Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1414: Go through the resignation procedures

"Si-Xiao-Bao!" With a cold voice, Si Xiaobao and Dong Guorou helped each other to kneel on the ground without their legs weakening.

Gu Yi and Si Xiaobao face to face, ignoring her trembling, "Why are you here!"

Xiaobao muttered dissatisfied, "I knew this was your hospital, and I won't come to kill me!" This ice cube man, he usually takes a look at it. If he dares to speak, the surrounding three meters will not be frozen or frosted. .

Gu Yi's eyes were filled with anger, "So, was Chengyang Hospital closed down by Si Shaozhe?"

Hearing his slander of his brother, Si Xiaobao was reluctant and rolled his eyes, "What are you talking about! My brother is a genius doctor! How could the hospital be closed down? But you, your iceberg face, didn't take Yaocheng It's a miracle that all the patients in the hospital are scared away!"

Clever! A black line appeared on the man's forehead, "Then why don't you go to harm Chengyang Hospital, what are you doing here to harm Yaocheng Hospital?"

"Hey, cold wings..."

Gu Yi truncated her words coldly, "Call it again!"

"I'll just call! Cold Wings! Why am I harming me? This lady's qualification certificate will come down soon!"

Si Xiaobao's tricky and arrogant look caused Gu Yi to close his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were clear, "Come to my office!"

"I'm going to eat!" Is she stupid? She won't go!

The man didn't force her, he left a word, and walked to the office with his assistant, "Go and investigate who let her in!"

"Yes, Doctor Gu."

Assistant Jiang Yan took out his mobile phone and started making calls.

Si Xiaobao was anxious, and let go of Dong Guo Rou's hand, "Rou Rou, you go to eat first, I'm going to Huihui that ice cube man..." The more he said later, the less emboldened.

The ice cube man made a look, and she persuaded, how else to send it?

"Xiaobao, do you need to call Brother Shaozhe?" Dong Guo Rou was worried about her.

Si Xiaobao waved her hand, "I'll try it first."

At the last moment when the elevator door closed, Si Xiaobao forcibly opened the elevator and squeezed in...

Office of the Deputy Dean on the 36th floor

The office is large and bright. The important thing is that it is super clean. No matter the corner, the window sill or the countertop, it is all spotless.

Gu Yi placed the medical records prepared by the assistant on the desk, took off his white coat and hung it on the hanger, and then went to wash his hands.

Si Xiaobao thought for a long time before he took the initiative to apologize, "Doctor Gu, I'm sorry just now, I ran too fast!"

The man washing his hands did not speak and did not look back.

"...President Gu, your sir, regardless of the villain, let me go as a little nurse, will you succeed?"

"I was in a hurry, so I accidentally bumped you into it. Are you so caressing about it?" He couldn't help but stiffen by three points.

"Gu Yi! Just go ahead, what should I do before you will let me go!" He was fired on the first day of work, and Si Xiaobao could not afford to lose this person!

The faucet was turned off, and the man took the white towel in the disinfection cabinet to dry his palms, and threw it away in the small basket next to it.

He said abruptly, "What are wings?"

Si Xiaobao is a little dumbfounded, how do you explain this to him? If she tells the truth, she shouldn't be thrown downstairs by him?

His gaze came over, Si Xiaobao blinked and smiled happily, "It's nothing, but I like to eat chicken wings!"

"Don't tell me?" He picked up the phone...

Si Xiaobao accepted his fate and said, "I said! Wings are not just wings!"

...The office loves quietness, and Gu Yi leaned on the back of his chair and stared straight at Si Xiaobao.

She saw her scalp numb, "Gu... Gu... Gu..."

"I'm not your aunt!" He interrupted her stuttering coldly.

Si Xiaobao, "..."

"The purpose of coming to Yaocheng." He didn't bother to speak quickly with her!

Si Xiaobao blinked, his cheeks turned red in an instant. What does she want to say, is it for Rong Yue?

The quirky little girl was wearing a pink and white nurse's uniform, her cheeks flushed, letting the man's breath miss a beat.

"Can you...not answer?"

"Yes, go through the resignation procedures now!"

Si Xiaobao stirred his fingers and flushed, "I said, I said... After you said, don't tell anyone!"

How ashamed of her if it spreads!

Gu Yi snorted coldly, neither agreed nor refused.

Innocent Xiaobao said about his girl's thoughts like this, "I have a classmate...After graduation, Yaocheng Hospital worked, I want to... be with him every day."

Gu Yi's pretty thick eyebrows frowned slightly, she didn't need to talk about men and women, she could know what she thought by looking at her thinking of spring. Finally, he gave her a few words coldly, "How can you defile such a sacred place as a hospital and a sacred profession as a doctor? Go through the resignation procedures!"

Si Xiaobao's heart sank quickly, and the little daughter's shyness on his face turned into anger, "I said, why don't you let me go!"

"I have said that I will let you go after you say it?"

His question stunned Si Xiaobao, thinking about it carefully, it seemed that there was no.

He curled his lips aggrievedly, "I'm going, don't investigate, don't hurt other people."

Gu Yi raised his eyebrows, but he was still affectionate, "Want to leave?"

"It's not that I want to leave, but you want to drive me away, okay?" She was dissatisfied to correct him. Why was she so unlucky that she ran into him on the first day of work! Why don't you run into others!

"Who knows if you are a commercial spy sent by Si Shaozhe? The hospital is currently developing several important medical projects. Who knows if you came here to steal the formula? So, clear your suspicion before leaving!"

... Si Xiaobao swears that she has never hated a person so much!

She replied faintly, "Whatever you say!"

I would not have come if I knew it! I don’t want to stay now, I can’t leave if I want to... alas! She is so unlucky!

"Get out!" He drove people directly!

Si Xiaobao touched the tip of his nose and left Gu Yi's office.

In the restaurant

Dong Guo Rou put the food that he bought for her in advance and put it in front of her, listening to Si Xiaobao spitting out bitter water, "...You said that I only met him a few times and didn't offend him. Did you say anything about the medical project of Yaocheng Hospital, I just hehe, I have never taken care of my hospital's affairs, okay..."

"Eat first, hide from him later, and don't let him see you again. After a long time, maybe I will forget you!" Dong Guo Rou looked at Si Xiaobao anxiously. Xiao Bao was unlucky and bumped. Who is not good on it, but just hit the most impersonal Gu Yi!

Si Xiaobao swallowed the rice and nodded again and again, "That is, if I see him in the future, I will stay away. It will be no good if someone like me becomes too burdened by others!"

"You eat slowly, do you need me to call Shao Zhe? Shao Zhe and Dean Gu know each other?"

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