Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1163: Why are you still here?

Lou Muxi looked at the man lying on her bed in shock, "Mr. Li, are you homeless?"

"If you don't apologize, I won't go." Then he stood up again, took off his vest, followed by shoes...

In a posture of really not leaving, Lou Muxi did not care about his naivety, and quickly grabbed his hand from taking off his shoes, "Okay, okay, okay, Mr. Li! I was wrong! I shouldn't beat mom. Call, sorry!"

It is really shocking, a regional president is as naive as a child!

Li Yang smiled, pulled her hand away, and continued to take off her shoes, "Go and pour me water and wash my feet."

Her bathroom is too small, and he is not interested in going in.

Lou Muxi, "... President Li, I apologized, why are you still here?"

"Well, since I knew I was wrong, I have to make up for it. I am very tired now, and I don't want to toss back and forth, so I just slept here." Li Yang kicked off his brand-new leather shoes, put her pillow on her pillow, and smelled it carefully. , Comfortable!

Lou Muxi broke his hair and pulled at his hair. Why is it so difficult to give a gift to God?

"Mr. Li, look at my bed, it's so small, you're so noble, why is it suitable for sleeping in such a small and hard bed?" Lou Muxi tried to convince him.

Li Yang closed his eyes and said faintly, "I slept in a single bed in the army before, which is smaller and harder than this!"


Lou Muxi stood up and glared at the shameless man, "I don't have any new toiletries here!"

"Use yours!"

"... Mr. Li, can you not be so thick-skinned! Didn't you know that I was driving you away?" Lou Muxi didn't want to bend around any more, and just stunned.

"An Muxi, you have been angry with your mother once. If you chase your husband away again, I will call your mother and tell her that you have been chasing me out! Do you think Mom will be very angry after listening?" Li Yang intends to use his own way to treat his body!

Lou Muxi knew that Li Yang was grasping her weakness, she was afraid, and didn't want to make Yu Wanwan angry!

"All right, Mr. Li, go to sleep! I'll go out!"

"Where are you going?"

"The hotel opens a room!" She began to put on clothes on her body in an angry manner.

Li Yang said again, "Then I will tell Yu Wanwan, you will go out to find a man in the middle of the night!"

Which is tolerable or unbearable! Lou Muxi slapped Li Yang's thigh with a slap, and Li Yang was stunned in the spot, looking at the woman who was frantic as if looking at an alien.

In the next second, Lou Mu Xi felt the sky spin and she fell into a warm embrace.

Opening his eyes, he was lying on Li Yang's strong chest.

There was no distance between the two, and she could still smell the wine on his body and the cracks on his...mouth...

It seems that she bit...I didn't notice the wound during the day, it is obvious now!

"If you don't want to sleep, I can discuss skills with you, an old driver!" See if she is experienced or he knows more without a teacher!

Lou Muxi didn't bother to explain too much about his own uncleanness. Anyway, Li Yang wanted to divorce her too, and didn't plan to live a good life, then she didn't have to keep explaining to him that she didn't have a man.

Pushed him away, got up from him, walked into the bathroom, resigned to his fate, poured footwashing water for the uncle outside and took it out.

Li Yang washed his feet, and Lou Muxi confessed his fate to pour out the footwashing water for him.

"Let me use your dental kits." Li Yang sat up from the bed and wanted to wash.

Lou Muxi glared at him, "Don't let me use it, I despise you!"

"Do you dislike me?" Li Yang looked at the woman who didn't know good or bad, he didn't dislike her, is it good enough?

"I just hate you. Who knows that you just went to drink and kissed a few women. Maybe you came back soon after that!" Lou Muxun muttered softly, and cooled the clean foot towel.

Li Yang heard what she said clearly, watching her busy in the bedroom, silent.

In fact, he is very vengeful and stingy. Later, he will let Lou Muxi know the fate of what she said!

After a few minutes, Lou Muxi lay down next to Li Yang. She only has a single sofa here, so she can’t sleep on the sofa! Ugh!

"If you can't take off your clothes, I will turn off the light if you don't take off!"

Lou Muxi walked over, not going to see him, trying to give him a private space.

However, it's not right... There is only a pair of quilts, if he takes off...

"Wait a minute! Li Yang!" Lou Muxi quickly sat up from the bed and stopped the man who was happily getting out of bed and opening the belt buckle.

Li Yang jokingly looked at the red-faced woman, "I can't wait for this!"

"...No, don't take it off, only a pair of quilts! Li Yang, I beg you..." She has never slept in a bed with a man!

Even in Li Yang's room that night, she slept on the sofa. For this kind of situation, she hadn't prepared for it.

Li Yang ignored her pleading, took off his pants and stood in front of her like this.

Lou Mu Xisheng concealed his head with a quilt, and then reached out a hand to turn off the light.

In the dark, Li Yang took off his shirt and threw it on the sofa, then got into the bed.

He hugged the fleshy woman in his arms, "Quickly what? Lou Muxi, do you know the cost of saying this?"

The man put his arms around the woman from behind and blew gently in her ears.

Lou Muxi closed his eyes crumbled and moved to the bed, but the man didn't give her a chance, so he stayed on the spot after moving for a long time.

"You got it wrong, I didn't say anything. Go over there a bit!"

Li Yang not only didn't go over, but pressed her under him, "Lou Muxi, I want to discuss skills with you!"

Before she could answer, she kissed the woman's red lips.

In the dead of night, the ambiguous breath filled the room.

Lou Muxi pushed the man on him hard, but the man didn't move. The scent of wine in his mouth swallowed her brain, and when she was softly trying to surrender, Li Yang's cell phone rang.

Lou Muxi woke up instantly and pushed Li Yang down abruptly, wrapping himself tightly in the quilt.

Damn, I was almost taken apart and eaten! so close!

Li Yang smelled her body scent, closed his eyes in pain, who is it! Who the **** is it! Call him at this time, he must kill him!

Picking up the phone that kept ringing again, the man gritted his teeth and connected the call, "Huo Jue!"

When Huo Jue heard this, he was finished, knowing that he had broken his good deeds, "No, I didn't mean it, buddy, it was Ji Yuling who had an accident. When filming just now, I was scratched by a black fan with a dagger. ..."

"Does it have anything to do with me?" Li Yang interrupted him coldly.

"I call you brother anyway!" Huo Jue teased him.

"Huo Jue, don't you know that I am married? Tell me about other women. What is your peace of mind?" If Huo Jue stood in front of him at this moment, Li Yang would definitely use Huo Jue as a sandbag hammer!

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