Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1189: I forgot that you Lou Muxi is a poor ghost!

The nurse was embarrassed to answer, "It's really not necessary. This is what I should do. Besides, Mr. Li usually pays us higher wages than others. There is no reason to accept your gifts."

"The salary is what you deserve. This is my personal opinion. Although it is only a few hundred dollars, I hope you don't mind!" She is also nervous recently. If she has money, she will buy more things for them.

A lipstick is expensive for a few hundred dollars. How can an ordinary family nurse mind?

Finally Lou Muxi persuaded her a few more words before the nurse accepted the lipstick she gave.

I have always been very grateful to tell Lou Muxi that she can rest assured that she can work in the field. Her father will definitely take care of her.

Before dinner, Lou Muxi returned to Li's villa.

When cooking dinner, Lou Muxi followed Yu Wanwan to learn how to cook in the kitchen. She must know how to cut vegetables, but cooking is a problem.

Lou Muxi didn't mean that his fingers never touched Yangchun water since he was a child. When he was at home, he used to help his parents wash clothes, wash vegetables, and chop vegetables.

While she was cutting green onions in the kitchen, Yu called Li Yang late, "Will you come back for dinner tonight?"

"I won't go back, I have an appointment with the customer." Li Yang is already heading for the hotel.

Yu Wanwan is a little regretful, "Forget it, I thought about today's dinner, Mu Xi helped to make it, let you taste it, if that's the case, then you go ahead!"

Li Yang on the phone did not speak. When Yu Wanwan thought that Li Yang had hung up the phone, Li Yang spoke again, "I will eat less later."

Yu Wanwan understood what he meant, and happily responded, "Okay, I'll set aside some for you later."

Back in the kitchen, I told Lou Muxi to set aside some of the food. Lou Muxi thought it was for Li Youhan, so he honestly took out each dish and put it on a plate or two separately.

At almost nine o'clock in the evening, Lou Muxi walked out of the bedroom and gave a hand cream to Yu Wanwan, "Mom, you usually like to cook. After eating, apply some hand cream to protect your hands."

Yu Wanwan happily closed her mouth from ear to ear, "Okay, okay, thank you for my Mu Xi."

Lou Muxi was a little embarrassed, "As long as she doesn't dislike it!" Her savings are not much, but she still spent more than one thousand yuan to buy this hand cream for Yu Wanwan.

However, she thought that Yu Wanwan usually used things worth thousands of dollars, but not.

Yu Wanwan waved her hand, "Mom used to have bad family conditions. Except for the skin care products your dad and grandma bought me, I usually have a set of several hundred yuan for my own skin care products. Thousands of things. It's too late for mom to be happy, how can I dislike it?"

However, she bought two or three hundreds of dollars of skin care products, and Li Youhan found out, and threw them all away...

"Ah That's good!"

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law talked for a while, and Lou Muxi returned to the room.

At ten o'clock, Lou Muxi went to bed to rest.

As soon as she lay down on the bed, her mobile phone rang, an unfamiliar number.

Who will call her? Only a few people around her number knew her number, and she thought it was a promotional advertisement or something, but Lou Muxi did not answer it.

But the phone kept ringing, and only after the third time did Lou Muxi hit the answer button, "Hello."

"Lou Muxi, it's me!"

Even Kezhen? Lou Muxi looked cold, what did she call herself for? "Something?"

"Do you want to see your brother?" Lian Kezhen's mouth was endlessly proud.

She thought she was in the hospital yesterday. Didn't she find Lou Muxi in the elevator? wrong! From the moment she entered the elevator, she saw Lou Muxi in the corner.

So she deliberately let Lou Muxi know about her pregnancy in order to show off to her that she had broken Dai Pengzhe's child.

Hearing her mention Lou Xun, Lou Muxi immediately sat up from the bed, "Where is my brother?"

I remembered the last time I even tricked her into kneeling, the hope that rose in Lou Muxi's eyes disappeared again, maybe this woman was lying to her again!

"I know what you are thinking, and I didn't lie to you this time! I spent 300,000 to buy him from the black coal mine. You come here for 3 million, and I will return your brother to you!"

"Let my brother speak to me!" Lou Muxi couldn't easily believe in Lian Kezhen!

Lian Kezhen sneered, "No, I will send you a photo, and you will know."

When the phone was hung up, Lou Muxi trembled all over his body when he saw the photo sent by Lian Kezhen.

The boy who is black and skinny in autumn is really... Lou Xun.

Covering his mouth and not letting himself cry, how could Lou Xun be like this?

Lou Xun inherited his mother, with very white skin. What did he go through to become like this?

Three minutes later, Lou Muxi wiped away his tears and dialed Lian Kezhen's cell phone, "I see you, but can three million make an IOU first?"

Even Kezhen seemed to hear a joke and laughed presumptuously, "Year? Oh! I forgot that you Lou Muxi is a poor ghost. It doesn't matter if you can't make three million, you can come and sell it for one night!"

... Lou Muxi clenched her teeth tightly. At this moment, she really wanted to kill Lien Kezhen, even if she died with her!

"where do we meet?"

Lian Kezhen cut off the phone directly after reporting the address of a bar.

Lou Muxi was holding her trembling self constantly, thinking about where she went to get three million to save her brother, three million! Not three hundred yuan!

After getting dressed, Lou Muxi finally dialed Li Yang's phone.

Li Yang was on the way back, drank some wine, leaned on the back seat and closed his eyes to rest.

Seeing the caller ID, there was a smile across his eyes and connected to the phone, pretending to be indifferent, "Say."

"Li Yang..." Lou Muxi over there was silent after calling his name.

Li Yang might have guessed it, she probably needs his help in something. She didn't speak, and he didn't rush her.

Lou Muxi almost broke his lower lip before he said his purpose in a sulky manner, "I want to borrow three million from you. Don’t worry, I’ll pay you back. I can give you an IOU. If you don’t Rest assured, I can sign the company a few more years of contract..."

Three million is an astronomical figure for Lou Muxi. But for Li Yang, there is no difference between three million and three thousand.

What does she want three million for?

Lou Muxi had no idea about his property, and added anxiously, "However, if you don't have one, it doesn't matter, I..."

"How are you?" Li Yang asked her lightly.

Lou Muxi was silent again, if Li Yang didn't, what would she do? Do you really have to do what Lien Kezhen said?

"No... I'm going to ask Huo Jue or... Can you help me contact Brother Xiuze?" Before the end, she would definitely not give in to Lian Kezhen.

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