Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1423: None of his business

Si Xiaobao followed him and said, "I understand this, leave it to me!"

"Okay, I thank you for my sister, Xiaobao." Rong Yue smiled at her slightly, and Si Xiaobao's heart began to float again...

"You're welcome, let's eat quickly!"


Back home, Si Xiaobao walked into the kitchen with his uneaten belly.

Dong Guo Rou went home today, and she was the only one left. Not only was she cooking, she took out a bucket of instant noodles and simply drew it.

The next day, Si Xiaobao ordered a new bag and sent it to the hospital.

When Xu Huan saw the bag, he looked at Xiaobao in surprise, "Xiaobao, why does this look so much like the latest model from the international big-name Fragrant Moer?"

Si Xiaobao put the bag in the cupboard, smiled and told her, "Know the goods!"

"Oh my god, this is at least 100,000 yuan, right? You bought it?" Xu Huan covered her mouth in surprise, and she had to look at Si Xiaobao again.

Si Xiaobao nodded, "Well, my friend's sister is celebrating her birthday."

This bag is indeed not cheap, two hundred and fifty thousand, but for Si Xiaobao, who has no concept of money, it is neither cheap nor expensive!

"Si Xiaobao, you are too tyrant! Oh my god!" Xu Huan looked shocked. A nurse had told before that Si Xiaobao entered the hospital by nepotism. But later, she didn't look like her character.

If you observe carefully, it is not difficult to find that Si Xiaobao should be a Bai Fumei.

Si Xiaobao laughed lightly when he heard the words, and told Xu Huan with a mockery, "What kind of local tyrant, it is my father and brother's money that lost, how can I have so much money!"

If it wasn't for her father and brother, how could she come to Yaocheng to chase handsome guys so capriciously!

Xu Huan patted her shoulder, "It's okay, didn't you just come out for an internship? After a long time, you will be self-reliant!"

Faced with her relief, Si Xiaobao smiled gratefully, yes! She will definitely try to live on her own in the future!

In order to celebrate his birthday, Rong Mo went to a five-star hotel to set up a table and called a dozen friends.

Si Xiaobao parked the car in the parking lot. Rong Yue was waiting for her at the entrance of the hotel. Seeing her coming, Rong Yue greeted her.

"Xiaobao, let's go in!"

"Well, have I been late..." Si Xiaobao's voice suddenly stopped because her hand was held by Rong Yue.

This was the first time that Si Xiaobao was held by a boy. When he was in school, although there were many good buddies, they were more gentlemanly. When needed, she pulled her wrist.

Rong Yue's hands are big, but because he is thinner, the joints are obvious.

Logically speaking, Rong Yue is already her boyfriend, but I don’t know why, but he can’t give her any feeling of heartbeat when he does this...

From the bottom of my heart, there will still be a trace used to it? Still disgusted? Si Xiaobao is also not clear.

They had just entered in front of them, and then another group of people came in. The man in the lead gave Si Xiaobao's back coldly, and he was sure and certain that he was right.

Si Xiaobao and a man came to the hotel, but... it was none of his business.

"Doctor Gu, please come inside!" The two men next to him nodded and bowed, and invited Gu Yi in a suit and shoes into the hotel.

Gu Yi nodded lightly in response, and followed the two hospital partners into a five-star hotel.

Rong Mo chose a five-star hotel because her current boyfriend is a small business. It was a banquet that my boyfriend spent money on.

Rong Yue brought Si Xiaobao to appear, causing Rong Mo to smile from ear to ear and greet him enthusiastically, "Xiaobao, come here soon!"

Si Xiaobao let go of Rong Yue's hand and walked to Rong Mo, "Sister Momo, happy birthday!" Then he gave the black bag that Rong Mo bought in his hand.

When Rong Mo saw the brand of the bag, he first covered his mouth in shock, and then was excited and wondered what to do!

Xiang Mo'er's bag! It's still a new model, at least two hundred thousand! Two hundred thousand, her annual salary is not so much!

Take a closer look at Si Xiaobao, there is no distress on her face with a bright smile, she really didn't see the wrong person! "Xiaobao! embarrassed... Oh my God! Xiaobao, you actually gave me Xiang Moer's bag..."

Rong Mo's words drew her friend's exclamation, and several women gathered around, all exclaiming that it was Xiang Mo'er's bag.

"Wow! It's really Xiang Moer's LOGO! This brand is too expensive!"

"I'm so envious and jealous, I really want it, it's the latest one!"

"Rong Mo's younger siblings are too rich!"


Si Xiaobao smiled slightly, and then said a little embarrassed, "The more I hear you say you like bags, but I don't know what type you like, so I picked the latest one. Sister Momo, don't mind! "

Why would Rong Mo mind? She is so happy to fly! She has never used such an expensive bag in her life!

"Xiaobao, my sister loves you so much! Come, come and sit down!" Rong Mo took Xiaobao to the left of her seat and sat down. On her right was her boyfriend Jiang Shuai, the young son of the president of the Jiang Group.

After Si Xiaobao sat down, he realized that there was actually... Zhang Suwei!

Rong Mo and Zhang Suwei also know each other?

Although puzzled, she did not ask. Rong Yue sat down beside her, Zhang Suwei sat beside Rong Yue.

There is always something wrong with this location arrangement, but Si Xiaobao still ignores it because Rong Mo is pouring her red wine.

Pour a full glass... Can she say that she has a bad drink? Can you say she gets drunk when she gets drunk?

Everyone stood up, clinked glasses, and said blessings, Rong Mo's smile kept hanging on his face.

Si Xiaobao took a sip of the red wine, and placed the red wine glass on the table with just a sip.

Rong Yue and Si Xiaobao didn't say a few words, but Rong Mo kept holding Si Xiaobao's hand and chatting happily. No one could tell that she liked Xiaobao very much.

Rong Mo's boyfriend Jiang Shuai carried a red wine glass and walked around Si Xiaobao, putting his left hand on the back of her chair casually, "Xiaobao, right?"

Hearing his voice, Rong Mo quickly introduced to the two people, "Xiaobao, this is my boyfriend, Jiang Shuai! Jiang Shuai, this is Rong Yue's girlfriend, Si Xiaobao."

"Oh, hello, Xiaobao, well, this name sounds so kind!" Jiang Shuai touched the red wine glass that Si Xiaobao put on the wine table.

Si Xiaobao reluctantly picked it up and clinked glasses with him, "Hello, Mr. Jiang!"

Jiang Shuai pretended to be dissatisfied, "What is his name, Mr. Jiang, how old-fashioned it sounds, screaming brother, we will cover the younger brothers and sisters in the future!"

If it weren't for the younger brother and sister behind Jiang Shuai, Rong Mo wouldn't be able to get off the stage, because Jiang Shuai's tone at the moment was extremely frivolous, as if he was playing with Si Xiaobao again.

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