Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1420: I'm afraid I will mess up

Si Xiaobao was thinking about finding an excuse to leave the ward, ignoring that Gu Yi got up from the chair and picked up the syringe Xu Huan had prepared next to him.

Gu Jian felt that Si Xiaobao was very funny from the beginning, and he couldn’t help but want to say a few more words to her, roll up his sleeves and let Gu Yi draw blood for himself, chatting with Xiaobao over here, "Does your brother know you are coming?" ?"

"Know!" I came in thanks to my brother's blessing. Of course he knows! I just don't know who my brother found Yaocheng to open the back door.

Seeing Si Shaozhe's face, Gu Jian confessed, "Well, there is something here that you can go to Gu Yi at any time, you know?"

Gu Yi glanced at his second brother coldly, and refused, "I'm not free!"

Gu Jian, "... I said Gu Yi, can you not be so indifferent to girls? Beware of the bachelor!"

Si Xiaobao nodded unconsciously, yes! Gu Yi has the genes of Wannian Bachelor at a glance!

A cold light swept over, and Si Xiaobao was so frightened that his whole body stiffened by three points, and the thirty-six plan was the best plan! "Um, Gu... Brother, I still have something to do, let me..." After leaving, Si Xiaobao fainted suddenly without saying the words.

Dong Guo Rou heard the movement behind her and turned around and Si Xiaobao was already lying on the ground. She was so frightened that she could not take off her gloves, and hurriedly walked towards Si Xiaobao, "Xiaobao, Xiaobao, what's wrong with you..."

Gu Jian was also taken aback, but he broke his leg and couldn't get out of bed. He could only look at his brother, "Go and see what happened to Xiaobao."

Gu Yi quickly drew the blood, and calmly expelled the air from the needle, "You are anxious, go and see for yourself!"

Gu Jian, "..."

Dong Guorou looked at Gu Yi anxiously. When she saw the needle in his hand, she understood, "Doctor Gu, Xiaobao is dizzy..."

"..." As a nurse, he was dizzy! Gu Yi's face looked a little ugly.

When Si Xiaobao woke up, he found himself lying on a hospital bed in a ward, next to Dong Guo Rou with an anxious face.

Oh! She's fainted again...

Seeing her open her eyes, Dong Guo Rou quickly helped her up, "Xiaobao, Xiaobao, is there any discomfort?"

"No, why am I lying here?" The VVIP usually vacant ward does not allow staff to enter casually.

Dong Guo Rou explained to her, "After you passed out, Dean Gu took you and pinched you back."

Dean Gu? Gu Yi? Si Xiaobao was a little unbelievable, but, yes, even though the ice cube was a demon, he did the job of an angel.

Fainting blood is not a big deal. Si Xiaobao got off the bed, restored the bed to order, and left together.

As soon as they came out, Xu Huan told Si Xiaobao, "Xiaobao, Mr. Gu said you woke up and asked you and Rourou to take care of him."

"Me?" Si Xiaobao pointed to his nose.

"Yes, hey, I thought I had a chance to get close to the rich, but the opportunity has slipped away!" Xu Huan helplessly spread his hands.

Si Xiaobao waved his hand quickly, "Otherwise you go, I'm afraid I will screw it up!"

What she said is true. Although she is a nurse in name, she knows nothing. If you mess it up, it's not good.

Xu Huan patted her on the shoulder, "Go, good luck!" Then she leaned in the ears of Xiaobao and Dong Guorou, and quietly told them, "If you two get the old second child, marry After entering the rich family, don't forget to introduce me a rich second generation!"

Her words made the three women laugh, and Dong Guo Rou pushed his glasses. In fact, she and Xiaobao are both rich and powerful, and it is not rare to marry a rich again!

But she didn't say these words, Xiaobao hated trouble, so she helped her to hide it.

On the contrary, Si Xiaobao held Xu Huan who was about to leave, and told her sincerely, "Huanhuan, I'm really afraid that I might screw it up, go with Rourou!"

What's more, staying inside to take care of Gu Jian, you must see Gu Yi.

Xu Huan just wanted to go, and didn't insist too much, so he went to Gu Jian's ward with Dong Guo Rou.

The Gu family has three sons and one daughter, and the eldest Gu Zhenlang is a government official. The second child, Gu Jian, is the president of the company. Only the third child, Gu Yi, inherited the ancient medical skills and stayed in the hospital to work.

At this moment, Gu Jian was busy working with his notebook, and there were two secretaries standing beside him, constantly reporting on work.

After a while, Gu Jian looked up, looked at the two busy nurses, and said abruptly, "Where is Xiaobao?"

Xu Huan and Dong Guo Rou looked at each other, and Dong Guo Rou stepped forward and told Gu Jian, "Xiao Bao asked me to tell Mr. Gu that she is not skilled in business and she is afraid of causing you trouble, so she will go to work on something else."

Gu Jian smiled slightly when he heard the words, "It's okay if you are unskilled in business, aren't you skilled? Just let her come in and pour me tea."

This must be good, right?

I just don't know whether that girl Si Xiaobao will do this for him.

As if unable to refuse, Dong Guo Rou bit her lower lip, "I'll call Xiaobao over!"

When Dong Guorou found Si Xiaobao, she was preparing the medicines for Ward 1 at the nurse station. Seeing her, Si Xiaobao stopped talking about the hospital system, "Rourou, you are back!"

"Well, Xiaobao, you may not be able to hide, Mr. Gu must let you in!"

Si Xiaobao gave a sudden stop when he was pouring out the medicine, "Why?" She was really puzzled, obviously not familiar with Gu Jian!

"I don't know, I told him what you said, but people said that it's okay to be unskilled in business, let you go in and serve him tea and water!"

Si Xiaobao was speechless, "Isn't I going to serve the tea and pour water?" Forget it, just go!

As soon as the two people entered, before Si Xiaobao had time to speak, many people swarmed into the ward.

There is also an old lady with gray hair neatly coiled on top of her head, her body is a dark green fashionable suit, and her aura is particularly strong. She is being supported by Gu Yi close to Gu Jian.

Behind her, followed by a woman in dark brown fashion, who looked only in her forties. She went over and took Gu Jian's hand, "A Jian, why are you so careless, is there anything uncomfortable?"

Gu Jian shook his head, "Mom, it's okay, it's just a fracture."

Oh! It turns out that this woman is Gu Jian's mother, isn't that also Gu Yi's mother?

Thinking of this, Si Xiaobao looked at Gu Yi's mother twice, with the seriousness and fierceness of a strong woman on her face, but the look in Gu Jian's eyes became more distressed.

The old lady sitting by the bed didn't know what was going on, "Jianjian, what's the matter with you! Didn't you say you are going on a business trip? Why did you suddenly break a bone in the hospital?"

Cheap? Forgive the two little nurses for not holding back, they almost grinned!

Gu Jian is already a little anxious, but she is a grandmother, and can only helplessly remind her, "Grandma, how many times have I said this, can you call me that way?"

Mei Xiangwei glared at him, "It's not the first time to call you like this, you should be used to it."

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