Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1194: It's her word

When the waiting subway arrives, Lou Muxi's eyes are still tightly stuck to the silver screen. Under the dim light, the woman in the light purple coat is photographed to the front. It is Ji Yuling. The tall man in a casual suit next to him, facing the camera at the moment he turned his head, was indeed...Li Yang.

The two of them didn't evade, got into a black luxury car and drove away.

Lou Muxi didn't know how she got home. On the way, she kept flipping her mobile phone. There were also two people's affairs on Weibo, and Aite's Weibo accounts were separated by the media.

Lou Muxi ran to read Ji Yuling and Li Yang's Weibo again, but neither of them responded, which made her breathe a sigh of relief.

However, what makes her very unhappy is that the media's Weibo public account and their news comments all call for two people to be together.

Yes, she and Li Yang were married hidden, and few people knew that Li Yang had been married. Therefore, there are more and more voices calling for two people to be together.

After taking a bath, Lou Muxi hesitated for a long time holding his mobile phone, and still sent Li Yang a WeChat message, "Li Yang, where is my brother? Is he okay?"

The news she sent out still looked like a stone sinking into the sea, and when she fell asleep, there was no response...

A university in Jeju Island, Country H

After the actors who came to the scene shoot a wave of commercials, they enter the break time.

As soon as a tall man with an indifferent expression sat on a chair, he was surrounded by many girls, "God, Ouba, can we take a group photo?"

"Pei Xiuze, I love you love you..."

"Will the male **** sign me?"

...Faced with the fans' request, Pei Xiuze did not refuse, the corners of his lips raised a smile that would make many women crazy about it, and he began to sign for everyone.

Until ten minutes later

"Xiu Ze, a letter from someone from country A to express to you!"

With the assistant's words, let Pei Xiuze's signature hand, pause, "Who came by express?"

Could she have disappeared for almost two years?

"Oh, this letter was originally delivered to your previous address. When I called me, I asked him to forward it here." The assistant explained to him.

Pei Xiuze travels between countries all the year round and rarely returns to the country where he lives.

Pei Xiuze quickly signed the postcard in his hand, suppressed the panic in his heart, and confirmed to the assistant, "Is it sent to the Rhine Garden Villa District in the west of the city?"

The assistant took a step forward and moved closer to Pei Xiuze, "Yes, it is probably Miss Lou."

Pei Xiuze took the letter, got up and walked into a small forest.

The fans who followed behind were all blocked by the assistant.

Sunlight spilled into the grove through the dense leaves, Pei Xiuze sat on a bench casually, looking at the envelope for a long time.

It's her word.

In the cold eyes, there was a touch of tenderness, Mu Xi, miss you very much.

The letter was short, Pei Xiuze finished reading it quickly. It turned out that Mu Xi went to Country Z.

Just, what is it, if he is still willing to contact her? He misses her very much, okay? Can't wait to get in touch with her?

Putting away the letter paper, Pei Xiuze strode to the assistant, took out his mobile phone, and added the WeChat ID left by Lou Muxi.

When Lou Mu Xi saw Pei Xiuze's friend request, it was already three days later. Because no one would contact her except for the work group, at most Yu Wanwan. Therefore, she basically doesn't care about the mobile phone WeChat prompt.

The other party directly remarked the three words Pei Xiuze, and Lou Muxi clicked to pass the friend verification.

Open the bedroom door, put the bag on the table, and the phone rang the video invitation.

It's Pei Xiuze.

Lou Muxi happily clicked the accept button, and a familiar handsome face soon appeared over there.

"Brother Xiuze." At the moment when he saw Pei Xiuze, Lou Muxi seemed to be back in time.

Pei Xiuze rarely smiled in his eyes, "Mu Xi, how are you doing recently?"

Lou Muxi remembered what happened to his family, his eyes were red, and he shook his head faithfully, "Brother Xiuze...My mother is gone, my father is crazy, and my brother has just been found missing."

Pei Xiuze was even closer to her than her brother, and Lou Muxi didn't need to hide in front of him.

Lou Muxi, who had red eyes, made Pei Xiuze's heart a little bit painful, "Mu Xi, don't be uncomfortable, you have to be well, you know?"

Pei Xiuze has never comforted a woman, so he is not good at this aspect.

"Okay, Brother Xiuze, where are you? Are you busy lately?" Lou Muxi sat down by the bed and looked at the scenery outside the window.

Knowing that she was not looking at the camera, Pei Xiuze carefully looked at Lou Muxi who had lost much weight. Guessing that she hadn't contacted him in the past two years, something great must have happened.

"I'm in country H, and I'm going to Paris tomorrow. Would you like Mu Xi to come and play?"

In the corridor of the villa, the man walked silently on the carpet, frowning when he heard a man's voice.

He knew that Lou Muxi lived here, could it be that Lou Muxi came back with the man?

Thinking of this possibility, Li Yang quickened his pace and walked into the room where Lou Muxi lived. There was no man, only Lou Muxi sitting on the bed with his back facing the bedroom door.

Did he hear it wrong?

"I can't make it now, I'm at work, I will be very busy every day, and I have to go back to Country A in half a month..." Lou Muxi leaned his mobile phone on the water cup on the bedside table, and chatted softly while looking out the window.

For the man who suddenly appeared in the video, Pei Xiuze narrowed his eyes, and the tenderness on his face disappeared instantly.

"...How about you? You can come to country Z to play when you have time. I will be paid tomorrow! We can eat and eat together... It's not right. If you come out to eat now, you will be followed by paparazzi, right? I forget You are super hot now, hehehe..."

Without feeling the turbulent waves between the man behind and the man in the video, Lou Muxi just said to himself.

She thought of Li Yang and Ji Yuling. They would be secretly photographed when they came out to eat together. Then if Pei Xiuze had dinner with her, would it be like this...

Suddenly I felt that Pei Xiuze was so pitiful, he didn't even have a personal life.

It wasn't until Pei Xiuze asked a question that Lou Muxi suddenly came back to his senses.

"Why are you with Mu Xi?"

"Huh?" Lou Muxi retracted his gaze suspiciously, watching Pei Xiuze's cold face in the video, and inadvertently saw a man standing behind him in the video!

"Drink!" Lou Muxi jumped up in shock.

Li Yang... Why did Li Yang come back suddenly?

Ignoring Lou Muxi who was terribly scared, Li Yang looked at his friends in the video lightly, "Is it not normal for a couple to be together?"

After Pei Xiuze understood what he meant, his pupils suddenly shrank!

how is this possible?

Will Lou Muxi marry Li Yang?


Didn't Mu Xi like Dai Pengzhe's uselessness? How could you marry the unrelated Li Yang?

"Mu Xi, tell me!" Pei Xiuze asked Lou Muxi for confirmation.

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