Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1405: Die too suddenly

The man raised his eyebrows, "Lou Muxi, don't think we're over with that thing, go home and continue to settle accounts!"

He admitted that he was stingy, and seeing Lou Muxi and Fan Yan go to get the certificate, he wanted to kill the two!

"Oh? Settlement! Let's calculate the child's account first!" Lou Muxi pointed at the roadside expressionlessly, "Park there!"

"What do you stop for?" he wondered.

Lou Muxi told him word by word, "Everyone goes their own way!"

"..." Li Yang sighed heavily, "I don't care about you because you are a pregnant woman. All the unhappy things we have had in the past are wiped out! How about? Wife?"

His title made Lou Muxi blush, "Who is your wife!"

"Don't worry, it will be another month!" Thinking of this, his mood was relatively smooth. A bright future is here.

"How can I be in a hurry!"

"Yes, you are not in a hurry, I am in a hurry, okay? My wife!" All wives are supreme!

Lou Muxi snorted, his eyes fell out of the window, and the smile on his face was obvious.

Within two days, Lou Muxi was taken by Li Yang to take wedding photos, including the exterior and interior scenes, and hundreds of photos were taken.

Find three groups of two people and put them to the largest size. One pair is hung in the old house of Li family, one is hung in the Bauhinia mansion, and one is hung in the ninth villa area.

Under Li Yang's daily supervision, Lou Muxi was really fatter.

As spring passes and winter comes, Lou Muxi made three sets of spring suits for Li Zhanqing. Li Zhanqing was so happy that he immediately threw away all his other clothes, only wearing Lou Muxi's clothes!

Li Yang stopped him from throwing clothes away, "If you throw them away, go to kindergarten without PP from now on! My wife is very hard working with a baby, so I don’t have time to make clothes for you!"

Li Zhanqing, "..." Tucked his clothes back into the closet obediently.

Lou Muxi couldn't bear to stare at serious Li Yang, "Can you not bully my son! Just do it, I'm usually bored at home."

"No, mom, you will do it for me when my sister comes out in the future!" Li Zhanqing obediently refused.

Sister, this word is the tacit expectation of Li's father and son.

"It's okay, mom depends on the situation, if you have time, I will do it for you, ah!" She touched the little guy's head for comfort.

Li Zhan nodded heavily.

At this time, Li Yang's cell phone rang, "It's me, say." He took the cell phone and went to the study.

Knowing that he was busy, Lou Muxi took and Li Zhanqing organized his wardrobe.

Within a few minutes, Li Yang entered the children's room, "Qing Qing, go to grandma, mom and dad have things."

"Oh, well, mom, I'm leaving now!" Li Zhanqing waved his hands to the two of them, and ran to Yu Wanwan's room.

"What's the matter?" Lou Muxi stood up and Li Yang hugged her and walked to the bedroom.

Back in the room, Li Yang closed the door, "Mu Xiufen is dead."

Lou Muxi looked at him in shock, his head was blank, "Who are you talking about?"

"Mu Xiufen!" He repeated to her again.

He died so suddenly that he felt very surprised.

After slowing down, Lou Muxi opened his mouth, feeling a bit complicated.

"How did you die?"

"I was hit and killed by Lien Kezhen!"

Lou Muxi, "..."

"Mu Xiufen bought the people who guarded her, went to the mental hospital, and got rid of the nurse with Lian Kezhen, and escaped from the mental hospital..." Later, Li Yang sent the people who came to chase him out.

When seeing Lian Kezhen's car, the mother and daughter didn't know why they had a dispute. Lian Kezhen got into the car, and Mu Xiufen stopped the car with his body to prevent Lian Kezhen from leaving.

Finally, Lian Kezhen wanted to reverse the car, but forgot to put on the reverse gear and stepped on the accelerator and rushed out. Mu Xiufen was hit and killed on the spot.


When Lou Muxi heard Li Yang finished speaking, he didn't know what to say, "Where is Lian Kezhen now?"

"Police!" After Mu Xiufen died on the spot, even Kezhen was frightened. When the police came, she was still standing beside Mu Xiufen and was taken away by the police.

Lou Muxi sighed that human life is so fragile. Mu Xiufen was fine when he went to see Lian Kezhen, and died the next moment...

Her death is probably something that no one expected!

"Don't think too much, Mu Xiufen has done all the bad things. There is more to death. Even if she doesn't die, she will not escape prison." Apart from the things that Mu Xiufen did against Lou Muxi, she also helped Lian's illegal fund-raising and forced death in debt. Fang's family.

The reason why Lian Kezhen knew that Li Zhanqing was the child of Li Yang and Lou Muxi, and that Duanmu Yunzhu had all been told by Mu Xiufen to Lian Kezhen.

"Well, I didn't feel uncomfortable, I just felt...a living person, suddenly disappeared, a little...shocked."

Li Yang hugged her in his arms, "Human, never know what will be posted in the next second, what we should do is cherish the present. Therefore, you should cherish me!" I cherish you too!

Lou Muxi chuckled when he heard the words, and looked at him defiantly, "You just want to express your love for me, right!"

"Yes!" The man admitted openly, "I will cherish you, Lou Muxi!"

He swears to cherish Lou Muxi in this life and treat her so that she will never have a chance to leave him!

"Well, I also cherish you, Li Yang!" She gently patted the man on the back like a kid.

The years are quiet and the room is warm.

Later, Li Yang told Lou Muxi that Lian Kezhen was really crazy after he killed Mu Xiufen.

Now he has been sent back to a mental hospital with a mental disorder, and he often laughs and screams crazy.

Lou Xun found out what happened when Qiao Nuan died in the ancient tomb and found evidence that Pei Zhengyong and Lian Jiankun deliberately murdered.

Together with the evidence and the chip found from his grandfather's home, he handed it to the police.

Lian Jiankun was taken away to jail and sentenced to death. The execution time was carried out with the next group of prisoners.

It is said that Pei Zhengyong fled to Las Vegas. The police have already started casting nets in Las Vegas, waiting for him to be caught.

Lou Muxi was suffering from morning sickness recently. When she had just made an appointment with Bosino to go shopping, she received a call.

Is Dai Pengzhe's mother.

Lou Muxi was more polite to Dai's mother, because when she was in love with his son, she and Dai's mother had met twice, and they were nice and honest people.

Lou Muxi hesitated when she heard that she wanted to see herself, but still agreed.

Before meeting Dai's mother, she called Li Yang and asked about Dai Pengzhe's whereabouts.

Knowing what she was going to do, Li Yang asked her to wait at home and let Lou Xun come to pick her up and Bosino.

The meeting place was at the gate of a big park near Dai's house. Lou Xun and Bo Sinuo accompanied Lou Muxi to meet Dai's mother.

After a long time no see, Dai Mu was quite old, with white hair and creases on her face.

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