Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1402: Heartbreak!

It wasn't until a familiar voice came over that he realized that it was the video that Lou Muxi had given him.

I opened it quickly, and the woman inside was very cute, speaking a playful blessing. However, he really guessed it right. The New Year gift that Lou Muxi gave him was about her pregnancy.

When it comes to pregnancy, the woman in the video has a shy face and is really pretty.

It seems that this video was prepared by her in advance.

After playing the video three times, Li Yang closed the computer, walked out of the room, and returned to the bedroom quietly...

On the morning of New Year's Day, Lou Muxi rubbed his eyes and turned over, huh? what is this?

She raised her head and saw... the strong chest of a man.

Stinky man! Lou Muxi raised his hand and slapped the sleeping man on the shoulder.

Li Yang suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the puffed little woman, and chuckled, "Happy new year, wife!"

"Who is your wife! When did you come in?" Lou Muxi pushed away his arms wrapped around him and sat up from the bed.

She remembered that the door was locked, why did he come in quietly?

Li Yang circled her in his arms again, "You will sleep a little longer."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside, "Dad, mom, happy new year! Qingqing will give you New Year greetings!"

Li Yang closed his eyes. This stinky boy, he can't wake up in the morning when he goes to the kindergarten. Why is it that he is on vacation and wakes up so early?

Lou Muxi got off the bed and opened the door. Standing outside, Li Zhanqing, wearing a light gray down jacket, was looking at her with a smile. Lou Muxi picked her up and said, "Baby Qingqing, happy new year!"

Carry him into the room, take out the prepared red envelope from the bag and give it to him.

Li Zhanqing kissed the red envelope excitedly, "Thank you mom! Mom, you are the best!"

After knowing that Lou Muxi was his biological mother, Li Zhanqing told all the children in kindergarten that his mother was back!

The other children looked at him very enviously, saying that his mother must be so beautiful because he looks so good!

Li Zhanqing promised everyone that when school started, he would let his mother send him to kindergarten so that everyone could meet his mother!

"Don't let your mother hug you anymore, you know?" Li Yang got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom.

Li Zhanqing looked at his father dissatisfied, "Dad, you haven't given me a red envelope yet!"

Li Yang replied with a cheeky, "Your mother gave it, and we can give it one!"

The little guy behind poked his lips in dissatisfaction, be stingy!

Lou Muxi was amused by his appearance, "Wait for mom, mom will wash and change clothes!"

On the morning of the first day of the new year, because Li Youwu's family had also returned from Country C, Lou Muxi received many red envelopes from the elders after greeting everyone one by one.

She only learned last night that Li Xu married Yu Qian.

After all, he has not officially remarried yet, Lou Muxi also mentioned to Li Yang to go home.

However, Li Yang did not allow it and forced her to stay.

"I can't leave Lou Xun alone at home!" She protested!

"Lou Xun is with Dad and Grandpa!"

"I want to see Dad and Grandpa too!" She protested again!

Li Yang nodded, "Tomorrow my aunt and uncle will come over, and the day after tomorrow, I will take you to see grandpa and dad!"

"..." Lou Muxi wanted to refuse, but because it was the Chinese New Year, he didn't say more.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, Si Jin Heng brought his whole family back to Li's house to visit his elders as usual. This time there were a few more noisy children, and the Li family was a lively scene again.

Huo Jue pulled Lou Muxi aside, "Xiao Xixi, just understand my brother! Think about him, he has done so much for you! Are you not moved?"

Thinking of what Li Yang did, he was moved!

Of course Lou Muxi was moved, but when she knew that these were good and purposeful, how could she be moved? "Is Li Yang looking for the kidney source again, and now he has found it?"

Huo Jue thought for a moment, "But there is such a thing, but I didn't ask Li Yang why he was looking for this! What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I'll just ask! Don't ask Li Yang!" She will verify the other things one by one!

"Well, in order not to make you angry, all your doubts, my brother-in-law, I must know everything I can say!" Huo Jue had no other thoughts, just looking at too many things between Li Yang and Lou Muxi , He just wanted to help.

Lou Muxi nodded, as if to inadvertently mentioned, "How old is his daughter?"

Huo Jue glanced at her expression. It was very plain. It seems that Li Yang has already told her about her daughter and daughter, "I'm less than two years old, so behaved!"

It is a pity that hereditary uremia is really pitiful.

"..." Heartbreak! Even what Cozhen said is true!

If Huo Jue knew his answer at the moment, the darker he described, he would definitely shut up!

But he didn't know, so let's tell Lou Muxi, "I heard that you are pregnant, Li Yang must be very happy! See how nice my brother is to you, cherish it, Mu Xi!"

Lou Muxi raised a bitter smile. She seemed to tell Huo Jue that Li Yang's kindness to her was purposeful.

However, it didn't say anything in the end.

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, Lou Muxi couldn't refuse Li Yang and asked him to take himself to see his father and grandfather.

The location is indeed safe, in the military district compound!

At the moment when he saw his relatives, Lou Muxi was still a little dazed, as if dreaming.

Especially when I saw Joey Zheng, in everyone’s minds, people who had been dead for a long time seemed to be resurrected again...

At noon, Li Yang accompanied Lou Muxi and his grandfather's father to dinner, and Lou Xun.

Because of their gratitude, Joey Zheng and Lou Zijie are very enthusiastic about Li Yang.

When the two people were leaving, Lou Zijie sent them to the car, watching their car leave before returning.

In Lou Muxi's ambivalence, the year passed quickly.

January 20

After Lou Muxi sent Li Zhanqing to the kindergarten, he went directly to a coffee shop.

The person who gave her was Lou Xun. For Lou Muxi's safety, Li Yang asked Lou Xun to focus on Lou Muxi's body first.

Lou Xun sent her to the cafe, "Sister, who are you here to see?"

Lou Muxi rolled his eyes, "I'll go on a blind date!"

Lou Xun looked at Lou Muxi in surprise, "Are you on a blind date? What kind of blind date?"

His voice fell, and a man's voice sounded, "Hi, Mu Xi hasn't seen you in a long time!"

It's Fan Yan.

Lou Muxi waved to him, "Ms. Fan, sit down!"

Lou Xun asked Lou Muxi incredulously, "Are you going to have a blind date with Fan Yan?"

Fan Yan whistled, "Yes, kid, I'm going to be your brother-in-law!"

"...Sister, you have brother-in-law's child in your belly!"

Lou Muxi raised his scalp and smiled and told him, "I know, I just wait until his child is born and call another man father!" Just like he told her.

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