Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1174: Didn't you slept with you last night?

Put the shoe box in the hallway, Lou Muxi went to wash his hands and started eating breakfast.

Breakfast proceeds in silence and ends in silence.

Li Yang waited until Lou Muxi had finished his last bite, got up from the dining table first, and walked to the door of the villa.

Lou Muxi wiped his mouth, threw the tissue into the trash can and quickly followed Li Yang.

After changing your shoes, Lou Muxi will pack up the high heels worn by the company.

The black Lamborghini sports car was waiting at the door, and Ji Yuzhou had been waiting for more than half an hour in the main driving.

Lou Muxi greeted Ji Yuzhou with a slight embarrassment, and then sat down in the back seat with Li Yang.

When the car started, Lou Muxi asked her what she was thinking, "Mr. Li, have you booked the plane ticket to country A tomorrow?"

Li Yang, who read the morning paper, glanced at her, "Yeah."

"Secretary-General Ji, can I ask for a leave tomorrow?" Since Qu Qi's incident, the company's employees asked for leave, they have been returned to the secretarial department.

All requests for leave from the president’s secretary office are managed by Ji Yuzhou.

"What do you ask for leave?" Li Yang asked this, and of course he was asking knowingly.

Lou Muxi pondered for a moment, and told the truth, "I also want to go back and see...Dad!"

And ask about Li Youhan, mother and brother, how the investigation is going.

"Well, come here." Li Yang put down the morning paper in his hand and hooked his finger at Lou Muxi who was far away from him.

Lou Muxi was puzzled, "Huh?"

Li Yang didn't want to talk nonsense with her, so he moved to her side, "Kiss me and let you ask for an hour off."

Lou Muxi, "..."

Ji Yuzhou, "..."

"How many days do you need to take? How many hours?" Li Yang put his right arm on the car window and circled Lou Muxi within a small area.

Lou Muxi opened Li Yang's arm and ignored him, "Secretary-General Ji, I can't leapfrog on leave, can you approve it?"

It takes three days to come and go from country A, and to do things like that.

Seventy-two hours in three days, wouldn't she have kissed Li Yang seventy-two times?

Ji Yuzhou cleared his throat, "If Madam wants to ask for leave, I don't mind if you leapfrog!"

Li Yang looked at Ji Yuzhou with admiration, he was indeed his confidant, not bad!

Lou Mu Xisheng looked at the triumphant man imperceptibly, "I'm going to take a three-day leave, a discount!"

"Okay, 50% off, thirty-six kisses."

Lou Muxi gritted his teeth and nodded in agreement.

"If you continue to come to my villa tonight, I will approve you for one week!"


This is not a naked invitation to sleep with? Take your body for vacation?

"I'll kiss you a few times!" Lou Muxi refused with a smile.

Li Yang was not angry, and told her faintly, "I have changed my attention. You want to take a three-day leave. In addition to thirty-six kisses, you also get me tonight!"

Lou Muxi, "..."

Ji Yuzhou, "..."

Lou Muxi really wanted to make a fist and hit Li Yang's malicious face.

"What's the difference between you doing this and Qu Qi?"

"Of course there is a difference! You are my wife, and I have thoughts about my wife, isn't that normal?"

Lou Muxi gritted his teeth and leaned close to his ear, "Didn't you slept with you last night?"

Li Yang nodded, "I'm not satisfied!"

Of course not satisfied! Because nothing happened at all! He took a cold shower to kill him!

Lou Muxi inhales, exhales, and then inhales...

Li Yang saw that she hesitated again and continued to tempt her, "I can set you free for seven days, and you can accompany your father-in-law more!"

"Deal!" Lou Muxi gritted his teeth and sold himself!

Ji Yuzhou in the front row finally couldn't help but laughed.

It was the first time he saw him. If my husband wanted to sleep with his wife, he had to rely on deceit and coax, and this incident also happened to Mr. Li Yangli...

"Ji Yuzhou..." The man's faint warning sound floated.

Ji Yuzhou immediately put away his laughter and concentrated on driving.

"Okay, now I want to charge interest first!" Li Yang said, before Lou Muxi agreed, she sealed her red lips.


Li Yang, Ji Yuzhou, and Lou Muxi joined the company together, which attracted a lot of attention.

Because today's Lou Muxi is obviously different from usual, I remember that Secretary Lou always wore dark clothes before, but today he changed to light colors for an unprecedented time.

Not only did the bright color not reveal the shortcomings of Lou Muxi's figure, but it also made it thinner.

However, the most conspicuous thing was the suspicious red on her neck. After the three people walked over, they were all talking about the hickey on Lou Mu Xi's neck.

"Have you seen it? The hickey on Secretary Lou's neck, my goodness! She is really unscrupulous in her private life!"

"Yeah! It still came out with a trace, how crazy it was last night!"


Lou Muxi stood still when he heard these comments.

She stopped, Li Yang looked back at her curiously.

Lou Muxi walked up to the female employees who were talking about him and told them coldly, "I am already married. Isn't it normal to have a private life? Why do you keep chasing me and making irresponsible remarks?"

She really didn't understand, she was just a secretary, not a president or a big star, why did she hold her?

When she heard that she was married, several female colleagues gasped. Although they suspected that what she said was true or false, everyone did not dare to say more about Li Yang behind her.

I can only bury my head in work, when nothing happens.

Three people entered the elevator, Li Yang looked at Lou Muxi's back, "This kind of thing often happens?"

"Yeah." Lou Muxi responded in a depressed mood. She was in a good mood at first, because she couldn't be happy because of everyone's remarks.

Although I knew I shouldn't be influenced by them, I couldn't help feeling uncomfortable.

However, she knew that all this was given by Dai Pengzhe, Lian Kezhen and Jiaojiao!

"Secretary Ji, make an announcement. If any colleagues discuss any gossip in the company in the future, they will all be expelled if found!"

"Yes, President Li!"

Lou Muxi turned his head in surprise and looked at Li Yang with a serious expression. Was he making this decision because of her?

When going to the locker room to change clothes, Lou Muxi was still immersed in Li Yang's decision.

How does she feel that Li Yang is defending her?

From Lian Kezhen apologizing to her, and then Li Yang hitting Dai Pengzhe and Jiao Jiao, Li Yang secretly helped herself.


Just because she is him in name...oh! Do not! It seems that since last night, there is a famous wife.

However, Lou Muxi thought about it carefully, since she was with Li Yang last night, why did she not feel at all?


Walking to the private consultant's office, the man whistling on the sofa pulled Lou Muxi back from his thoughts.

"Xiao Xixi, you are finally here! Wow! What happened to your neck? Is it with Li Yang, hehehe?" Huo Jue jumped in front of her with his yellow hair on his head, smiling wildly.

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