Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1160: You are not a man!

He could see it, this Lou Muxi hid himself very deep, on the surface indifferent and indifferent, but in fact he was also a little woman in his bones.

A girl who loves to eat, is stubborn, clever, and caressing!

Lou Muxi slapped his big palm, she just said something more to him because she was in a good mood.

"Li Yang." She stuffed a melon seed kernel into her mouth.


"I want to resign."

Li Yang looked at her in silence, trying to see the joking from her face, but he didn't.

"it is good."

He readily agreed, causing Lou Muxi to feel distressed slightly.

"Then I will hand in my resignation when the salary is paid."

"Lou Muxi, I definitely married a pig!"

Lou Muxi stood up from the chair and looked down at Li Yang, full of anger, "Li Yang, if you insult me ​​again, I will be angry!"

"Well, get angry!"

"..." Lou Muxi was mad, how could she marry Li Yang, a... stinky man.

Looking at her angry face, Li Yang pulled her wrist and told her to sit down.

"I said Lou Muxi, are you stupid?"

"Why am I stupid?" Although she admitted that she was not smart, she didn't want to admit that she was stupid...

"Are you planning to quit your job, go back to Country A alone, get closer to your enemies, and then find a job and take revenge on them slowly?"

"..." Lou Muxi looked at Li Yang with admiration, can he read mind?

Li Yang's ironic laughter made Lou Muxi blush, "What are you laughing at!"

"Lou Muxi, you are really a pig head, so you want to avenge the daughter of the Lian clan group? According to the Lian clan's influence, you will be killed every minute!" Li Yang said that it was true and false, and they knew each other.

Lien has a stable position in Country A, and Lien Kozhen has no power in his hands, but she does not mean that Lian has no family.

If she hurts Lian's eldest lady, will Lian's people let her go?

She can be blamed for the attempted murder and sentenced to five years in prison, even Kezhen herself can do it!

Let alone this matter, even the family did not intervene, if even the father and the old man intervened, even if she was killed by Lien Kezhen, no one would know...

"Then I won't take revenge!" The mood of eating melon seeds was gone, and he simply put away the peel box, resting his chin in contemplation.

Li Yang leaned back in the chair lazily, squinting at her profile, "If you can find a backer, this is easy."

That backer, such as him...

"Backer?" Lou Muxi muttered to himself, "I heard that the Huo family has a prominent position in country A. Maybe you can find Huo Jue as a backer."

Li Yang's face was full of black lines, Lou Muxi would actually think of Huo Jue?

"An Muxi, you are my wife, dare to think about other men, are you tired of living?"

Lou Muxi shuddered in the breeze, why it was a bit cold.

"Your wife? Li Yang, have you ever used me as your wife? Do you dare to say that you don't think about how to divorce me every day?" Although he announced in front of Dai Pengzhe that she was his woman, it was probably just Because there is a red book among them...

Li Yang was silent. At the beginning, he really thought about how to divorce Lou Muxi every day, and even let the **** Huo Jue seduce her.

However, after this time of getting along, he found that he didn't know why, he didn't want Huo Jue to get close to Lou Muxi anymore.

Especially tonight, when Huo Jue introduced her as his girlfriend for Li Guo Ran, who was not far away, he couldn't wait to get a fist and knock out Huo Jue's front teeth.

All this is strange.

Therefore, Lou Muxi is poisonous...

Seeing that he didn't say a word, Lou Muxi's lips raised a bitter smile, which really made her right!

Standing up from the chair, he whispered, "Li Yang, when do you have someone you like, tell me, I will take the initiative to withdraw from this nominal marriage!"

She didn't want to delay Li Yang's lifelong happiness because of her.

He raised his high heels, took a step, was controlled by a force, and then fell into a warm embrace.

The man questioned everything, and the moment he touched her hand, it all turned into a concern, "Why are your hands so cold?"

Lou Muxi was a little greedy and did not pull back his hand, "Lengbei!"

Li Yang took off his suit, which was still wearing a black vest and then a white shirt.

Putting on his suit jacket, Lou Muxi felt a lot more comfortable, "Thank you."

He embraced her with his coat, "An Muxi, don't think about resignation, or I will let the people of the world be your enemy!"


Lou Muxi really wanted to laugh. Others' husbands told his wife gently, "For you, I don't care even if I am enemies of the whole world."

How come to her, it becomes, my husband makes people all over the world an enemy of his wife?

Climbing his arms around his neck, the enchanting aunt's red lips lightly opened, "Li Yang, you are not a man!"

Is the anger in the man's eyes clearly visible? Lou Muxi quickly let go of him, trying to escape.

Li Yang refused to give her a chance, and slammed her against the pillar behind him. Lou Muxi slammed his back against the pillar, groaning in pain.

Damn Li Yang, she is also a woman anyway, so she won't pity Xiangxiyu!

"Lou Muxi, I'll let you see if I am a man now!" It is not a man who was provoked, Li Yang rudely sealed Lou Muxi's red lips, and the warm palm fell on her waist, gradually moving towards under……

The woman hummed dissatisfiedly, and twisted her waist in protest in the arms of the man!

damn it! Because of her uncooperative twisting, Li Yang's eyes were full of lust, swallowing all her air domineeringly.

The big red dress was wrapped around her waist by him, and the cold wind blew Lou Muxi's exposed legs trembling slightly.

Realizing what he wanted to do, Lou Muxi quickly turned aside his face and pulled down his dress, "No way!"

The whole body that was seduced by her was going to explode, Li Yang gritted his teeth in her ear, "Other men can do it, I can't?"

Lou Muxi looked at Li Yang in shock. It's now, does he think she is a broken shoe?

Exercising the strength of breastfeeding, he pushed the man away, "Li Yang, get out! Get out! Get out!"

The man who was pushed two steps away, panting heavily, then pulled her wrist and took it to the banquet hall.

"What are you pulling me to do, I can't keep up with you... You went too fast!"

"Go home now, you must sit down with me as husband and wife today!" And from now on, she is not allowed to have any other men!

Lou Muxi, "..." After a long while, he said quietly, "Aren't you afraid that I might infect you?"

"Are you sick?" he asked her back!

Lou Muxi ignored him, took off his jacket and threw it to him, straightened up and walked into the hall.

Seeing the woman approaching her glamorous back, Li Yang raked her hair irritably. Why is this Lou Muxi not under his control?

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