Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1180: Things are a bit tricky

"Um, Mom, I want to go to the cemetery in the afternoon and see my dad again!"

Speaking of his family, Lou Muxi's lips and smile gradually disappeared.

Yu Wanwan pulled her to her side, "Okay, by the way, your dad is investigating your brother's affairs for you. Some people said that he had appeared in Country C, but when he looked for him later, he was gone."

Lou Muxi felt a little uncomfortable and raised his head to keep the tears from falling.

"There's also your mother's thing. It's a bit tricky. Our people went to the cemetery to see that it was indeed an artificial collapse. However, the clues showed several people. When the result can be determined, I will tell you again!" Open.

"I asked about your dad before going to the community where you lived. The security guard said from memory that the surveillance showed that several men had been to your house. After that, your dad... became ill. But that surveillance was caught early. Destroy..." Therefore, the Lou's accident must be man-made.

Lou Muxi endured tears and nodded, "Thank you parents..."

"It's all a family, what are you polite. Don't cry, your dad will let people keep investigating until the murderer is found!"

"Okay, I won't cry." Lou Muxi took the tissue that Yu Wanwan handed over and wiped the corners of his eyes.

Coming out of the bedroom, Gong Anqi and Li Hexiang, who were taking a nap just now, just woke up and saw Lou Muxi coming out, "Mu Xi, when did you come back?"

Lou Muxi took Gong Anqi's arms and greeted the two old people with a smile, "Grandpa and grandma, it's not long since I came back."

"Well, boy, is Li Yang back?" The family walked downstairs while chatting.

"I'm back, but the company is busy, he went to the company first!"

"This child is thinking about work every day, Mu Xi, you must put your child first, and strive to give your mother a grandchild as soon as possible!"

"...Okay." Why does anyone who see her have to mention the child?

In the afternoon, a driver came to pick up Lou Muxi. Lou Muxi greeted his family and left the villa.

Standing next to the black Maybach, Lou Muxi still gave up driving by herself, because the car was too expensive and she was afraid that she would bump into her because of her poor skills...

The driver drove Lou Muxi to the suburban cemetery, waiting for her at the door.

Lou Muxi held the white lily and found Qiao Nuan's tombstone.

The tombstone was cleaned, and the portrait of Qiao Nuan on the tombstone smiled kindly.

"Mom..." Lou Muxi couldn't help but knelt in front of Qiao Nuan monument choked.

"Mom, I'm sorry, my daughter hasn't come to see you for so long... You must be lonely... Mom, Mu Xi misses you so much..."

After talking to Qiao Nuan for more than an hour in the cemetery, Lou Muxi wiped his red and swollen eyes, got up from the ground and left.

"Mom, you are fine over there, I will come to see you in the future!"

Mom bless me, find the murderer and brother earlier, Mu Xi will help you get revenge even if he tries his best...

After returning from the suburbs, Lou Muxi went directly to the hospital arranged by Li Youhan for Lou Zijie.

When he saw Father Lou, he was basking in the sun in the garden and called to a bird, "Mu Xi, Mu Xi..."

Hearing him calling his name all the time, Lou Muxi stood behind him, covering his mouth and crying.

"Hello!" The nurse next to her, seeing her, greeted her somewhat inexplicably.

Lou Muxi wiped his tears, "Hello, this is my dad!"

She pointed to Lou Zijie and introduced herself.

The nurse suddenly realized, "Are you Mu Xi or Xunxun?"

"How do you know our name?"

"That's it. Since your father entered the recovery period, the two names Mu Xi and Xun Xun talked about every day, I guess they should be his children."

... Lou Muxi lowered his head uncomfortably, and thanked the nurse choked up, "Thank you for taking care of my dad!"

"You are welcome, you are chatting with your father. He is in good shape lately. Talk to him more!"

"Well, yes."

The nurse pointed to the small river not far away, "I'm waiting over there, call me whenever I have anything!"

"Okay, thank you!"

The nurse left, Lou Muxi walked around to the front of Lou Zijie. Lou Zijie was smiling and fighting the bird, "Mu Xi, are you Xunxun or Mu Xi?"

His smile was silly, but his condition was better than when he was in Jiazhen Mental Hospital.

Thanks to her parents-in-law for all this...

Squatting halfway in front of Lou Zijie, gently holding his hand, "Dad, Mu Xi is here."

However, Lou Zijie didn't seem to hear, and didn't react at all.

"Dad, I am Mu Xi, can you look at me?" Lou Muxi's words successfully pulled Lou Zijie's attention back.

But his eyes were strange, "Who are you? What are you holding my hand for?" Lou Zijie pulled out his hand with a frightened expression.

Lou Muxi looked at Lou Zijie's unfamiliar eyes with heartache, how could their home be like this?

The family is destroyed, who is the murderer...

"Dad, this is Mu Xi."

Lou Zijie laughed happily, "You lie, Mu Xi is not like this, my Mu Xi is cute, you are not cute, you have been crying!"

Lou Muxi wiped away his tears, raised the corners of his mouth hard, put on a sweet smile, "Dad, look, am I your little cutie!"

Lou Zijie's eyes flushed suddenly, and he nodded at Lou Muxi again and again, "Mu Xi, Mu Xi, is that you?"

"It's me, Dad, do you know me?" Lou Muxi looked at his father in surprise.

"Hahaha, you liar! My little cutie is not here! And Xunxun, they are all going to school!" Lou Zijie instantly regained his madness again, shaking off Lou Muxi's hand, and continuing to whistle at the bird .

Lou Muxi didn't dare to force her father to know herself all at once, but as the nurse ordered, with red eyes and Lou's father recalling some little things about the happiness of the family before.

In the end, the old man jumped and ran to the artificial river, "There are fish! I want to go down to catch fish!"

Lou Muxi quickly grabbed Lou Zijie who was about to go down the river, "Dad, the water is too cold, you can't go down!"

Lou Zijie slapped her on the shoulder and looked at Lou Muxi angrily, "Bad guy! You are a bad guy! My daughter likes fish most! You don't let me catch fish for Mu Xi to eat, you are a bad guy!"

Lou Muxi couldn't stop tears watching this scene.

Dad was crazy and didn't forget her favorite thing about fish.

In the end, Lou Muxi called the nurse to hold Lou Zijie together, so he didn't let him go into the river to catch fish.

When Lou Muxi found Lou Zijie's attending doctor, he saw a pair of familiar figures in the elevator, Lian Kezhen and Dai Pengzhe.

What are they doing here? Dai Pengzhe's arm was still in plaster and hung from his neck. He pressed down on the 16th floor, and Lou Muxi saw that the 16th floor was the obstetrics and gynecology department.

Standing in the corner of the elevator, Lou Muxi heard Lian Kezhen say, "Husband, do you want a boy or a girl?"

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