Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1407: stupid!

But he himself was injured, three ribs were broken, and he stayed in bed for a long time.

Bo Yiyang knew that his daughter had also found the man who was willing to use his life to love her and take care of her.

Lou Muxi recovered from the infinite touch. How did she hear Master say that Li Yang went to him? "Master, did you just say Li Yang went to country C to find you?"

"Yes, it was your three years in Milan. He visited me several times. Do you remember the first few women's dresses you designed?" Bo Yiyang glanced at her and told her patiently.

Lou Muxi nodded, she certainly remembered the debut of her design career! However, she herself was very dissatisfied, and then left it aside, and of course she never took care of it again.

Master now asks her what is this?

"Li Yang took away those clothes, didn't he tell you yet?"

"...No." Lou Muxi wondered, what does he want that?

Bo Yiyang sighed, Li Yang, a stupid boy, "He said that it was your hard work, and it was sent to country A. It is estimated that it was collected by yourself. When can you pay attention."

Collect it by yourself? Lou Muxi's mouth grew in surprise, she never paid attention to these details...

He took a deep breath and held back the tears in his eyes.

Li Yang...Li Yang... she called the man silently. Looking back at the man through the white veil, he was greeting the VIPs who came to the wedding at the door, with a deep smile on his face.

In this life, how can Lou Muxi find a man who loves her so much?

Lou Zijie said in a low voice, "Mu Xi, I used to hurt you and Li Yang, but now you have to cherish it, Li Yang is indeed very good."

"Well, Dad, I will definitely!" At this moment, she was desperate to Li Yang.

Bosino came over and said, "Oh, no, sister-in-law, don't be angry that Li Yang is hiding things about you, okay?"

She shook her head quickly, tears splashing, "No, no, how can I be angry with him."

She won't get angry in the future, she must follow Li Yang well and stay with him.

Suddenly, there was a thought that after marriage, he wanted to live with her husband and teach her children quietly. He went to work and she looked after the children at home.

He has warm meals waiting after get off work, and he has a warm bed to sleep at night. When he wakes up in the morning, she will say good morning to him...

"Well, sister-in-law, don't cry, I can't help crying anymore, woooo..." In fact, Bo Sinuo was very happy, after all, it was the first time to be a bride. Or marry the man she loves, so happy, so happy!

Bo Yiyang squeezed the tip of his daughter's nose, "You two are fine, today's big day, don't cry! The wedding will begin in a few minutes!"

The two brides quickly stopped their tears, and smiled at the thought of the man they loved.

The wedding soon began, and the two handsome grooms just stopped on stage, and immediately attracted countless people screaming.

Si Xiaobao put down his phone, circled his hands into speakers, and yelled, "Brother Li Yang, Brother Yuchen, call you crazy!"

After shouting, there were shouts one after another next to her. She breathed a sigh of relief and glared at Si Shaozhe who disliked herself next to her.

Si Shaozhe: "I said Xiaobao, can you be more reserved!"

Si Xiaobao: "I said, brother, I just saw a handsome guy who called out. Listen, they still stand up and shout! Why don't you bother?"

"Why don't I care about them?" Si Shaozhe asked her back.

Si Xiaobao blinked, "Why don't you bother?"

"...They are not my sister! Stupid!" His stupid words fell, and Si Xiaobao nodded when he saw a man out of his light.

She turned her head and looked at it, thinking for a long time before she recognized the iceberg man!

Why do you always see him at weddings, and, "Hey, what are you nodding your head for?"

Gu Yi gave her a squint and told Si Shaozhe next to her faintly, "You're right!"

Si Shaozhe, "..."

Si Xiaobao, "..."

The brothers and sisters immediately stood on the same front, Si Xiaobao, "Only my brother can say that to me!"

Si Shaozhe nodded, "Yes, only I can bully my sister!"

Si Xiaobao looked back at Si Shaozhe, "Heh! You finally admit that you bullied me every day! Dad..."

As soon as his daughter acted like a baby, Si Chengyang next to him immediately glanced at Si Shaozhe, "Si Shaozhe, be optimistic about your son!"

Si Shaozhe met a daughter slave father, he only nodded!

After Si Xiaobao settled Si Shaozhe, he snorted to Gu Yi, his nostrils were going to the sky!

Gu Yi's cold eyes swept her face, and Si Xiaobao immediately shrank his neck without any kind of help.

Damn! I haven't seen this man for so long, and it's still so cold. She will definitely ask her godfather later if Gu Yi is his son who is living outside!

The two brides were put on the stage by their father and handed over to the bridegroom.

Langman's love music "If we are destined to be together" sounded slowly, "...If we are destined to be together, please hold my hand and don't give up..." The bride and groom kissed together, pushing the atmosphere again. climax.

Si Xiaobao narrowed his eyes with a smile. When can she get married? Will she marry their school grass in the future?


"Nympho!" A cold voice came into her ears.

Si Xiaobao immediately returned to his senses and looked at Gu Yi angrily. "I have a grudge against you? Why are you talking about me!"

Ignoring her anger, the man spoke in a hurry, "Are you sure I'm talking about you? Didn't you take the seat by yourself?"

Si Xiaobao almost spit out blood, "..."

Si Shaozhe had to look at the person who could make Si Xiaobao deflated.

This guy not only has good medical skills, has a good family background, and looks good...Well, the important thing is that he can hold Xiaobao, Si Shaozhe couldn't help but laugh...

On the stage, the host excitedly presided over the scene, Lou Muxi leaned close to Li Yang's ear, "Li Yang, thank you."

Thank you for spoiling me so much, thank you for giving me so much, thank you for fulfilling a woman's greatest dream.

The man curled his lips, "Why do you suddenly say thank you?"

"It's okay, just thank you!" She was embarrassed to express her feelings.

Li Yang leaned close to her ear, "Lou Muxi, I should thank you."

Thank her for coming to him and letting him know what love is and what happiness is...

Thank you Lou Muxi for bringing him Li Zhanqing and the baby in her belly.

"Thank me for what I did, I haven't given you anything!" She replied guiltily.

"Who said, Mu Xi, in fact, you are by my side and you are the best gift for me to bring yourself to me!"

Lou Muxi was moved again and didn't know the east, the west, the north and the south. Finally, she reacted, "No! We should thank my mother for this, she brought me to you!"

"Well, that's right!"

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