eye. Lou Muxi grabbed the car key at the entrance, quickly changed his shoes, and rushed out.

When Li Yang chased him out, Porsche had already left.


Sweep the blood oozing from the lower lip with your tongue, Li Yang's eyes are full of anger, **** woman!

Fool him and run! Not bad! not bad!

When I returned to the room, I received a text message from Lou Muxi.

"Li Yang! I will take advantage of me in the future, I don't mind if my old driver gets you in trouble!"

The corner of Li Yang's lips made a wicked smile. It seems that I am looking forward to...

If you drive Li Yang's car, you have to pay the price with laziness.

At seven o'clock exactly, Lou Muxi arrived at the door of Li Yang's villa on time, yawning and lethargic, waiting for him to go out.

It wasn't until 7:20 that Li Yang calmly opened the door of the villa and walked out of it.

Inside the car, Lou Muxi was lying on the steering wheel and fell asleep.

Li Yang knocked on the car door, but did not respond.

Knock again.

Lou Muxi woke up suddenly, looking at Li Yang with ugly expression outside the door with sleepy eyes, got out of the car and opened the door of the rear seat, "President, please get in the car!"

Just like her, want to drive tired?

Li Yang squeezed her furiously into the back seat of the car, got into the main driver, and started the car.

The cabin was quiet, Lou Muxi leaned his head on the window and closed his eyes again.

I blame Li Yang, what's the matter? Caused her insomnia all night, and fell asleep after four o'clock in the morning.

Before long, the car stopped by the side of the road, Lou Muxi had already curled up in the car seat and fell asleep.

Li Yang silently drove the car to the underground parking lot, opened the skylight, closed the door and walked into the elevator.

Lou Muxi didn't feel anything throughout the process.

Until a phone call, she woke her up and stumbled out the phone from her bag, "Hey."

"Mu Xi, we have been waiting for you for two hours. When will you be able to arrive at the company!" Dai Pengzhe's voice reached Lou Mu Xi's ears, awakening her again.

Where is she? Oh! Underground Parking Lot!

what time is it? Damn! It was past ten o'clock, it was terrible!

"I'll be there soon!" Lou Muxi hung up anxiously, opened the door and got out of the car.

Why doesn't Li Yang call her? Just let her sleep like this?

Didn't ask for leave from the personnel manager, and was absent from work again...oooooooo.

Stepping on high heels, hurriedly ran to the attendance machine, punched in and went to the locker room to change clothes.

When I came out, I ran into Tao Xueying.

Tao Xueying looked at Lou Muxi who was panicking, and said curiously, "Secretary Lou, why did you come here? President Li is angry. No one answers your call. The manager of Lianshi Group has been waiting for a long time!"

Li Yang called her? Why doesn't she know? Turning on the phone and flipping through it a few times, how could Li Yang call her!

"It's okay, I'll go over now!" Lou Muxi sorted out his appearance and rushed into the private consultant's office.

Li Yang in the office, through the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows, saw a black shadow and quickly passed through.

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