Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1244: Bo Yiyang's daughter

Before dinner, a few women circled a group of children, and six young men leaned on the sofa, watching them play.

Li Yang paid close attention to Lou Muxi, who was having fun with her children. She didn't know whether she liked children or the twins were too funny. From time to time, she could hear Lou Muxi's laughter.

Li Yang took out the cigarette case from his pocket and handed one to Si Shaozhe, "Go out and smoke a cigarette."

Si Shaozhe glanced at him and realized that he had something to say, and the two of them took the Yan and walked outside.

On the balcony with panoramic views of the private room, Si Shaozhe lit cigarettes for the two of them, then turned to look at the private room, "What's wrong?"

Li Yang set his sights on Lou Muxi, "What is the current rate of infertility treatment?"

Si Shaozhe was startled slightly, followed his gaze, and landed on Lou Muxi who was holding Si Yuan and clapping his hands. "It depends on the situation. Take her to the hospital for an examination if you have time. It depends on her condition. However, the success rate of infertility treatment is now as high as 95%, so don’t worry too much.”

Lou Muxi in the private room saw Li Yang and Si Shaozhe smoking on the balcony, but didn't think much about it. He didn't know that Li Yang had started to consult her doctor.

Not long after, Li Qianluo looked at her mobile phone and told everyone, "Sino happened to be in country A, I called her over."

Gong Anqi asked her, "Bo Yiyang's daughter?"

"Well, that is, I heard Yunjin said that she is also in country A. When I go back tomorrow, I will bring Sinuo with me, and I will tell Sinuo to let her come over for dinner... Hey! This girl is embarrassed, she is not willing Just come here."

"Let her come over, why is Sinuo in Country A at this time?" Shao Jiayi looked at Li Qianluo in confusion.

Li Qianluo laughed, "It's not Bo Yiyang. He said that he took his daughter to Paris. Before going to Paris, I will come to Country A to deal with some things. When Sinuo was still awake this morning, Bo Yiyang went out of Paris. Something, go ahead!"

He told Bosino to follow him afterwards. As a result, Bosino became angry, so he stopped going and went home tomorrow!

"Sino, let her come here, I really like that little girl!" Ye Lingling leaned in front of Li Qianluo's phone, and the boys of the Bo family also recognized Li Youwu and Ye Lingling as godparents.

Li Yuchen, who was swiping his mobile phone, paused when he heard Sinuo's name. I had to reply to a few brothers and I went over after the dinner and changed it. I didn't have time tonight!

"Did I meet her once?" Yu Wanwan was talking, she thought hard about Bosino, always feeling like she had met her.

Li Yuchen looked at Yu Wanwan in deep thought, how could his mother meet Bosino?

Li Youhan nodded, "A few years ago, we went to country C to meet with Bo's and Shao's."

A few years ago, they were in country C, just in time for a few family gatherings. At that time, it seemed that they had a daughter from the Bo family!

Li Qianluo was replying to WeChat happily, and suddenly thought of something. He glanced at Li Yuchen who was thoughtful, smiled secretly, and immediately sent a message to Bosino: Where? Hurry up, just wait for your meal!

Bosino, who was walking on the side of the road with his suitcase, was still hesitating, so he immediately drove to the place Li Qingluo said.

Everyone is waiting for her, how could she be embarrassed to write again.

Qianluo Ganma was talking about family banquets, family banquets... Is there that Li Yuchen?

Fifteen minutes later, Bosno, who was pulling his suitcase, was taken by the waiter to the largest private room of the hotel.

The room was very lively. As soon as she appeared, Shao Jiayi happened to be at the door, holding Bosinuo inside, "Sino, come on, just waiting for you!"

Bosino smiled embarrassedly and greeted everyone, "Grandpa Li, Grandma Li...God father and mother...uncle and aunt...God father and mother...Happy new year! Sorry, Sinuo came to bother you. !" The first sentence of godfather and godmother is Si Jin Heng and Li Qianluo, and the second one is Li Youwu and Ye Lingling.

"Oh, look at this little girl, what are you polite with us? Come in!" Gong Anqi smiled at Bosino and waved to her.

"Sinuo, you can be assured that your father left you here alone!" Si Jin Heng raised his eyebrows, and he was reluctant to leave his daughter alone.

When Bosno heard the words of her father, she was very angry, but when so many elders watched, she had to smile, "My dad is busy, I'm used to it!"

It's not the first time. Last year, she lost her in the Imperial City once!

Si Jingxin saw Bosino, dropped the toy in his hand, and ran over with his calf, "Little sister."

Bosino hugged the little girl who ran over, "Well, let the little aunt guess, are you a big zinc?"

Big Zinc and Small Zinc have different personalities. Small Zinc and Zinc are as many as Stingli, and those who are usually so passionate are usually Big Zinc.

Si Jingxin kissed Bosino's cheek, "Auntie, you are too smart, isn't my sister too cold?"

Listening to her soft and childish language, everyone laughed.

After that, Si Yizin curled his lips, "Little sister, come in!"

Si Yixin took Bosino's hand and brought it inside.

With a sweet smile, Bosino took a few steps forward and put Si Jingxin down in his arms. At this time, Si Kai immediately rushed over, "Auntie, I'm here!"

Boys are just naughty, and Skye squatted hard. The half-squatting Bosino squatted on the ground. Bosino wailed, "Xiaokai, you don't need to look at it!"

Everyone smiled and hurried over to pull up Bosino and Skye. Snen Nuan squeezed his son's face, "Skay, how many times have you threw the little aunt down?"

Bosno patted the dust on his body, "It's okay, I'm used to it!"

Every time Si Kai sees Si Xiaobao and Bosinuo, he is bound to throw them down.

I don't know if he did it on purpose, or if these two people are too casual, it is probably related!

Li Xiaoluo took Bosinuo's shoulders, "Okay, everyone is here, let's sit down!"

"Sino, come here and sit with your brother!" Li Xu waved to Bosino. He liked girls with personality like Bosino and Si Xiaobao.

However, it was just the likes between brothers and sisters, he didn't think too much, but Li Yuchen thought too much.

Slanting his eyes and watching Bosino put his suitcase aside, he walked towards Li Xu.

Everyone took their seats one after another. Li Yuchen sat beside Li Yang, eating absently, staring at the opposite side.

On the opposite side, Li Xu used public chopsticks to put a jellyfish on Bosinuo and put it on her plate. Bosinuo smiled sweetly.

Li Yuchen sneered disdainfully, Li Xu was a bit older than him, and Bosino could be called Uncle Li Xu!

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