Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1198: Why don't you notify me when you get married?

She thought Li Yang would not agree, anyhow she was also Li Yang's wife in name.

However, she was greatly disappointed in the end. Li Yang turned directly to the last page of the contract and pointed to the signature place, "President Gong signed the name, Secretary Lou tonight... you see for yourself."

"Okay! Mr. Li is very happy!" Gong Zheng picked up his pen to sign.

Lou Mu Xiu stood up from the chair, clenched his trembling hands into fists, and looked at everyone who was quiet on the wine table, "Sorry, I'm a little uncomfortable, let's take a step!"

Picking up the bag behind him, Lou Muxi rushed to the door of the room.

Someone behind her came out to stop her, "Secretary Lou, Mr. Gong took you out to play, because he was watching you, and you don’t save face when you walk!"

"Sorry!" Lou Muxi lowered his head slightly, and almost fainted with a flower in front of him.

Finally trying to make himself sober, Lou Muxi rushed out of the private room regardless of everyone's shouts.

After running to the side of the road far away from the hotel, Lou Muxi dared to stop, panting for breath.

At the same time tears couldn't stop falling, Li could he do this to her?

Even if you hate her, you shouldn't give her to others...

Feelings of grievance flooded like a flood, and Lou Muxi was crying miserably, hiding in the small garden by the road.

Even with all kinds of wrongs, Lou Muxi finally put away all his emotions and returned to the villa.

Before Li Yang came back from the villa, Lou Muxi took off the high heels that caused blisters on his feet, put on slippers, and returned to the bedroom.

She didn't want to think about how she fled like this, how Li Yang faced those bosses.

She also didn't want to think about the contract.

...I just feel so tired and want to sleep well.

From that day on, Lou Muxi became Li Yang’s personal secretary...

No matter what the occasion of the meal, he will bring Mu Xi upstairs.

Once, twice, three times... Lou Muxi is also numb, constantly changing to Li Yang to make beautiful clothes for her, to meet different customers.

Her drinking volume has also gone from a few taels to a catty and a half, and she can still leave the restaurant steadily.

The three words Lou Muxi quickly spread in the business community of Country Z, and it only took half a month...

At home, Lou Muxi gets up early every morning to make breakfast for Li Yang. From simple fried eggs to make soy milk, to making porridge, making sandwiches, omelets and finger cakes...

Western breakfast, Chinese breakfast, French breakfast... As long as Li Yang is willing to eat, she will do everything she can to do it.

In my free time, I went to the dim sum shop, learned how to make various dim sum, and brought Li Yang to the company. After busy work, you can have a snack to cushion your stomach.

Lou Muxi's current goal is very clear: to occupy Li Yang's life, so that Li Yang cannot do without her...

If she can do this, she will be successful!

Mansion Seven Nightclub

299 private rooms

The three distinguished men sitting on the sofa in different postures, the atmosphere should be relaxed and reminiscent, but at the moment they are arrogant and domineering.

This kind of battle has lasted for an hour, and no one spoke first.

Scattered on the table are three or four empty bottles of liquor, a few untouched fruit plates, and some snacks.

Seeing that the silence time was approaching for an hour and a half, Huo Jue spoke first, "Waiter, bring ten bottles of liquor!"

He originally wanted to settle accounts with Li Yang, because thanks to his gift, Li really had been avoiding him recently.

But look at the two friends with gloomy faces, let's talk about him another day!

The waiter outside at the door immediately responded and happily went to get the liquor.

Ten bottles of high-quality liquor were brought over, and the waiter opened them and poured them on the three people, and immediately closed the door and escaped.

Damn, the atmosphere inside is so horrible, especially the big star Pei Xiuze!

The three men picked up the liquor, touched them, and drank them all in one fell swoop.

The high number of whiskey irritates everyone's stomach, and they still do not change their color.

At this time, a woman in a long black trench coat and high heels of the same color hurried over at the door. Looking at the number of the private room, she was sure it was 299.

After confirming the person in the private room with her, the waiter helped to open the private room door.

The first thing that catches the eye is Pei Xiuze facing the door, Huo Jue next to him, and the man facing the door.

The private room door closed, Lou Muxi smiled and narrowed his eyes, "Brother Xiuze!"

The sweet voice of a woman came from Yu Wanwan, now there is one more Pei Xiuze...

Someone was very unhappy, and it was even more unhappy to see her go straight to Pei Xiuze's open arms.

"Mu Xi, why have you lost so much?" The softness in Pei Xiuze's eyes made Huo Jue's directly shocked wine glass almost fall to the ground.

Lou Muxi smiled lightly, trying to distance him from Pei Xiuze, but Pei Xiuze did not let go of her, but touched her face with a big palm.

"That...maybe I lost weight accidentally..." Lou Muxi lowered his head unnaturally, avoiding Pei Xiuze's palm without a trace.

I don't know why, but I feel a terrible sight behind me before looking at me.

Lou Muxi turned around curiously, drink! Isn't it Li Yang who looked at him with a calm face?

Why is he here?

Pei Xiuze knew that she had seen Li Yang and was holding her, so she put her hands on her shoulders instead, "Mu Xi, why didn't you notify me of marriage?"

Lou Muxi retracted his eyes and whispered, "Because Li Yang and I are a hidden marriage."

"Since I'm married, why do you want a hidden marriage? Do you love him? Mu Xi."

Do you love him? Mu Xi.

Lou Muxi kept playing back Pei Xiuze's words in his mind, and his confused eyes fell on the deep Li Yang. Does she love him?

Fearing that she said she didn't want to hear the answer, Li Yang stood up from the sofa and pulled Lou Muxi out of Pei Xiuze's arms. "Love or non-love is not the point."

Sit down on the sofa with Lou Muxi, holding her tightly in his arms.

The man's strong possessiveness gradually extinguished the flame in Pei Xiuze's eyes. Such strong possessiveness represented everything. Without words, Pei Xiuze knew that Li Yang liked Lou Muxi.

At this moment, he knew that he had missed the woman he had been thinking of for many years. Within two years, Mu Xi had married his good brother.

Should I change Mu Xi to sister-in-law in the future?

A glass of white wine was placed on the lower abdomen, and the empty wine glass was heavily placed on the glass table, making a crisp sound, "Mu Xi... Come here, I will chat with you alone!"

Pei Xiuze didn't want to give up. Mu Xi liked Dai Pengzhe. Now that he is married to Li Yang, she must have her difficulties...

Lou Muxi wanted to remove Li Yang's hand, but the man didn't let go at all. She was helpless, "Li Yang, I just have a few words with Brother Xiuze."

"Just say it here!" The man insisted.

Lou Muxi bit his lower lip in dissatisfaction. What kind of nerves does Li Yang make?

"Brother Xiuze, just say it here!" Lou Muxi moved to Pei Xiuze, trying to get closer to him so that he could hear what he said.

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